Quick the link on the work "this" and it will take you to his post.
I wouldn't say it's a particularly helpful post for determining if the game itself will run - it was in the context of the one technical requirement that was mentioned by Ross about the Cricket Academy.
I would expand with the following suggestions -
CPU - it doesn't really matter much, games are rarely heavily CPU dependant. You'll need to have a dual core system, the clock speed doesn't matter that much. If your computer is generally slow, it will play games badly. If it is generally responsive in normal usage, you'll be fine.
RAM - 2GB should be fine, 4GB will be more than enough. Some people make the mistake of thinking you need piles of free RAM - forgetting that computers naturally use up the ram on caching what resources they think you will need, and can easily free that back up when you are running software that needs more of it.
Graphics - This is the most complex part.
Basically, it's hard to give a minimum specification - because the biggest issue is screen resolution. Even the newest of games will run on some fairly bad machines if you don't want to run at the native resolution of your screen.
Likewise, it's hard to say a blanket thing on the basis of model numbers higher than a certain point because some 'new' graphics cards are worse than other older ones.
My suggestion is to find out what graphics card you have - the previously mentioned
GPU-Z does that. Then,
go here and take a look for a benchmark of it. I would suggest a Passmark above 500 would be a good starting point - with it being more comfortable the higher up you get.
Big Ant seem pretty good for PC optimisation - AFL Live on PC has very low minimum requirements for the time, and I've tried to extrapolate the graphical improvements that DBC14 will have 3 years on to get a guide for where they might be.
General advice would be:
- Update your software. Turn Windows Update on, go to the website of the maker of your graphics card and use its model number to get the latest graphics card drivers. Luckily, Steam will force you to upgrade things like Direct X and the Visual C re-distributable when you run the game for the first time, but I would suggest seeking those out and installing them anyway.
- Upgrade your OS - If you're using XP, upgrade immediately. If you're using Vista or 7 I would strongly recommend the upgrade to Windows 8.1.
- Wait for the actual minimum requirements before trying component upgrades.