Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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And there we have it:
- Developed on PC and yet left for a couple of months later than the consoles - just to avoid PC piracy, no doubt.

- The game was supposedly finished and ready at the end of 2013. All pushed back because of Ashes 13, which was a disgrace for sure.

But to push it back to May/June?!?! Madness...

What is madness is you think that Ross would deliberately prolong the PC version for s#/ts and giggles... its a business.. infact his business.. lets let the man who has spent his life savings bringing us a top notch cricket game do what ever the hell he wants for the business mmmm k?
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What is madness is you think that Ross would deliberately prolong the PC version for s#/ts and giggles... its a business.. infact his business.. lets let the man who has spent his life savings bringing us a top notch cricket game do what ever the hell he wants for the business mmmm k?

He's entitled to his opinion as a potential customer, just as I'm entitled to mine, and you're entitled to yours. Nothing worse than becoming a staunch 'fanboi' and slamming anyone else who dares challenge or voice an opinion. Thats what forums are for, aren't they?


you are both correct. Ross owes us nothing and we owe him nothing. He's got to do whats best for his business, however his business won't survive without customers so feedback, however +ve or -ve, must be recognised and attended to. I think Ross has done an excellent job by coming on here and answering the questions (hostile or neutral) as best he can. Most CEOs don't.
In same way developers cannot afford to support me (i.e. release game for crazy cheap price), I cannot afford to support them unless the product warrants it. If you disagree, you disagree :p

Although I'm not totally strapped for cash.. I didn't get into my current confortable financial position by being loose with my change. I used to live wage to wage and it sucked, and the best way to avoid going down that path again is to continue to be wise with the $ and only buy what is needed and when it's needed. I think the attitude of some of 'Hey, if you don't have a console.. just buy a console' is a bit too much. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot (Ashes '13 after Steam announcement but prior to full cancellation) and non-computer console owners were going to face at least 2 months delay and then got polietly suggested to buy a PC to play the game, how they would react. I, once again, must strongly remind everyone that we are the customer, if we do not agree with something, make sure the supplier of the good/service is aware of your *resonable unhappiness so they can improve.

*I need to include that as 99% of the time people's complains are totally groundless.


I would stress that this is in support of Zil's post. It was a round-about way of saying that we should support good products.. bad products, or bad service should be ignored.

What is madness is you think that Ross would deliberately prolong the PC version for s#/ts and giggles... its a business.. infact his business.. lets let the man who has spent his life savings bringing us a top notch cricket game do what ever the hell he wants for the business mmmm k?

As above, we're a customer (not received the product yet, but I personally have pre-ordered and that should give my voice a little bit of weight) and we need to raise issues that we legitimatly see a being an issue or 'not right'.

However, after doing a MattW and calming down over the last couple of days, and also reading (what has not really been stated enough as the main reason for the delay) that Microsoft and Sony 'strong arm' most developers into not allowing digital release within 2 months of console release as to the reason for the delay, I now fully understand the reason for the planned release. My only objections is that it took so long for this to be decided and announced. I feel, due to pressure from people within this same forum (and probably other sources such as facebook, twitter, and maybe publisher research) the decision for a worldwide simultanious release was decided and availability on digital release forced the hand of the current situation. This, totally and utterly, places the blame at the feet of 505 for allowing Ashes to be released. Had it died a death in November without being released, and depending on international distrubtion access, it probably would have released as intended physically only in Australia and probably UK through retail stores, perhaps with a digital release after the required 2 month delay.

I somewhat agree as some suggested that piracy avoidance by steam only as the PC release probably won't make a huge difference compard to a PC release in March then steam switch over 2 months after, but that's just me wishing to get the game on PC as early as possible.

Once again, despite my initial comment, I'm thinking of a strategy for justifying getting the game on PS3 first, then PC on release (or down the track whenever) by playing it myself then re-gifting it to my wife's nephew once I'm done with it.. his Birthday is in June, good timing.. haha
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And there we have it:
- Developed on PC and yet left for a couple of months later than the consoles - just to avoid PC piracy, no doubt.

- The game was supposedly finished and ready at the end of 2013. All pushed back because of Ashes 13, which was a disgrace for sure.

But to push it back to May/June?!?! Madness...

Almost all games are developed on PC (Workstation PC's to be precise) whatever their intended platform of release . Exclusive games for consoles are also created on PC's ,only in a few freak cases Tablets and consoles are used for development process for their accelerometer, kinect tech etc.
So just because its developed on PC it doesnt warrant a PC release unless the developer intends too.

Pushing back to may/june has been explained by Ross as a move for the betterment of franchise.They have planned a Steam release which is going to take time to implement (it is a recent decision taken in collaboration with the publisher as mentioned by ross)
which is very reasonable. It provides digital release many people in this forum has been asking for, curbs piracy a bit ,making sure those with consoles atleast buy it first.

Im also a PC gamer and would be getting the PC edition , i also want to get my hands on the game at the earliest, but this is a logical decision taken by the Devs and the publisher for their franchise, if anything can be questioned it would be why this decision wasnt taken/announced earlier, not how sane ross is, because its one of the logical steps.:cheers
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Im also a PC gamer and would be getting the PC edition , i also want to get my hands on the game at the earliest, but this is a logical decision taken by the Devs and the publisher for their franchise, if anything can be questioned it would be why this decision wasnt taken/announced earlier, not how sane ross is, because its one of the logical steps.:cheers

lol...put it this way, I've just said "ah fk it....I'll buy both" :thumbs (pardon the french)
Very much disappointed with the PC delay and spoke some rubbish but have to thanks Ross for making a cricket game...Ross, you need not worry about have quality in your hands and we will do the rest...the game will have the best sales...I have done a lot of Marketing to this game by word of mouth to all my friends and others by showing all the videos and academy practice...everyone are ready to welcome the game...this game will make you even more rich..other developers should feel bad of not making a cricket game :thumbs:thumbs for u and ur team:)
According to the Ross's law of Under promise over deliver :D, will we get the console version in feb last and Pc in march? :D
I know i've asked this question before regarding the DB Academy, but is there any chance that with a steam release the possibility of a Mac version becomes any greater?

Failing that I'll have to work out how to use Bootcamp to run the game whilst i'm away at Uni.
I know i've asked this question before regarding the DB Academy, but is there any chance that with a steam release the possibility of a Mac version becomes any greater?

Failing that I'll have to work out how to use Bootcamp to run the game whilst i'm away at Uni.

Bootcamp is very simple to use. Just insert the Windows CD, install it then change the Startup disk to 'Bootcamp' mode (System Preferences > Startup Disk). Done!
Oh boy March is going to be brutal..Dark Souls 2, South Park SoT, MGS Ground Zeroes and now DBC14. Don't know if I will even have time for them all :[

Isn't it a great problem to have as a gamer? I've been looking forward to SoT for years, since while we were still working with THQ.
But I'll be playing nothing but Dark Souls 2 from March for at least a year :(
you also missed titan fall and diablo exp from that list.


Ross when will we know what date DBC14 will be coming in march and just put a ps3 on layby
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