Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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There is nothing wrong with a fair comment however look at it this way buddy!

How many cricket games you can say are genuinely good to play? To me apart from BLIC99 no other game is even close to what cricket itself is.

Here we are after 14 years yet waiting for a decent cricket game, even in today's day and age cricket games have just gone down periodically. Ashes 13 is a big example.

I am not saying that DBC14 is going to be a great game, however i have played RLL2 and i enjoyed that game to the bits, i still play till date.

Given the resources that BigAnt have at their sleeve, i think they did pretty well with Rugby League Live 2. Second thing that you have to look is what this cricket title is providing against what we had in the past!

1. Career mode ( We as cricket gamers have been crying for this feature) and only bigant have managed to implement. Trickstar have worked on 5 cricket titles yet they have not managed it once in their stint of 6 to 7 years.

2. Online saving mode, everyone knows how big is that in terms of online test match play.

3. Different bowling batting and very interesting fielding concept. No one can deny that BigAnt have taken a massive risk here.

4. The most important of all the Cricket Academy which has bought new dimension to the cricket game it self. It is amazing and pretty well placed.

To me it does not make a difference when the game releases only because BigAnt knows what's best for them and i want to franchise to do great and be a major success to built upon already an massive list of features.

Fifa football franchise took nearly a decade to be where they are, and that is because of the amount of money that is involve. Fifa soccer can release any time and will make money because it is a massive franchise, and DBC14 does not have that liberty and they require it to be the best possible timing to maximize the sales and make enough profit to get a sequel out.

It's a great start and here hoping BigAnt all the very best.
Calling me a "dick" and a "troll" is not exactly an example of being "decent".

This forum is not owned or run by Ross and I suggest you have a close look at some of his responses to understand how biased you are being. He is frequently highly offensive towards people who even mildly question him.

I am simply explaining my point of view and providing some links to information that may be of interest to forum members.

For example, here is a review of AFL Live by gamearena - AFL Live Review - Game Reviews - BigPond GameArena and a review of Pirate Blast Pirate Blast Review for Wii: Pirate Blast Isn't A Blast - GameFAQs both by Bigant.

How much evidence would you need to persuade you that Bigant's games are usually mediocre? And given that, is your massive enthusiasm and that of a very small number of others on this forum actually justified?

may I respectfully suggest that you stop telling other people how to think and what to believe. There are issues with Bigant as there are with every games developer and pretending otherwise is not going to convince everybody of how great this game is.

Is there anything wrong with fair comment?

Fonz to be honest i wish you and Ross could just be friends:p and we could get back to well nothing, more waiting for the day the release date will be released to us and the public.
A simple question. do we have a 2013 release ??? please provide a non diplomatic answer. humbly
Calling me a "dick" and a "troll" is not exactly an example of being "decent".

This forum is not owned or run by Ross and I suggest you have a close look at some of his responses to understand how biased you are being. He is frequently highly offensive towards people who even mildly question him.

I am simply explaining my point of view and providing some links to information that may be of interest to forum members.

For example, here is a review of AFL Live by gamearena - AFL Live Review - Game Reviews - BigPond GameArena and a review of Pirate Blast Pirate Blast Review for Wii: Pirate Blast Isn't A Blast - GameFAQs both by Bigant.

How much evidence would you need to persuade you that Bigant's games are usually mediocre? And given that, is your massive enthusiasm and that of a very small number of others on this forum actually justified?

may I respectfully suggest that you stop telling other people how to think and what to believe. There are issues with Bigant as there are with every games developer and pretending otherwise is not going to convince everybody of how great this game is.

Is there anything wrong with fair comment?
Considering you're almost always pestering or verbally assaulting Ross and clearly have not read all the info he has given, I would say he is well within his rights to be "highly offensive" towards you. One could say he gives as good as he gets...

As for those game reviews...AFL Live was severely limited by the funds they had available after purchasing the licenses and so could not put everything they wanted into it or fine tune it properly as they would have been given a set time-frame to develop and release the game by the AFL and their publishers (TruBlu). As far as Pirate Blast goes, there are very few remotely decent games on the Wii anyway besides the ones you can use during parties such as Big Beach Sports.

Check the videos and info again, there are so many features in this game its impressive. And this has been 4 years in development not an (admittedly) rushed game like AFL Live. Don't dismiss this game before its even out because it will be the best cricket game ever and you will be left with egg on your face after all this negativity. Saying that NoLeName is trying to tell you "what to think" is absolute rubbish, he like myself looks to be asking you to stop being a prick and wait until the game is out before being excessively critical or better yet if you have no intention of buying it GET OFF THIS FORUM.

You have been anything but fair this whole time, if you pointed out things that didn't look right in a pleasant manner I guarantee Ross would have been perfectly willing to listen to your suggestions/criticisms, but because you have gone about it in a nasty and negative manner everyone has had enough. I don't know about yours but my mother always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, then I should keep it and my attitude to myself.

So I ask again, reserve judgement until the game is released and you've given it a decent play over a couple of weeks. Then if there are things you feel need work I'm sure Ross would be happy to listen to suggestions for game patches and future iterations. And if you do not intend to purchase the game and are just here to be a nasty little troll, then do us all a favour and please stop passing comment on things you clearly have little to no understanding of.
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Let's put a lid on the name-calling please.
I'll also repeat what I've said time and time again which is that Ross is nothing but polite and respectful towards people who:
a) don't re-raise issues that have been explained ad nauseum
b) post in a respectful way

The issue is almost always not what you say but the way you choose to say it.
Let's put a lid on the name-calling please.
I'll also repeat what I've said time and time again which is that Ross is nothing but polite and respectful towards people who:
a) don't re-raise issues that have been explained ad nauseum
b) post in a respectful way

The issue is almost always not what you say but the way you choose to say it.

Bigant is a human being like all of us.

He occasionally makes mistakes, and should be willing to accept criticism as well as dish it out.
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I would like to believe that thefonz is actually Ross' bitterly estranged wife exacting petty revenge by posing as an 11-year-old Internet troll with limited reading comprehension.

I don't know why, but I keep coming back to this thread. It is like a train wreck happening outside my window. It is horrible, but I can't take my eyes off it.
Don't really get it why folks get on 'thefoz' or anyone else's back for that matter. If you don't like his comments, don't bother commenting. But to say he, or others, go away or to call him names is a bit hypocritical I am afraid.

It's pretty simple... let the mods do their jobs and if you don't like something, stay away.
mattw why is my post deleted
i havn't broken any of barmy's commandments
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Considering ..200 more ridiculous words.

Not sure why my response to this was deleted but I think I ought to have right of reply as it is so highly abusive.

This is a ridiculous depiction of me and should give people an idea of what sort of people associate with Bigant.

Oh yeah, you're a bigger dickhead than I am.
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An interesting Read on Trolling
Trolls LOVE to prey on the self-proclaimed moderator. In fact, they often say things with the sole intention of working up the self-righteous "Carebear". You can bet the troll has subscribed to this thread and pulled up a seat with his popcorn and soda. This is clearly just another way of baiting the troll.

When you see a forum troll in action, don't try to argue with him, don't try to prove him wrong, don't try to make everyone get along- just ignore it. The more you ignore the troll, the more he will try to bait you but don't fall for it.

The forum troll is a bit like that withering houseplant you forgot to water and put in the sun. Leave it alone long enough and it will wither and die... give it one drop of water and suddenly, it's clinging on for dear life once more.

It's tempting to reply, especially when the forum troll is pushing all of your buttons. It's a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse where the troll almost always comes out victorious. As difficult as it may be, don't do it people- don't feed the trolls!

For More
Forum Trolls and the People Who Bait Them - Yahoo Voices -
An interesting Read on Trolling
Trolls LOVE to prey on the self-proclaimed moderator. In fact, they often say things with the sole intention of working up the self-righteous "Carebear". You can bet the troll has subscribed to this thread and pulled up a seat with his popcorn and soda. This is clearly just another way of baiting the troll.

When you see a forum troll in action, don't try to argue with him, don't try to prove him wrong, don't try to make everyone get along- just ignore it. The more you ignore the troll, the more he will try to bait you but don't fall for it.

The forum troll is a bit like that withering houseplant you forgot to water and put in the sun. Leave it alone long enough and it will wither and die... give it one drop of water and suddenly, it's clinging on for dear life once more.

It's tempting to reply, especially when the forum troll is pushing all of your buttons. It's a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse where the troll almost always comes out victorious. As difficult as it may be, don't do it people- don't feed the trolls!

For More
Forum Trolls and the People Who Bait Them - Yahoo Voices -

Oh the irony! :rolleyes
An interesting Read on Trolling

From wikipedia
Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation.

Bigant automatically calls anyone who questions him a troll.

That is ludicrous.
Honestly; there is an argument is being critical anything we see about the game. Not in terms of "look at thing in negative light all the time", but in terms of "looking at the game from an objective perspective at all times". It does seem like there are some on this forum who would react the same way they react to the Fonz's posts to someone saying "This doesn't quite look right: x is wrong" to something genuinely wrong in the game. That does no one a world of good - as soon as you start shunning contrary opinions and become a one-view circlejerk; then the community starts to die because a continual "me too!" thing is really boring to post in, yet its what some want. That's why people screaming for the mods to ban people like the Fonz are wrong; because he's not actually breaking the rules, just expressing an opinion that you don't like in a very open way. Start to ban people for that, then you set a really awful precedent. That's not to say that "moderation is bad" - but its designed to enforce the rules, and "Don't say things that we don't agree with!!" thankfully isn't one of them; yet "Don't attack other members" is, which is something that some need to remember - "Your opinion is wrong and here is why" is OK, while "I hope you die in a fire" is not.

We're all best-served by a community that values the views of the minority, and if you start trying to silence them, then I find it kills the whole forum going experience. It also helps the final development of the game as well - without an open, critical perspective, the final game might not have nets, or the "be-a-pro" career mode! If we didn't allow people to go "here is a better way of working", then the game would be objectively worse. Also; no one should talk about how good the game is unless you've actually played it. I trust Matt, so I think its going to be fun; but you can't talk in facts if you haven't got any.

I do think its also important to read posts and admit when you're wrong; which too many people refuse to do, even when presented for facts and reasons for something. This is a big problem in the world IMO; the whole "this is my opinion, and even if its factually wrong I'll defend it to the end of time" thing which is the reason why creationism is a majority opinion in the USA. This goes for all in this debate. Also; going for the "you're a troll!!!" thing is the most boring way of dealing with someone, because it just means that you can't defend your side of the argument.

Going back on-topic (for the first time in 100 pages), I'm looking forward to the game and hopefully it will be very good, so when's the release date? ;)

(This is the requisite gif to use in responce to this post)
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