Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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thanks for the sarcasm. I didn't realize a guy can't say anything here without getting flamed by people like you. It must be a very sorry life you live mate. I'm just as excited as anybody else with this game. maybe you should learn some manners.

It was more to do with the fact that the question you asked has been answered dozens of times. Ross said that Santa's punishment will be coming to an end soon (not in those words), so there will be another update, but there won't be bowling.
It was more to do with the fact that the question you asked has been answered dozens of times. Ross said that Santa's punishment will be coming to an end soon (not in those words), so there will be another update, but there won't be bowling.
I'm sorry but I seriously missed any such comments. But he could've phrased his answer better. Like you did. What's the price of attempting to be a bit considerate, right?
Santa has actually already been removed - done without an update if I'm not mistaken
Damn. I downloaded both updates but was only able to play about 30 minutes of the first and 2 minutes of the second. There goes my chance of 1000.
Santa has actually already been removed - done without an update if I'm not mistaken

I just noticed that - must have been set up to only be there for certain dates. I imagine if you set your computer date and time back he'd be there again if anyone really really wanted to play with it like that again. Just a guess though.
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Trouble with Santa was that it made you premeditate the shot rather than play the ball on its merits. Nice touch for Christmas but happy it's away.
My best moment was knocking leg and middle stump at bowlers end out of the ground i successive deliveries

I managed to hit the stumps at the other end 3 balls in a row at one point - really got to get out of that habit, haha! I think that's part of the problem with the nets, I find myself mostly trying to hit the ball forwards. Really looking forward to trying Match Practice and trying to exploit the field in all directions.

The wow moments for me are mostly when I'm convinced I've got the shot lined up perfectly and half a second later, the ball's nipped through and smashed into the stumps. Really get that feeling of finishing the stroke and wondering what on Earth's just happened, haha! I love that, but I hope I don't feel it too much in-game!
I was half expecting to see Santa replaced by the Easter Bunny today. Coles already have hot crossed buns on the shelves.. :facepalm

* Yes, we bought two dozen already.. love hot crossed buns!
I'm disappointed Ross didn't take up my suggestion for a Santa replacement.
Time... it's all about time... and patience ;)
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