Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Has there been any mention of resolution/framerate for the ps3 version?

I hate playing on ps3 after getting used 1080p on pc.
Has there been any mention of resolution/framerate for the ps3 version?

I hate playing on ps3 after getting used 1080p on pc.
I asked this a while ago as well, before I built my PC when I had planned to get the Xbox 360 version of this but didn't get an answer.

It is massive though, 60fps especially in a sports game such as this that requires accurate timing. On my old laptop which would get about 30fps I found it much, much harder to play the shots I wanted in the nets compared to the constant 60fps I get on my new PC.
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Broadly speaking most console games do not come to PC at all. Ever.

Well, obviously that, but in the rare cases we do see true 'multi platform' releases, apart from what someone said about one of the AFL games getting released on PC a year after consoles (doesn't exactly sound like a planned 'staggered' release, more like development of a further platform after initial console release), have not had any examples where this is considered industry standard and how it's not plainly obvious a delayed PC release should have been expected as some are suggesting.
Furthermore by requiring a controller a large portion of the PC market is alienated.

People often stick to PC because they love the keyboard/mouse combo.

I fully agree with the decision to require a controller, as this advanced control scheme makes it a necessity (having just played the nets I agree even more) but that does make the PC an even less attractive option for retailers.
Furthermore by requiring a controller a large portion of the PC market is alienated.

People often stick to PC because they love the keyboard/mouse combo.

I fully agree with the decision to require a controller, as this advanced control scheme makes it a necessity (having just played the nets I agree even more) but that does make the PC an even less attractive option for retailers.

Hi this has been already discussed in detail here.

First PC market itself is relatively small compared to console .

The amount of control,ease and precision offered by gamepad like triggers ,analog stick cant be emulated fully on Keyboard and mouse.

If it is implemented it will not be fully functional ,and the game will suffer for it. like it happened with a game called london olympics 2012,the game was built for gamepad, the PC keyboard controls could not offer the same control,but people called it a bad port because it was not playable on keyboard, which was actually the limitation of key board, with a gamepad plugged in the game plays really well.
now why would a developer spend money time effort on a semi functional thing and get a bad review when he has a really good working control system .
Any Cricket enthusiast buying the game would get a gamepad if he wants to enjoy quality cricket.

Keyboard & mouse are superior in games like FPS,RTS,RPG
Gamepad owns it in Fighting and sports games.
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Keyboard & mouse are superior in games like FPS,RTS,RPG
Gamepad owns it in Fighting and sports games.

Keyboard & mouse are superior in games like FPS,RTS,RPG
Gamepad owns it in Fighting and sports games.


Yep, that. :thumbs

'Fighting' for me is anything such as GTA V, Assassins Creed, etc. I don't play many RPGs (thats such a broad genre which encompasses WOW, etc I think) if at all so can't really comment.

however, its almost a must have to have an xbox/ps controller for PC.
Having played with the new style of gameplay BigAnt have gone for, I could not go back to Keyboard or Keyboard/Mouse for a cricket title on my PC... Totally counter-intuitive for my mind, controller just makes way too much sense and unless bowling with the controller is an abortion, I doubt I'll ever touch C09 or EA Cricket again...
what happen to the other big ant game table top cricket does anyone know is it coming out this year? Also on DBC14 what console is better xbox 360 or ps3 I have a great pc but want to play on launch.
what happen to the other big ant game table top cricket does anyone know is it coming out this year? Also on DBC14 what console is better xbox 360 or ps3 I have a great pc but want to play on launch.

Do you have both xbox and ps3? In that case we can't tell which one will run the game better (most likely they will both run the game very well if done properly).

But if you are asking which console is better as you would like to buy the console also, that is a huge debate. In my opinion ps3 is better. But find out yourself by looking around. I believe most people here will play on ps3 so you will definitely have people to play with online.
I'd say both consoles are almost identical on how they run games. However, playing and communicating online is better for Xbox in my opinion, although there are other areas the PS3 is superior.

It depends how long or how much you will use it, but if it's just for a couple of games I'd get the cheapest one of either that I could find.
i have hallways wanted to play rugby league live 2 as well not on pc. use to have both only have PC now going to get and Xbox 360 or ps3 don't know witch one. also gta 5 would to like to play.
no ross i dont think soo, i got new pc i3 processor , 4 gb ram and ati 7770 model and also when black screen appears after that game start laging. before black screen game runs so smoothly.


We will be implementing Steam mostly but also trying to solve the "black screen" issue (although that might be just happening to under-powered machines).


is that really "Drop dead Nazi"?

and also ross my pc can handle call of duty ghost and battlefield 4 easily , i played those games in medium settings 1600*900 resolution and other settings medium :)
We will be implementing Steam mostly but also trying to solve the "black screen" issue (although that might be just happening to under-powered machines).

People with dual core and low on ram are able to run at low res but I Have Core 2 Duo an Nvidia 9600 GT graphics card....:(
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