Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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will there be presentation after a match to give out the man of the match award please answer thanks guys
I thought the issue was they wanted to have a simultaneous worldwide release, however didn't have distributors in some regions. UK could have been one of these regions, especially considering AC13's main target market was the UK, wasn't it?


will there be presentation after a match to give out the man of the match award please answer thanks guys

:lol Gotta laugh at these questions.

For the 568,197th time, there are no man of the match presentation cutscenes, however there is text that states who the man of the match is.
I would be very surprised if by the end if next week something hasn't been formally announced, I would be very happy if the next issue of The Cricketer had a feature on DB14, if by the end of next week there hasn't been any news, I would be inclined to believe March isn't happening. I won't be panicking though, its got to come out sometime!
What a useless reply because you ignored the rest of the statement. You should've followed your own advice here.

Good one. Really effective. I didnt ignore the rest of the statement, I just didnt find anything worth while replying to. Anyway I am a grown lad and have my own opinions: I told my mother and she agrees, so I stand by it.
Would you listen to someone who said "I don't know anything about computers, but..." and then offered advice on how to fix your PC? Your post was exactly the same thing, so there's no point reading it. Its OK to speculate; but as soon as you say "I don't know anything" and then try to sound like an expert; then you're making yourself look like a bit of an idiot...

Don't know for someone who "doesn't know what he is talking about" he made some good points
I would be very surprised if by the end if next week something hasn't been formally announced, I would be very happy if the next issue of The Cricketer had a feature on DB14, if by the end of next week there hasn't been any news, I would be inclined to believe March isn't happening. I won't be panicking though, its got to come out sometime!

There are a couple of points you may want to consider...

1. This is the footie world cup year and if DBC 14 doesn't come out in March or April, it will need to be pushed back coz any marketing/advertising is going to drown in the World Cup hoopla given Aus & Eng are playing in the tourney.

2. The longer the game is pushed out, lesser the chances of the game being retailed at its regular price which is what Big Ant wants to do. I have already seen folks refusing to pay full price for previous gen console games (PS3 & X360) and even the newer releases are being discounted at a never before seen rate, at least in North America. Maybe folks in UK & Aus can let us know wheter similar pattern is emerging in their local markets as well.
i am fairly sure they didn't say they had anyone lined up, but it was implied that UK was part of their last year's release plans. though honestly i can't remember exactly either*, i think Ross kept fairly shtum about the UK release last year, although I do semi-recall him pushing back quite strongly on my assertion that Dec 26 didn't make sense for the UK.
My searching skills are severely hampered by the lack of ability to search for the term "uk". Could people start saying United Kingdom instead?

Here's the best I could find for Boxing Day:

Australia is easy, Boxing Day is a huge day for retail, one of the biggest of the year, especially with so many gift cards in the system, plus a boxing day test. It was indeed harder elsewhere.

And here's the best for in general:

We are thinking that it might be a way to limit some of the piracy in India [the preorder bonus.

It is definitely for UK, Australia, NZ, SA.
(posts from 2014)
We will be trying to hit all countries at the same time if possible. This does mean some countries would be holding stock and there is always the chance of a retailer breaking the street date and selling early.
Tru Blu want it in all territories otherwise it will be pirated heavily in the territories that it is not released in.
There are many other posts talking about a release in all the major markets to limit piracy, and Ross insisting that they wanted a simultaneous release.

Until MattW enables the ability to search for 2 or 3 letter words, this is the best I can get you. You could probably get better from a two minute flick through this thread.
There are a couple of points you may want to consider...

1. This is the footie world cup year and if DBC 14 doesn't come out in March or April, it will need to be pushed back coz any marketing/advertising is going to drown in the World Cup hoopla given Aus & Eng are playing in the tourney.

2. The longer the game is pushed out, lesser the chances of the game being retailed at its regular price which is what Big Ant wants to do. I have already seen folks refusing to pay full price for previous gen console games (PS3 & X360) and even the newer releases are being discounted at a never before seen rate, at least in North America. Maybe folks in UK & Aus can let us know wheter similar pattern is emerging in their local markets as well.

yup. if it's not out in march/april, i would say "DBC14" won't be released - it'll be in the Aussie Summer/before the Cricket World Cup as DBC15.

however, i would imagine that is an extremely remote contingency - say 5-10% chance and even that's probably pessimistic, and the vast likelihood at this stage is March release with the short-sharp tru blu model - so hopefully an official announcement and marketing campaign starting this week or next
stop making shit post to come in 3...2...1
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