Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Agree with MattW, total bullshit strategy. No box version of PC means no sales in India (cricket crazy nation). Cricket games are mostly played on PC in India. Expected it to be a good friday, which has turned into a depressing friday. Disappointed..:facepalm
Well, time to remove the XBOX from the closet. I hope it still works fine, been a while since I last used my XBOX. Oh well, looking at the brighter side (only for Asians :p), Steam allows regional pricing which means people in India, Pakistan will likely get the game cheaper.

Does it look like this? You may have issues if it does.


A book, jigsaw puzzle or a girlfriend?

EB doesn't really sell any of those though.

My girlfriend is away at the moment... hence the need for a distraction.

Although, when she gets back she'll be too busy playing Tomb Raider and the 13 year old daughter will be playing Bioshock Infinite.

So I'll still need something to entertain me :lol
This is fine for me overall as I wanted to buy it for PS3 first and steam is perfect too.

I hope that CA Beta on PC will run fine and we can use our teams on PS3 and Xbox ??
does steam curb piracy ... i do see a lot of pirated steam versions on torrent sites !
don download them though !

i think its a move just to maximise their sales till piracy comes in !

Releasing on pc later, regardless of steam, means that people tossing up between pirating a pc version or buying a console version may do the later. That's why they stagger the release. The steam protection adds a bit more protection too, but as you said it isn't perfect.
You can buy it on 31st March if you like.

You are right but I expected a correct date and pre order info and countries it will be released....Sorry man....All the Best with the release and hope the sales exceeds your expectations... :cheers:thumbs
Does it look like this? You may have issues if it does.



Lol, last time I played on it was quite a few months back. Was playing GTA V, so I am hoping it's not one of these :p
Pretty ridiculous for a game that was supposedly complete by June-July last year to be delayed by 10-11 months. But it is what it is i guess, end of March, lets see how it goes.
To all of the people who feel disappointed by the staggered PC release, remember that; by decreasing piracy and increasing sales for DBC14, there is more likely to be a DBC15 etc. surely as fans of cricket gaming, a 2 month delay to have a well made and playable cricket gaming series is worth the wait?
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