Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Lee I must say you are on a roll(Three legend posts in a row), please have a go at someone or we will all think you have changed into someone else.:p

79cricket, you are the weirdest person I have ever come across on a forum.

You have such big teeth you could eat an apple through a tennis racquet.

That better 79.?
79cricket, you are the weirdest person I have ever come across on a forum.

You have such big teeth you could eat an apple through a tennis racquet.

That better 79.?

I give it a 5/10 but nice try:yes, I am a little weird. God I must be as i spend so much time on a cricket video game forum dude.:eek: PS You should meet some of the customers/workers I know, then you would know what the word weird really means.


I was rich but then I decided to make a cricket game....

Good things to come ross, dream about all the money coming your way soon.
Ross will we get steelbook if we buy through steam? or any way of getting the steelbook for pc ?
i am going to buy the game(either steam/dvd whichever i get first) its sure but i also need steelbook:D
Hey Ross.
Since we PC guys are gonna get the game around May. Could you kindly consider giving the Bowling options in the Nets?

it has been quoted 10000000000000000000.......... times that there will be no bowling in nets
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I have seen people call Ross many things but "It" has to be my favourite. :lol
Hi Ross- what is the total development cost to make DBC14? just an average or estimate would be fine:)
We mere members of Planet Cricket know that this place is so lucrative that the Staff Members and Admins sleep on beds of money and take baths of Champagne - how stupid do you think we are, you can't fool us!

I have been close to getting EA across the line on Cricket but not close enough, it turns out the only publisher interested in Cricket was 505 and the CEO there was an English guy who was a real Cricket fan, because of Ashes 2013 my understanding is that they are not in the market for sports games any longer.

Making a cricket game is too risky for any publisher to fund, DBC14 would not have been made if we did not fund it ourselves.

Except for the Academy downloaded players and any patches/DLC that might become available a Disk would have 100% of the content. I do not have distribution details on the PC disk, they are yet to be pressed.

Agreed. Twitter and FB have been largely ignored and we need to do much better.

It might be Autumn (not winter) in Melbourne in March but it's actually Spring/Summer elsewhere in the world, remember the Ashes was in July last year, the Melbourne winter and amazingly enough there was a lot of interest in it even though it was footy season :)


So you want me to delay the Console versions until the PC version comes out, ok, I'll think about that* :)

*no I won't...

Ross you got me. Just trying to find a way to get the game released quicker hahaha. Way to eager... I will play it no matter what time of the year it is and add patches, dlc's to it, I could be in for a game I play year long hahaha!
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