Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Be much better off getting a desktop computer not a laptop as you can upgrade it over time easily. If you buy a laptop within 4-5 years you'll need to buy another one...
Any particular reason why folks prefer PC/desktop over a console for gaming? You need to simply buy a console which is generally much cheaper than a gaming PC/desktop and you don't have to worry about upgrading the system or whether a particular game will play on it. Granted the games on consoles are priced higher but surely the amount you need to spend on the PC/desktop over its lifecycle to keep it updated offsets most of the cost savings. Plus nothing beats the convenience of inserting the game disc and knowing it will work just fine.
XXXXXXX text me here n plx do help......

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Suggest me one which will fit in perfectly and I will buy one
And I got the ram yesterday 2 more gbs but shopekeper said motherborad works only with ddr2 so cant go more than 4 gbs...
hi people here may be able to give you better specific suggestions if you can post more info about your rig like motherboard model, etc, a cpuz screenshot will give the required info, also your os.
Any particular reason why folks prefer PC/desktop over a console for gaming?

For me its (in no particular order):

  • Games look/play much better on PC
  • More of a keyboard guy
  • Modding
  • Trainers
  • More flexibility
  • Ease of upgrading
  • Cheaper to buy

Also, I don't agree on upgrade being heavy on the pocket. Even if upgrades are done on an yearly basis, the cost of it would be manageable.
Any particular reason why folks prefer PC/desktop over a console for gaming? You need to simply buy a console which is generally much cheaper than a gaming PC/desktop and you don't have to worry about upgrading the system or whether a particular game will play on it. Granted the games on consoles are priced higher but surely the amount you need to spend on the PC/desktop over its lifecycle to keep it updated offsets most of the cost savings. Plus nothing beats the convenience of inserting the game disc and knowing it will work just fine.

Its a huge topic that has never ending discussion.Some points why PC is better than console.

1.Performance, Its always better on Pc with the right rig.
2.Graphics goodies, high res,DX11 or whatever the latest thing going on,better AA.Games almost always look better on pc.
3.Mods, Unofficial patches and community support, thus extending lives of games far beyond official ones like in Kotor2,Vampire bloodlines.

I would say if you are techie with computer know how or a DIY person with interest in PC, Then PC is always going to give you better value and quality for money.Putting together a decent gaming PC isnt that hard if you are willing to do a bit of research or get a friend with the know how to do it for you.However you will always run into small issues like getting the proper drivers or doing a few tweaks to get certain games running, but the end result is always worth it.

If you are some one who just wants to game relaxed on a couch not bothered with researching and getting various components to game, then console is the way to go.Just plug n play.
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Will quantum vibration gamepad works? Please tell.
i guess its a local controller, if it has the analog stick, it should work fine, but it will lack the finer power control on shots offered by triggers.My recommendation get a xbox controller or a logitech one like F310 as they will give you better gaming experience and also last better than the cheap models, which will get faulty quickly and you will have to keep getting them.
i guess its a local controller, if it has the analog stick, it should work fine, but it will lack the finer power control on shots offered by triggers.My recommendation get a xbox controller or a logitech one like F310 as they will give you better gaming experience and also last better than the cheap models, which will get faulty quickly and you will have to keep getting them.

Yes its a local one. Xbox controller is awesome but it is expensive for me as I am not a hardcore gamer.
well they got 20 days to release this game.
hope it does release this month..can't wait any longer.
I am keeping my ps3 just for this game.
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