Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I wont say this year is out of question just yet. I remember Ross said people will know the release date by the end of November. That would mean this week. I expect some sort of announcement this week.

Ross is still here and still active on the forums. I think if he had something to hide he would not have been here. Hopefully we get the release date this week with a release this year.

Ross sounds like somebody who does what he says and he is not hiding or anything. The only reason he is keeping the date quiet is probably because of the opposition. They are literally going head to head. I think if Ashes announced a month ago that they would not be bringing out a game anymore, Ross would have told us the release date long ago.

Anything he tells us the competition will also know so he has had to be careful.

I am not suggesting Ross has anything to hide, he has always been straight with us and turned out to be completely right when he warned several months ago that the Ashes game would first be delayed, then when it was released total rubbish. I'm just saying that other factors might have had an impact on Big Ant's release plans. For example, we were once told that the game was due to be out 'before October' but the delay to the Ashes game meant that did not happen. So I'm thinking with such little time left in this calendar year that a 2013 release might be ambitious too.
Ross is modifying a post, wonder if it is this one? ;)
He could be editing anything though, just thought it was interesting :)

Turned out it wasn't this one! False alarm
This is where I will announce the release date of Don Bradman Cricket 14 - I will edit this post. The game will be here in 2013.

* Update: World Premiere of Don Bradman Cricket 14 to be held on Thursday 7 November 2013 at EB Games Swanston Street Melbourne Victoria Australia. Time 12 - 4 pm

Come play Don Bradman Cricket 14 with MikeM, Ross, HBK, and a host of other Big Ant Studios staff who will also be there to catch up for a chat

Recording devices welcome :)

(The game will be here in 2013.) this qoutoe makes me happy every time....

Australia has the highest standard of living in the world, and arguably the strongest economy.

You must love making silly facts up. Northern Europe has the highest standard of living and not even close to the strongest economy. Brazil for instance is stronger. Also consider the AUD against the Pound Sterling which is stronger?

In Fact Australia is now one of the most expensive places to live 3rd on the list in fact.

We have a system of government where there is an opposition, who's prime responsibility is to question and challenge pretty much anything the government in power wants to do. This leads to accountability, and ensures that whatever is enacted is done in the best interests of the Australian people (usually). If the people dont like it, they can vote the government out.

Like every other western country so what's your point?

Btw I live in Australia
Hey, newly registered to planet cricket but been following these threads for months, just wanted to say thanks for the constant updates about where everything is at with db14.been showing all my mates vids and screen shots etc. Top stuff! Wrote my wife my christmas wish list today...guess what the only thing on it was?

Please santa, I've been good!?!
Just 4 more days for Ross to announce the release date if plans not changed[Hope so]....So let's be patient till then....And even Ross has said he will notify us if there are any changes...:cheers
CPU vs CPU games possible?

I sim games a lot while I work on my laptop and like to view CPU vs. CPU matches, which is possible on IC10 (although the spinners are far too good, something I have never been to fix, despite lowering their ratings)

Is this facility possible in DBC14?

Im guessing next year now.:(

I'm gonna come off the fence and say "no way, no way is AC13 coming to consoles, and I am about 99.9% certain there will be no retail PC release."

and on that basis, providing the deal can be done with retailers in time, I'd still expect to see DBC next month.

i think by the end of this week, AC13 will have been pulled from steam, and DBC will have been announced for say, 12 Dec in Aus and UK at least.
I'm gonna come off the fence and say "no way, no way is AC13 coming to consoles, and I am about 99.9% certain there will be no retail PC release."

and on that basis, providing the deal can be done with retailers in time, I'd still expect to see DBC next month.

i think by the end of this week, AC13 will have been pulled from steam, and DBC will have been announced for say, 12 Dec in Aus and UK at least.

That too is my opinion, or at least what I hope will occur :D
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