Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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ross would the wickets fly if a bowler hits it hard like in brain lara 2007 or stay still like in international cricket 2010 if it does then it would amazing ross please do reply.

Have you followed this game at all? Or do you just complain about the release date? This is on the first page of results when you image search the game.

Have you followed this game at all? Or do you just complain about the release date? This is on the first page of results when you image search the game.

thanks very much sorry forgot about that thanks
You know a date's been set, knowing that date now or in the next 24 hours will not make the game come sooner.... I doubt it will remedy any of the "crazy" either.

It's 1.45am here - doubt I'm going to get the call that the Press Release is OK to go.... some people have lives, some even sleep.

:lol:lol:lol well said....
Why do people seem to think that by asking when's the release date for the 9,867th time that it's going to get Ross to release the release date. Argh It's doing my head in seeing every 5 posts out of the blue "When's the release date". Maybe if I ask twice in 1 post @Ross will tell us the date. Here goes:
When's the release date?
When's the release date?
As ross told us the release date vl be announced maximum by today ...he gave d time limit 5pm its 4.30 now half an hour to go.....ross wer are you??
Any danger of posting something other thank asking for the release date?
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