Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

On behalf of people
Well I must say that I am very impressed with the revolution you guys have brought in the world of cricket game. I must say that I was very excited for the launch of the new game "don bradman cricket 17". I ordered a physical copy online and I also bought a digital copy from psn USA and I own in and I have played it myself, I repeat that I have purchased and played it myself.

I have a few questions for you. Again, I am not targeting anyone of you as I have full faith in your abilities and I strong believe that you guys have done an amazing job so far and you will continue to do so in future

1. The very first thing I did (or anyone would do) when they get the game is to "replace for the best team" and that was an error to begin with. Imagine someone paying good money for a game and first thing they deal with is a bug itself? How and what would you feel? How can you guys be so careless or ignorant? Explain

2. The commentary in this game is the worst you'll see in any sports game. How did you guys even come up with the idea of adding this sort of commentary in the game? Don't tell me that you guys didn't notice that the commentary in this game actually made it look even worse. If you didn't then I'm sorry to say but you need to hire a new team. Majority didn't like your commentary and I mean it. The timing of commentary is very bad. They say different things at different times. I mean it's a a big chaos and it's very very annoying and depressing to see that you and your team even allowed this to be a part of such an amazing game or atleast an amazing effort. People are replacing the commentary with crowd sounds and all, please work on it and release a new commentary patch in future. You have to!!

3. Major bugs in the game.
A) Batsmen taking a stance all the way at popping crease of the bowler
B) Umpire giving the batsmen out even when he's been caught by a fielder who's way inside the boundary line
C) Game crashing most of the time while playing custom tournaments
D) Random game crashes out of nowhere. I mean in my first hour of gameplay, my game crashed for about 2-3 times and this is totally unacceptable for any game

All this didn't happen once but a lot of times. I understand there is a patch fix coming for that but most of this shouldn't be happening on the first place. Regardless of the fact that your game was released a week before the actual date, this can't be happening. Please elaborate why?

Forget about all the small bugs. You guys deserve the benefit of doubt as there is no such thing as a perfect game.

I would also like to make a suggestion if that helps. This game could easily become one of the best cricket games if you guys put some more time on it and work on more patches in future before even thinking about a third edition of "DBC". So you guys need to release few patches before we all move on and you have to makeup for the terrible experience everyone is going through. Just like you guys, we all have invested our time and effort in this game as well.

Again I am not trying to bring anyone down. Me and a lot others do have a lot of expectations from you and your team. It's not a personal attack on anyone but I am just trying to be more logical as to why these things shouldn't happen. Again, my apologies of anyone's sentiments got hurt as I might sound frustrating (the game made me so)
A few matches deep now. I find the AI's lack of leaving quite odd. It seems yet again they absolutely must get bat on ball. The few times they have left they tend to do weird steps one way or the other. My favourite was an opener plonking himself about a yard outside offstump to a ball only a stump width or two wide. Hit in the arse, back onto the stumps. Lovely stuff.

Managed to go two full innings without seeing the opposition spinner as well. Guess they figured that just having him as a mediocre batsmen was good enough.
I'm sure it will be a nice balanced game in the end, although I worry about some of the batting animations as they would require a complete redo rather than just a tweak, no matter how fearsome.
The weird cut shot is played when the ball is short but when the ball is good length then a proper square cut is played, tried it in academy with marker.
And BA apparently prides themselves on being a reputable developer of quality video games... times change...
EA and their many developers, Ubisoft, Rocksteady...and many more top companies have had rough releases. BA does not even have half their employee strength or budget and yet trying to get us a AAA experience. Errors could happen when someone tries to be ambitious. It always about how one can solve their issues and BA are always vigilant about user issues. You are idiot to be making these statements.

This is an internet forum, used for the purposes of discussing things to do with DBC 17 and/or similar on the internet... pretty sure that's what I'm doing...
No you are all over the place. Your posts are a mess.

Pretty sure I can, have done so, and will continue to do so...
Guess I'm at fault for considering you to be a guy with a civilized brain.
Hi everyone

I'm a massive fan of DBC14 and was looking forward to DBC17. My first impressions of starting a career at club level are that it is almost unplayable. I am soldiering on with patience, waiting for updates to the many obvious bugs. I'm sure you don't need me to list the big ones out.

To be honest I find it hard to see how Big Ant can justify putting a game on the market which is like a beta version. The £50 price tag was not a beta price tag tho... Especially if you've previously paid for and enjoyed DBC14.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is gravely disappointed. Now I'm caught between playing DBC14 with it's slightly different controls and plodding through the many restarts required to play DBC17.

Here's to some rapid bug fixes so that the true glory of DBC17 can shine through!
A few matches deep now. I find the AI's lack of leaving quite odd. It seems yet again they absolutely must get bat on ball. The few times they have left they tend to do weird steps one way or the other. My favourite was an opener plonking himself about a yard outside offstump to a ball only a stump width or two wide. Hit in the arse, back onto the stumps. Lovely stuff.

Managed to go two full innings without seeing the opposition spinner as well. Guess they figured that just having him as a mediocre batsmen was good enough.

I'm halfway through the second innings (my first innings) of a test, I saw the AI leave a few balls in it's innings and I've had several overs of a spinner bowling at me when I've been batting, so both do happen.
Yeh, I've certainly played in career mode against spinners. Especially in T20 for the club rather than county. Actually finding playing them to be more of a challenge than on DBC14 to be fair, especially as I'm paranoid about super keepers, and the sweep shot seems to be more difficult to time early on.
Yeh, I've certainly played in career mode against spinners. Especially in T20 for the club rather than county. Actually finding playing them to be more of a challenge than on DBC14 to be fair, especially as I'm paranoid about super keepers, and the sweep shot seems to be more difficult to time early on.

Leave the cut shots against spinners in the dressing room and don't flirt with sweeps. I rely on just two shots against the spinners given straight drive is always fielded by the bowler - off drive to extra cover/mid off area and flick/glance to square leg. You should get a single every time with these shots.
Leave the cut shots against spinners in the dressing room and don't flirt with sweeps. I rely on just two shots against the spinners given straight drive is always fielded by the bowler - off drive to extra cover/mid off area and flick/glance to square leg. You should get a single every time with these shots.

Yeh that's what Ive started doing, but then trying not to exploit the easy single to the mid off fielder issue!
I tried my best not to comment here but its just too much now:

Firstly review after playing the game for 25+ hrs.

Skip feature during AI batting
AutoSave between overs
Female teams

Pretty much everything mentioned by those giving their "opinion"

The biggest bad is the way the so called "Developers" from BigAnts and CEO reply back to any criticism. Instead of acknowledging there are frequent crashes etc which they can see for themselves on Youtube or heaven forbid maybe play DBC17 themselves.
You guys @ BigAnts are soo childish and defensive, any criticsm ends in trantrum and then you have you usual ass lickers who say "return the game" or "Even FIFA needed 2 months for a patch" well let me tell you EA never replied back to someone by swearing at them. You guys are the most un-professional piece of work i've seen. Am glad to say I've returned this piece of shit of a game and got my money back.

As usual you have released a beta game on console and then will do the fix for PC. You do this purposely and you did the same with DBC14 - I presume you do it so people buy DBC in console and then buy in PC too.
Last time around Ross acted like piece of turd too when people mentioned glitches, which magically started to get fixed with the PC version release.... hmmmm

Instead of being a defensive idiot listen to what the so called customers are saying to you. Trust me half these ass lickers are the types who if they were slaves will be happy with being shown sunlight once a month... they are the same people who will say "other slaves see the sunlight once every 2 month".

Grow up BigAnt team.
You mean the same people openly criticizing the game?
You mean the same people openly criticizing the game?
I believe we all have right of opinion and especially as a customer... customer is always right is the basic moto of customer services. I did not want to comment as I understand BigAnt are probably under pressure to fix things. That does not excuse to attack those that give an opinion as a customer or potential customer. You DO NOT have to play the game to know its flawed, this is why you have review forums and also Youtube. Sameway you do not need to sit on a Ferrari to know its issues. The typical line of "you dont even have the game" is ridiculous. We dont need to play the game to see its got glitches.

IF BigAnts acted like a professional and acknowleged there are issues and they are working to fix it instead of replying back to everyone defensively - trust me half the people would wait patiently.

No-one expected a "perfect" game, we all just expected ackowledgement and re-assurance and MAYBE just MAYBE an Apology from BigMouse. Instead we seeing them destroy customer relation. Trust me if there were other competition they would not be acting so arrogantly.
You still haven't answered my question. Are the people who you're calling slaves the same people like me and the 'clique' who have openly criticized the game?
You still haven't answered my question. Are the people who you're calling slaves the same people like me and the 'clique' who have openly criticized the game?
If you are the type of person who would say "This game is full of glitches and doesnt work, but I respect the developers and thank them" then YES
If you are the type of person who would say "This game is full of glitches and doesnt work, but I respect the developers and thank them" then YES

So because I respect the fact that the game was supposed to release tomorrow yet we've already got two patches (once the second patch is approved) and from past experience I know that they'll do what they can to improve it that makes me a slave even though I've made a review expressing my disappointment? It's not adding up.

See I have no problem with you being upset as I am aswell. However attacking people who have a different opinion to you and calling out the developers isn't going to solve anything. Instead express your concerns and at the same time offer some suggestions on how you would improve it (if you have that is). We're getting a second patch fixing a lot of issues yet you want an apology? You're slating the developer yet you want the CEO to respond politely and always be at his best behavior?

Let's not argue, I'm over that. You've expressed your disappointments so let's see if Big Ant (that's there name, not BigMouse) deliver and once it's been patched up a bit you can reassess how you feel.

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