Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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the best thing about this thread is how people have called me an idiot all along, then the release date is announced and people are furious its not today. Unrealistic expectations.

Just imagine its February 2013 and you are getting it earlier than its 2013 release date!
Puzzling thing is cricket fans number in the several hundred millions. And with even 10% of them being gamers, cricket games should be aplenty.

Just like MLB, Basketball and other games.

But why the dearth in Cricket games? Cricket fans are that stingy? Don't think so. Piracy concerns exist for every single game. Pirates WILL pirate your game (even if it is FREE) and there is nothing you can do about it but accept it as a loss and move on hoping for enough legit sales.

Sure, skip countries like India where there is no regard for IP/law etc. but you will skip a HUGE market as well.
Putting a game on Steam will curb piracy quite a bit while offering people a chance to buy the game easier legally.

Still never understood why there are at least 2 highly successful Soccer franchises like PES and EA FIFA but NOTHING for Cricket.

EA Cricket 07 and IC2010 were FANTASTIC games, especially EA Cricket 07. Loved it a lot. I really was hoping to see EA Cricket 2009, 2010, 2011 etc.
Hell, make the same cricket game with few updates here and there like FIFA or Madden and I'll buy the Cricket game assuring sales from me.
Same reason I bought Ashes Cricket 13 as well. It got a poor review from me but I'm still happy with my purchase. Still play it now and then. It is playable somewhat.

Anyways, lets see how this game does. Everyone is waiting for ONE successful player to enter the market instead of cashing in on the opportunity to make a game in a barren cricket market.

It's not about the no. of fans supporting the game but about purchasing power of that fanbase. Soccer, MLB, NBA etc. has a target market in North America and Europe whereas cricket's generally more prevalent in subcontinent. Nearly 80% of the US population of 350-400 million can afford a video game but I dare say hardly 1% of subcontinent population can afford to do so. Unless this purchasing power imbalance is addressed cricket will not be backed by top publishers/developers such as EA, Ubisoft, 2K etc. will stay away.
the best thing about this thread is how people have called me an idiot all along, then the release date is announced and people are furious its not today. Unrealistic expectations!

Though you wanted to buy guitars & AC13 instead of DBC, for first time I guess you have made a valid point on unrealistic expectations.

Game's release date is purely chosen by their franchise & if we are not able to digest the day, lets assume that game is out only on June or July or whatever! No quality cricket game since 2009 for desktop users & waiting for 4 more months is not any bigger than the wait of 5 years!
January would have been a good release month but Feb offers nothing. March at least has the T20 World Cup, so I can understand the decision. Having said that though, the markets that are supposedly the biggest for the video game sales - Australia and England - won't care about it too much.

Any evidence to back this up?
Didn't aomeone from BAS post on twitter that next gen is getting ready to be released around june?

Personally, i will get the next gen only if there is a significant leap on graphics.
Sorry to burst your bubble

The only reason I go on Facebook is to have a perv up and to piss people off.

Bit like here without the perving part.. Cough..Cough...:spy

Now Lee please stop it now dude, I can't take it anymore dude.
What in the world is happening, Lee has posted two gems in a row.

I love facebook for this reason, see all the honeys I have known over the years. Some very closely and other I wish you know did. PS Glad my wife does not read this colourful forum.:facepalm

PS I think Zombie wants your throne dude so watch yourself dude.:spy


Speak for yourselves - some of us don't have the budget (plus don't drink) to buy games at a whim. Haven't pre ordered a game for years. Football is my main sport and didn't purchase Fifa 14 as the trusted reviews I saw didn't warrant it

In same way developers cannot afford to support me (i.e. release game for crazy cheap price), I cannot afford to support them unless the product warrants it. If you disagree, you disagree :p

If cricket is not your number one sport then you don't count Sir:p. PS Yes if some of the members on here have money problems I do understand, I have not always had money so easy.:wave


Common sense?

Now now Zombie, common sence does not Exist on this forum dude.:eek:
I feel a release near the world cup early next year would be perfect for this, no news for months I bet. Ross ? :spy
Lee1981 saying it how it is, since 1981.

What in the world is happening, Lee has posted two gems in a row.


You're both either naive or easily impressionable, or both.

Most people don't live in Lee's (allegedly) financially priveleged world. They can't throw 100 bucks around here and there. Try to put yourself in other people's shoes - it's not all about you.

Lee's not saying it how it is. Not by a long shot. In fact, to quote Biggs, he doesn't get it at all - and doesn't care to, either.

You're both either naive or easily impressionable, or both.

Most people don't live in Lee's (allegedly) financially priveleged world. They can't throw 100 bucks around here and there. Try to put yourself in other people's shoes - it's not all about you.

Lee's not saying it how it is. Not by a long shot. In fact, to quote Biggs, he doesn't get it at all - and doesn't care to, either.

I understand if some people can not afford say a new game if they did not have time to save up but we have known about this game fully since Oct 2012.
If you saved say $2 a week well you would have the money saved as simple as that.

Win Lee/79C 2 Oz 0.:clap
PS I agree with Lee, what has the world come to, god help us all a OZ.:lol
Speak for yourselves - some of us don't have the budget (plus don't drink) to buy games at a whim. Haven't pre ordered a game for years. Football is my main sport and didn't purchase Fifa 14 as the trusted reviews I saw didn't warrant it

In same way developers cannot afford to support me (i.e. release game for crazy cheap price), I cannot afford to support them unless the product warrants it. If you disagree, you disagree :p

We mere members of Planet Cricket know that this place is so lucrative that the Staff Members and Admins sleep on beds of money and take baths of Champagne - how stupid do you think we are, you can't fool us!

It's not about the no. of fans supporting the game but about purchasing power of that fanbase. Soccer, MLB, NBA etc. has a target market in North America and Europe whereas cricket's generally more prevalent in subcontinent. Nearly 80% of the US population of 350-400 million can afford a video game but I dare say hardly 1% of subcontinent population can afford to do so. Unless this purchasing power imbalance is addressed cricket will not be backed by top publishers/developers such as EA, Ubisoft, 2K etc. will stay away.

I have been close to getting EA across the line on Cricket but not close enough, it turns out the only publisher interested in Cricket was 505 and the CEO there was an English guy who was a real Cricket fan, because of Ashes 2013 my understanding is that they are not in the market for sports games any longer.

Making a cricket game is too risky for any publisher to fund, DBC14 would not have been made if we did not fund it ourselves.

Ross, I just have one simple request. Can you please tell me how much of the game's data would be on the DVD? Percentage would do.

*For PC*

Except for the Academy downloaded players and any patches/DLC that might become available a Disk would have 100% of the content. I do not have distribution details on the PC disk, they are yet to be pressed.

Big Ant/Tru Blu should probably up their direct role on Twitter though, even if they just set their facebook page up to tweet out their updates.

An official DBC14 twitter account wouldn't go astray either.

Agreed. Twitter and FB have been largely ignored and we need to do much better.

Well for them their winter sport which could be union, im not quite sure what they are into this time of the year.

It might be Autumn (not winter) in Melbourne in March but it's actually Spring/Summer elsewhere in the world, remember the Ashes was in July last year, the Melbourne winter and amazingly enough there was a lot of interest in it even though it was footy season :)


i follow this community and everything what Ross says from last 5 months. i am a PC user. waiting for long time Play this game. Obviously i can pay for it. i am a real fan of cricket. Ross every time release beta for PC but at the main moment, they decide release only for console. PC version after 2 months. main reason Piracy they acting Like GTA5. But they havnt idea GTA one of the most famous series in game history. i think don cricket hav no reason delay for PC. i am sorry. i want to say Ross Sucks.

So you want me to delay the Console versions until the PC version comes out, ok, I'll think about that* :)

*no I won't...
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Except for the Academy downloaded players and any patches/DLC that might become available a Disk would have 100% of the content. I do not have distribution details on the PC disk, they are yet to be pressed.

What about the day one patch? or would you expect that to be included in the PC Disk due to the later delivery time?
What about the day one patch? or would you expect that to be included in the PC Disk due to the later delivery time?

The PC version should be completely up to date without the need for a day 1 patch.
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