Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Nah, I think you have to have watched a lot of the show, as said, not a great game but is funny.
I've highlighted your problems and why this isn't a fair test...

Also; "dual core" + clock speed does not help with working out performance - a new i5 2.4Ghz could toast a 3+Ghz Core2Duo at least, perhaps some early i5s as well. Hell, the processor in my old MacBook Air (1.4Ghz i5; turboboost to 2.5? I think that was it...) is quicker than the one in my PC, and that's a Core2Duo that was pretty good for its time...

You want at least 4GB of RAM; ideally 8 for playing games. It won't help if you're running a 32bit OS (Windows 7 and after auto shipped with 64bit with 32 being an option; but before that you needed to go out your way to get a 64bit OS unless you had a Mac) but after that it should help. I'm not hugely knowledgable on video cards, but Nvidea cards are probably a cheaper alternative only if bitcoin idiots are buying up all of the ATI cards because of some weird feature in their GPU, so you'll get a better bang for your buck. If its a total update and you have the cash and case space, consider an SSD for the OS and Apps that you'd use - it probably wouldn't help with FPS but it just makes the whole computer run so much quicker that I couldn't go back to a PC with a HDD in it...

Ok bro I don't know where you're coming from with that but I highly doubt that increasing 6gb of RAM will improve his gaming experience in a significant way... And by the looks of it he probably uses this PC for gaming since he is willing to buy a PS3 in exhcange.... Plus how did you come up with nVidia being the "cheaper alternative"? ATI/AMD has always been the cheaper(therefore better) alternative plus a lot of them take less wattage out of your PSU than nVidia cards... nVidia is only better when you're doing enthusiast level of gaming...

The truth is this guy has a fairly decent rig that will perform better with a GPU upgrade... Plus SSDs cost a fortune...


I wanted to upgrade it a year ago but never knew what to do so I am waiting for game to b released and some reviews ..... than I am going to decide for buying ps3(after selling pc) or hd 5??? ....

I think you should just focus on upgrading your PC rather than getting a PS3 unless you go for a PS4 which is better than all other options...

And when you're buying an ATI/AMD card... just remember this...
In the four-letter model #:-
The first number(Xxxx) tells you when it released and what series its a part of(generally newer is better but not in all cases as they are unnecesarilly costlier)...
The 2nd number (xXxx) tells you what level of gaming you can do with it (i.e. your current card 4350 can do level 3 of gaming which is almost equivalent to any on-board video card)... This is the most important number in the whole model and i think anything with x6xx or x7xx in it will suit you PC rig... x8xx will only bottleneck it so no point in that unless you plan on upgrading your CPU also...
The 3rd number (xxXx) points mostly about how much memory, clock speed and other things this level of card possesses(anything below xx6x is low-level).
The 4th number tells you whether it's a card for desktops(xxx0) or laptops/integrated (xxx5)...

This is all you need to know about ati cards and remember do NOT buy cards according to their "memory"... even 2gb video-cards exist which are entry-level and won't give you any gaming at all...
remember do NOT buy cards according to their "memory"... even 2gb video-cards exist which are entry-level and won't give you any gaming at all...

This is a very good point (though I don't agree with the won't give you any gaming at all). I see a lot of people proudly showing off their cards based on the memory when in fact they are not as good as they look. A majority of them, as said above, turn out to be entry level which can be beaten by even 512 MB (mid/high) level cards.
I m new here plz give me a link.
What is signature here?

It's the bit that is below some people's posts. For aspirin, it is the bit that says: "PC requirements for DBC14 are not out yet, but you could refer to this post...".

Quick the link on the word "this" and it will take you to his post.
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It's the bit that is below some people's posts. For aspirin, it is the bit that says: "PC requirements for DBC14 are not out yet, but you could refer to this post...".

Quick the link on the word "this" and it will take you to his post.

Thanks Got it.
Also tell me that can we play with our created players in the nets or only as DB?
Haven't played the nets as I am waiting for the controller to ship..
The game does look fantastic.
Thanks Got it.
Also tell me that can we play with our created players in the nets or only as DB?
Haven't played the nets as I am waiting for the controller to ship..
The game does look fantastic.

You can only play with Bradman in the beta nets. You can change your player in the full game (I think).
Quick the link on the work "this" and it will take you to his post.
I wouldn't say it's a particularly helpful post for determining if the game itself will run - it was in the context of the one technical requirement that was mentioned by Ross about the Cricket Academy.

I would expand with the following suggestions -

CPU - it doesn't really matter much, games are rarely heavily CPU dependant. You'll need to have a dual core system, the clock speed doesn't matter that much. If your computer is generally slow, it will play games badly. If it is generally responsive in normal usage, you'll be fine.

RAM - 2GB should be fine, 4GB will be more than enough. Some people make the mistake of thinking you need piles of free RAM - forgetting that computers naturally use up the ram on caching what resources they think you will need, and can easily free that back up when you are running software that needs more of it.

Graphics - This is the most complex part.

Basically, it's hard to give a minimum specification - because the biggest issue is screen resolution. Even the newest of games will run on some fairly bad machines if you don't want to run at the native resolution of your screen.

Likewise, it's hard to say a blanket thing on the basis of model numbers higher than a certain point because some 'new' graphics cards are worse than other older ones.

My suggestion is to find out what graphics card you have - the previously mentioned GPU-Z does that. Then, go here and take a look for a benchmark of it. I would suggest a Passmark above 500 would be a good starting point - with it being more comfortable the higher up you get.

Big Ant seem pretty good for PC optimisation - AFL Live on PC has very low minimum requirements for the time, and I've tried to extrapolate the graphical improvements that DBC14 will have 3 years on to get a guide for where they might be.


General advice would be:
- Update your software. Turn Windows Update on, go to the website of the maker of your graphics card and use its model number to get the latest graphics card drivers. Luckily, Steam will force you to upgrade things like Direct X and the Visual C re-distributable when you run the game for the first time, but I would suggest seeking those out and installing them anyway.

- Upgrade your OS - If you're using XP, upgrade immediately. If you're using Vista or 7 I would strongly recommend the upgrade to Windows 8.1.

- Wait for the actual minimum requirements before trying component upgrades.
For aspirin, it is the bit that says: "PC requirements for DBC14 are not out yet, but you could refer to this post..."

There has to be something seriously wrong with my username :noway 95% of people address me with that spelling :p

it was in the context of the one technical requirement that was mentioned by Ross about the Cricket Academy.

Agreed, and hence I changed the text to read pass the first step because if that failed, CA just wouldn't start leave alone running smoothly. That said, your above post is more comprehensive and could be used to direct people asking for system requirements in future until the official word comes out.

Interestingly, my card had a passmark score of 290. I was expecting more given that it ran all the games that I have tried out so far without problems.
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