Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I just can't see why someone would sell a console right now - they are worth next to nothing with all the other people who have done that and the general price cuts.

Just keep it and find the extra $50 that you'd get from a trade in now.
There's not one title on any of the next-gen consoles worth buying an entirely new console for. Until you've got a GTA or other major franchise blowing us away (Maybe Watch Dogs?) as Matt says, you're money is best saved for other things. All of the titles on PS4 are simply up-sampled versions of PS3 titles*. They look slightly prettier, but not worth the investment on new hardware. Basically, like "3D" films... you're a sucker if you think you're getting a better experience.

...for now.

The idea that someone would be getting rid of their console because DBC14 hasn't released yet, is insanity in the membranity.

*I'd even wager a bet that there's no titles on the market yet that were exclusively built on dev kits for these new products are, basically, souped-up versions of PS3 dev-kit built games. Maybe, again, titles like Watch Dogs but I think the surefire sign that developers aren't 100% on their games yet is the simple case of them releasing the exact same game on both PS3 and PS4 discs. Until there's an exclusive title, it's not worth the upgrade.
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There's not one title on any of the next-gen consoles worth buying an entirely new console for. Until you've got a GTA or other major franchise blowing us away (Maybe Watch Dogs?) as Matt says, you're money is best saved for other things.

The idea that someone would be getting rid of their console because DBC14 hasn't released yet, is insanity in the membranity.

And funnily enough, Watch Dogs is getting absolutely destroyed online at the moment for what appears to be a severe downgrade in visual quality since it was first shown off at '12 E3.

I'm keeping my PS3 for the same reasons I still have my PS2 and N64. There are still games I want to play (GTA V, DBC14, revisit old games), plus the trade in value is complete shit
Exactly. Nobodies buying PS3's at the moment either, they're a dime a dozen and if you're doing a "Trade In" deal you're taking a suckers bargain.
lol same here, although my xbox 360 died a few weeks ago (red ring of death). There's nothing worth upgrading for at the moment. I play fifa 14 on PC so the graphics are quite good anyway.
I still have my original XBOX and I love busting out KotOR I and II out, rather than on my PC. There's something wonderful about playing on the old console I enjoy... it also helps I had that machine hacked and can run a whooooole bunch of awesome nintendo games on it ;)
...if this forum is any indication, there's always a fool out there. He and his money are easily parted #onshittycontrollers
What's a topic? This is Biggs' blog, right?


Agreed, love working on the systems but there's no "killer app" yet that compels people to buy them.

Maybe Infamous: Second Son?
....Oooh, that's definitely new isn't it? This must be the exclusive stuff they had done a few weeks ago?
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