Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I can give exclusive review for PC members then:

Update: it's better than AC13 (and the game doesn't even exist :eek:)
Anyone on the DB thread saying they will wait before they buy this game are talking out their anus

You will be buying it no matter what utter crap you spill about waiting for a review and all that.

Never understood this don't wanna waste ?20-?50 on a game, an average night on the lash costs over ?30, a decent meal out the same, and that is one night.

A game can last years and the value for money can't be matched by anything else I can think of.

There is one reason only to stop me getting this game on ps3 then ps4.??

This is hands down the best post of the year so far, well done Lee and i am not joking. We send hours on here talking crap and waiting for any cricket game so the day this game get's release we will all go and get it.:thumbs

PS If you don't have a console then why not, they are cheap as hell this days. Well the older ones i mean.:thumbs
This is hands down the best post of the year so far, well done Lee and i am not joking. We send hours on here talking crap and waiting for any cricket game so the day this game get's release we will all go and get it.:thumbs

PS If you don't have a console then why not, they are cheap as hell this days. Well the older ones i mean.:thumbs

He must have read my post on Facebook.

"All of you people who are saying that you won't buy the game now are deluding yourselves. I know you are angry now but you will buy it because this is the only cricket game out there."
Like ? Reply ? 3 ? 23 hours ago
He must have read my post on Facebook.

"All of you people who are saying that you won't buy the game now are deluding yourselves. I know you are angry now but you will buy it because this is the only cricket game out there."
Like ? Reply ? 3 ? 23 hours ago

Sorry to burst your bubble

The only reason I go on Facebook is to have a perv up and to piss people off.

Bit like here without the perving part.. Cough..Cough...:spy
Sorry to burst your bubble

The only reason I go on Facebook is to have a perv up and to piss people off.

Bit like here without the perving part.. Cough..Cough...:spy

In that case, great minds think alike.:rolleyes
I go on there for similar reasons and to see how much drivel people are capable of writing.
Most of the rubbish written seems to come from a certain part of the world where people have taken the two month wait for the release as a personal insult.
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This is hands down the best post of the year so far, well done Lee and i am not joking. We send hours on here talking crap and waiting for any cricket game so the day this game get's release we will all go and get it.:thumbs

Speak for yourselves - some of us don't have the budget (plus don't drink) to buy games at a whim. Haven't pre ordered a game for years. Football is my main sport and didn't purchase Fifa 14 as the trusted reviews I saw didn't warrant it

In same way developers cannot afford to support me (i.e. release game for crazy cheap price), I cannot afford to support them unless the product warrants it. If you disagree, you disagree :p
Oh boy March is going to be brutal..Dark Souls 2, South Park SoT, MGS Ground Zeroes and now DBC14. Don't know if I will even have time for them all :[
Oh boy March is going to be brutal..Dark Souls 2, South Park SoT, MGS Ground Zeroes and now DBC14. Don't know if I will even have time for them all :[

All of those pale into insignificance for me compared to the beta of Elite Dangerous - Elite 4 in all but name - a game that's been fifteen or twenty years in the waiting.


You say most console games don't get released on PC, but the majority of the big "AAA" games do come to PC and the only really decent ones I can think of that don't are Halo, Red Dead, Naughty Dog's games and MLB The Show. There's bound to be more, but that statement easily goes the other way as well and is in fact more true... Most PC games do not get released on consoles.

It may not be a vendetta or personal attack, but it is a disrespectful view that you can't succeed on the PC platform due to piracy, it's almost like you've submitted to this fate already rather than trying to take it into your own hands with a solid strategy and smart pricing. Kind of so you can go "Oh well, we tried, let's kill it". Steam is a step in the right direction though.

Piracy isn't a PC exclusive issue, it's easier on PC of course but I'm sure that console game piracy is also rife in India. Neither console is difficult to play pirated games on.

Report: Microsoft scaling down 360 sales in India - GameSpot

It's hard to find info on, but that article from 2008 backs this up.

Oh dear, are we still leaning on the piracy issue, devs? As Madman said most AAA games are released on PC. Games such as all Call of Duty games, Mass Effect and Bioshock to name but a few. Stop going on about piracy, because that is no longer the issue especially with things like Steam.


Speak for yourselves - some of us don't have the budget (plus don't drink) to buy games at a whim. Haven't pre ordered a game for years. Football is my main sport and didn't purchase Fifa 14 as the trusted reviews I saw didn't warrant it

In same way developers cannot afford to support me (i.e. release game for crazy cheap price), I cannot afford to support them unless the product warrants it. If you disagree, you disagree :p

I agree.
All of those pale into insignificance for me compared to the beta of Elite Dangerous - Elite 4 in all but name - a game that's been fifteen or twenty years in the waiting.


Oh dear, are we still leaning on the piracy issue, devs? As Madman said most AAA games are released on PC. Games such as all Call of Duty games, Mass Effect and Bioshock to name but a few. Stop going on about piracy, because that is no longer the issue especially with things like Steam.


I agree.

Our point was that all the people who are saying that they won't buy the game because they are upset at the late release date, etc, etc, aren't being honest. It wasn't anything to do with them not being able to afford the game.
Of course they will buy DB. When they get over their disappointment of not getting an immediate release date they will see that their comments were made in anger. If you love cricket and gaming this is as good as it is ever likely to get.
Puzzling thing is cricket fans number in the several hundred millions. And with even 10% of them being gamers, cricket games should be aplenty.

Just like MLB, Basketball and other games.

But why the dearth in Cricket games? Cricket fans are that stingy? Don't think so. Piracy concerns exist for every single game. Pirates WILL pirate your game (even if it is FREE) and there is nothing you can do about it but accept it as a loss and move on hoping for enough legit sales.

Sure, skip countries like India where there is no regard for IP/law etc. but you will skip a HUGE market as well.
Putting a game on Steam will curb piracy quite a bit while offering people a chance to buy the game easier legally.

Still never understood why there are at least 2 highly successful Soccer franchises like PES and EA FIFA but NOTHING for Cricket.

EA Cricket 07 and IC2010 were FANTASTIC games, especially EA Cricket 07. Loved it a lot. I really was hoping to see EA Cricket 2009, 2010, 2011 etc.
Hell, make the same cricket game with few updates here and there like FIFA or Madden and I'll buy the Cricket game assuring sales from me.
Same reason I bought Ashes Cricket 13 as well. It got a poor review from me but I'm still happy with my purchase. Still play it now and then. It is playable somewhat.

Anyways, lets see how this game does. Everyone is waiting for ONE successful player to enter the market instead of cashing in on the opportunity to make a game in a barren cricket market.
I think and I am hoping that it will be the standard for years to come, due to its moddability (is that a word?). :eek:
When I played cricket I loved net practice and I love the free batting net practice which we were kindly given by BigAnt, and I keep going back to it because it is a great representation of the game in my opinion.

Would like to see BigAnt make a Rugby Union game in the future.
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