Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I'd disagree about most "good" games having a name for themselves already... There's countless examples of the first or only iteration of a series being an excellent game and selling well.

I can point to 50,000 professional indie games per year for mobile platforms that do not break US$1000 revenue but have an average cost of US$9000 development.

For every one game that makes it on PC as a new franchise there are thousands that do not. You have better odds and better returns trying to be a POP star.
So basically, you think they're delaying the PC version to ensure they have bad sales and no option to make future games?

If i was a dictator like say north Korea then everyone on here would be getting both versions as simple as that but I am not so if you have a console and can not wait the 2 months, then for gods sake(Sorry OZ:lol) buy the game.

PS We are the true fans of the sport, cricket crazy but as Mike M said nuts here, so buy both I say.:thumbs
It's funny, I had no intention of getting the PC version. I was PS3 all the way.

But now, I can see myself in 6 months time, the PS3 is being used by the daughter and I'm bored, looking through what's on Steam. I think I would be inclined to buy it there as well. Clever strategy Ross, getting us impulse steam buyers. Haha

All in all, when was the last cricket game that was half decent and when was the last half decent cricket game on PC?

Suddenly 2 or 4 months doesn't seem that long to wait all things considered.
I can point to 50,000 professional indie games per year for mobile platforms that do not break US$1000 revenue but have an average cost of US$9000 development.

For every one game that makes it on PC as a new franchise there are thousands that do not. You have better odds and better returns trying to be a POP star.

If you sold say 700000 copies on console and just 8000 on PC Ross then your next move would be simple. Good luck with what ever happens.

PS I am looking forward to the 2 months between the console version and the better PC version for this forum, what I do after say a month after release I go missing from Planetcricket for ages but with a PC version coming and with a developer who listens on here, the excitement will be super.

So many threads(not threats but some of them too:lol) open with testing,bug report and things Bigant can add that are simple small changers.:yes
How am I playing the victim exactly? It's a fact, most console games do not get released on PC.

EVERY title you mentioned has sold well in the biggest gaming nation on the planet, the USA, Cricket will not sell well there. The Bottom Line is the bottom line, I want to sell as many units as possible, do you think I am picking on PC users with some sort of vendetta or personal attack?
You say most console games don't get released on PC, but the majority of the big "AAA" games do come to PC and the only really decent ones I can think of that don't are Halo, Red Dead, Naughty Dog's games and MLB The Show. There's bound to be more, but that statement easily goes the other way as well and is in fact more true... Most PC games do not get released on consoles.

It may not be a vendetta or personal attack, but it is a disrespectful view that you can't succeed on the PC platform due to piracy, it's almost like you've submitted to this fate already rather than trying to take it into your own hands with a solid strategy and smart pricing. Kind of so you can go "Oh well, we tried, let's kill it". Steam is a step in the right direction though.

Piracy isn't a PC exclusive issue, it's easier on PC of course but I'm sure that console game piracy is also rife in India. Neither console is difficult to play pirated games on.

It's hard to find info on, but that article from 2008 backs this up.
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If the game is as good as it seems to be, people will buy it regardless of the 2 month extra wait! As I understand it PC games have better graphics and can be modded etc so that will make up for it! You PC guys could be getting a better experience, instead of being bitter about console users getting it 1st, try to think "he who laughs last, laughs the longest" failing to support the PC version could result in the next DB not bein released on PC or worse not bein made at all! After all the feedback, suggestions and work in CA you PC guys have put in, surely you don't want that?
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lol poor Ross.

I (sort of) feel for you're the CEO of BA and have to stand by the decision like this that puts PC players offside. Who knows...maybe it was Tru Blu that said 'no pc for 6 months' and maybe it was you who said 'no, pc release on day 1'...and the compromise was 'okay 2 months after console is all you'll get' = DEAL. who knows...or maybe it was the other way around. Either way it doesn't matter now. (The 'sort of' is because I'm still disappointed because of the 2 month additional wait)

Either way, I'm very glad you're on here copping it from everyone but still standing up and taking it like a good leader should. Good leaders in this day and age are few and far between unfortunately. I just wish the CEO of EA, Activision and other big devs who produce garbage (BF4 is garbage in my books - I paid $100 so I'm entitled to call it garbage) would do the same instead of hiding behind PR people.

SO......everyone join with me and say YAY, we'll be getting DB14 on Steam in May!!! woooo hoooo. :thumbs

so what if the console versions get released earlier eh? PC is going to be the bomb!
You say most console games don't get released on PC, but the majority of the big "AAA" games do come to PC and the only really decent ones I can think of that don't are Halo, Red Dead, Naughty Dog's games and MLB The Show. There's bound to be more, but that statement easily goes the other way as well and is in fact more true... Most PC games do not get released on consoles.

It may not be a vendetta or personal attack, but it is a disrespectful view that you can't succeed on the PC platform due to piracy, it's almost like you've submitted to this fate already rather than trying to take it into your own hands with a solid strategy and smart pricing. Kind of so you can go "Oh well, we tried, let's kill it". Steam is a step in the right direction though.

Factually incorrect, most "AAA" games do not make it to PC. I do not understand why you maintain the comparison with games that are not in the same genre, budget or market.

If PC games sold well and did not cause issues then EVERYBODY would support them with every release. They do not, and that is all the evidence that is required.
Factually incorrect, most "AAA" games do not make it to PC. I do not understand why you maintain the comparison with games that are not in the same genre, budget or market.

If PC games sold well and did not cause issues then EVERYBODY would support them with every release. They do not, and that is all the evidence that is required.
Pretty much every big game that I've been interested in over the past few years has come to PC... Just off the top of my head there's Metro, AC, COD, BF, Bioshock Infinite, Batman, F1, Tomb Raider, Skyrim... I'll take your word for it that there are more console exclusive "AAA" titles than I had taken into consideration but most of the top games are on PC.

It really seems like there's a lack of enthusiasm or optimism from you with regards to the PC version of this game, and PC gaming in general. That in itself isn't very encouraging to me as a prospective customer.

I can see that you're not going to budge with your views so any further discussion seems unnecessary at this point.
He probably won't budge because he knows what he's talking's kinda his job

This isn't a AAA game. The comparison is moot.
If PC games sold well and did not cause issues then EVERYBODY would support them with every release. They do not, and that is all the evidence that is required.

Is piracy less of an issue in the UK or Australia say, than India for example? Or would you be likely to lose potential console sales to pirated copies of the game in the UK as well if they were launched simultaneously?

Just trying to get my head round it because if somebody cannot afford the PC version in India (where I gather piracy is the biggest problem) then they also wouldn't have money to buy the console version - they would unfortunately just wait two months for the cracked PC game.

I'm sure you have your reasons as you're clearly more knowledgeable about this than me :D but I'm just being nosy about the motivation behind the delay. As a PC gamer I can't say I'm not frustrated by the delay but can accept it as long as it is in the best interests of the franchise. I'll be buying a copy from Steam when it comes out :cheers
It really seems like there's a lack of enthusiasm or optimism from you with regards to the PC version of this game

Everything I'm reading from Ross' posts gives me the complete opposite impression? They're doing everything they can to make the PC version a success, as they know that will have the greatest impact on a sustainable franchise. And that sustainability is the reason for every decision they've made. Not sure where you're coming from.
I dont think its fair to say there's a lack of enthusiasm or optimism for the PC version when up til now we've had only PC betas!! It's obvious BA wanted to support the PC version, all the games you mention are big titles from big companies, who make millions from console games and can stand puting their games out on PC for less or even take a loss from pc sales perhaps, its ludicrous to expect a smaller company to do this, the fact there is a PC version at all considering most of the custom will be from console should be applauded not chastised.
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Everything I'm reading from Ross' posts gives me the complete opposite impression? They're doing everything they can to make the PC version a success, as they know that will have the greatest impact on a sustainable franchise. And that sustainability is the reason for every decision they've made. Not sure where you're coming from.
I'm probably being hyperbolic out of slight frustration at the post mentioning that a previous BA title was developed for PC and unreleased... I just don't really want to hand over my money to devs who will then ride off into the sunset and only make console games, and that seems like a very real possibility.
Is piracy less of an issue in the UK or Australia say, than India for example? Or would you be likely to lose potential console sales to pirated copies of the game in the UK as well if they were launched simultaneously?

Just trying to get my head round it because if somebody cannot afford the PC version in India (where I gather piracy is the biggest problem) then they also wouldn't have money to buy the console version - they would unfortunately just wait two months for the cracked PC game.

I'm sure you have your reasons as you're clearly more knowledgeable about this than me :D but I'm just being nosy about the motivation behind the delay. As a PC gamer I can't say I'm not frustrated by the delay but can accept it as long as it is in the best interests of the franchise. I'll be buying a copy from Steam when it comes out :cheers

The other issue is having the game re-exported out of India to the West.

There are guys in my office buying Indian PC versions of new Games for 1/4 what they would pay locally. The local advertisers, distributors, etc see none of that money.


I'm probably being hyperbolic out of slight frustration at the post mentioning that a previous BA title was developed for PC and unreleased... I just don't really want to hand over my money to devs who will then ride off into the sunset and only make console games, and that seems like a very real possibility.

Yeah, totally, not probably. We have stood behind every game we've made and made patches/DLC for most of them.

Riding off into the sunset like I'm a freakin bankrobber with your money. I'm making a game, you're going to see it and know all about it before I sell it to you, if you don't like it I expect you not to buy it but I don't expect to be called a thief. Save that for the other guys.
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