Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

The person is himself. He's talking about his personal experience in the game. You're literally agreeing with me.

I'm so done. You're just looking for any reason to take a crack at anyone. I sincerely apologize for trying to reason with you, keep on keeping on spamming threads with whatever it is you hope to achieve taking on anyone and everyone in the forum.
It's literally baffling as to why "ONE" who hasn't even played the game the game yet !!! Is still blabbering on trying to tell everyone who has played the game that we haven't a clue what we‘re talking bout, and that we lack credibility. And only a select few or "ONE" more accurately, have a right to speak up. What a joke! ... and a nasty little piece´O work to boot!

P.S come back in a month, when you have some "credibility" yourself... Please!
Not for nothing, but I played the game for about 40mins today.
The person is himself. He's talking about his personal experience in the game. You're literally agreeing with me.

I'm so done. You're just looking for any reason to take a crack at anyone. I sincerely apologize for trying to reason with you, keep on keeping on spamming threads with whatever it is you hope to achieve taking on anyone and everyone in the forum.

One is a pronoun in the English language. It is a gender-neutral, indefinite pronoun, meaning roughly "a person".

Notice how this refers to "a person" not "a specific person"... ie: "any person", not "this person"...

Learn the English language dude...

Out of random interest, how are you affiliated with Big Ant? (Your sexual chocolate comment the other day was confusing :/)
He would have played for longer, but it crashed so much he gave up... :P
I literally lol'ed hahahaha
Update edit: I can't stop laughing at that, that was precious gold !
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You can't have a civil discussion with any of these people, there's a common trend with all these guys, I can't be the only one that sees it... Unstable is being generous. Thread after thread after thread. Folks have been banned for less.
You can't have a civil discussion with any of these people, there's a common trend with all these guys, I can't be the only one that sees it... Unstable is being generous. Thread after thread after thread. Folks have been banned for less.

Out of interest, what are these rules? The link I can see when I post stuff takes me to the planet cricket tweets page... :/
Hi everyone! Well, I bought DBC17 game and as someone who played DBC 14 almost on a daily basis for the last two years and was eagerly awaiting for the latest version to release I must say I feel a little let down. The fact that I chose this discussion to begin my contribution to the forum is largely due to the fact that I felt passionately about the game. However, I have a number of issues with this game and feel that it has regressed rather than progressed. The commentary is dull, the player animations look extremely dodgy, shot animations are way too vague and nothing like the clean polished strokes from DBC 14. The cut screens and camera movements just do not capture the ground and field as it should. They are extremely monotonous. These are only my first impressions but are sadly enough to question my decision to spend nearly 4K to buy the game.
To me this is pretty similar to what I felt when BLC was updated in mid 2000s. That game went from a Classic to a really weak one. I know some people value gameplay more than the look of it but I think both are important because you can't keep playing a game which looks jerky and half done. I am seriously thinking of returning this to the retailer and at the moment deciding on what could be the excuse for doing that. Maybe I could say the game crashes which it actually did the first time I played after installing the update.
So, that's my opinion of DBC 17 after playing a couple of games. I know some would not agree with me but I just had to be honest. I sincerely wished this to be a great game but this is not the game I so loved which still remains DBC 14.
So from having a discussion, we are back to taking digs at each other? Nice.

Yeah I'd much prefer if we got back to that! People who have played the game and have an opinion/criticism/suggestion/bug reporting. But instead we have "one" who keeps criticising and possibly scaring away people who are "new" or "apprehensive" to post there concerns because of... After all is said and done, thats why we have moderators isn't it? We dont need "ones" thinking there above everyone else or more "credible" to tell us our concerns are not necessary. Its becoming harder to be civil because of this...and thats just toxic IMO.
You can't have a civil discussion with any of these people, there's a common trend with all these guys, I can't be the only one that sees it... Unstable is being generous. Thread after thread after thread. Folks have been banned for less.
Yes, a lovely 2 month ban you feel great not at all bitter by the end of it. Going to listen to Dutch’s demos in a little bit but disappointed he never named a track after me. :rolleyes

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