Don Bradman Cricket 14 Pre-order links

Cheap you say? More you sell more you lose...

Wouldn't that depend on your initial print run? If you make 50,000 copies the cost has already been spent so any copy bought in the future at any price helps recoup that.
Obviously selling below cost causes marginal loss but the costs are upfront rather than generated when a copy is sold.
Nope, I wouldn't think so.

Cheaper not to print them at all than sell them at that price... not just on a per unit basis but because it will *kill* your console market.
what about digital sales? they must be cheaper to produce (no physical disk manufacture or distribution - not sure about payments to digital distributors).

the 14.99 was PC - if that was largely steam driven, they could recoup something with minimal outlay?
The platform holders still charge a big percentage for digital release.

With taxes in Europe at 20%, out of 15 pounds you'd be lucky to see 6 pounds per unit gross from digital. Take Ashes license fees, development costs, advertising, and the effect on your console sales into account and you will definitely lose money.
Most of those costs have already been paid regardless of whether the game is released. If you do a cost benefit analysis it may still turn out to minimise loss more by selling cheap than not at all.
I disagree, digital requires a big marketing spend and pisses off retailers
i think getting into new markets is the best way to sale the product.....
they belive what u tell (as ashes not releasing***)
and most of them dont bother paying 10-15 buks extra :):):yes:p
Citation required...
Just looking at the Amazon UK website and it shows AC 2013 (DVD Version) will be releasing on December 6th (Would this still count as the placeholder date?). However, at the same time, they still do not have a date set for either the 360 or PS3 version...

I'm surprised no one has placed a review of the game on the Amazon website yet.
I disagree, digital requires a big marketing spend and pisses off retailers

You mention pissing off retailers.

It's as simple as retailers aren't dumb though and they won't cut off their nose to spite their face in that they won't refuse to stock a future game due to your going digital with this current game (Which won't move many units anyway)

And regarding costs now that you're selling it, the only way you can look at it is for each individual copy sold how much does it cost you and how much will you make.

If getting ready for distribution costs you $5 a copy. and you are selling for $20 a copy and getting $5 of that (due to taxes and retailers cuts) then obviously there's no point making copies as you will only break even.

Whereas if it costs you $4 a copy. even though you've already outlayed $100k you can then recoup some of those costs with the ~$1 profit per purchase.
Amazon still not listing DB14 yet but found a company called Dunno if its legit or safe though.
When the time comes it will be easy to find in the UK, it will be in the retailers both on and offline.
When the time comes it will be easy to find in the UK, it will be in the retailers both on and offline.

All is fine for UK but digital release on steam would be so much cool for people like me sitting in non cricketing nation.But of-course what ever is better for the franchise is more important.
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Amazon still not listing DB14 yet but found a company called Dunno if its legit or safe though.

I did a 'scam' check on it and it appears to be ok, I have pre-ordered the game on it and so have others from this forum. They don't take any money from you until the game is in stock. Hope this helps.

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