Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

No argument here - just disappointment.

If we paid for something and it was released as poorly as it is then yes I (we or those who are disappointed) do not respect them and want apology. It's not much to ask especially from paying customers.

As for release date who cares if its released early if it's so poorly and sometimes unplayable.

As for issues - it has been highlighted all over the planetcricket forums how many times are people going to "provide suggestion" to the developers.

Perhaps if BigAnt didnt reply so aggressively people would be less disappointed. Not sure why you keep quoting blockerdave and EARAgAV.

Waiting for them to patch it is fair enough - but anyone who can read will see there is tendency for BigAnt to be aggressive and not take criticism.

People here are easily please, those will say "some devs dont even interact so we should be thankful" are exactly the type I was talking about.

Anywayz no arguments with you.
No argument here - just disappointment.

If we paid for something and it was released as poorly as it is then yes I (we or those who are disappointed) do not respect them and want apology. It's not much to ask especially from paying customers.

As for release date who cares if its released early if it's so poorly and sometimes unplayable.

As for issues - it has been highlighted all over the planetcricket forums how many times are people going to "provide suggestion" to the developers.

Perhaps if BigAnt didnt reply so aggressively people would be less disappointed. Not sure why you keep quoting blockerdave and EARAgAV.

Waiting for them to patch it is fair enough - but anyone who can read will see there is tendency for BigAnt to be aggressive and not take criticism.

People here are easily please, those will say "some devs dont even interact so we should be thankful" are exactly the type I was talking about.

Anywayz no arguments with you.

There is no use of criticism in this forum.

They take constructive criticism very well though. That is why they are here.
You're slating the developer yet you want the CEO to respond politely and always be at his best behavior?

Absolutely 100% correct - we are angry customers who feel we have been wronged, he is a CEO, it is literally his job to try and create happy satisfied customers...
Absolutely 100% correct - we are angry customers who feel we have been wronged, he is a CEO, it is literally his job to try and create happy satisfied customers...
Have you contacted his office directly? He has no obligation to be on Planet Cricket.

By the way- That book that you told me to go read was a cracker.
Have you contacted his office directly? He has no obligation to be on Planet Cricket.

By the way- That book that you told me to go read was a cracker.

What do you mean? I have in no way shape or form suggested that he needs to be on here, just that when he does, he should act professionally...

Ooh what did you read? :)
Absolutely 100% correct - we are angry customers who feel we have been wronged, he is a CEO, it is literally his job to try and create happy satisfied customers...

Though I am very much disappointed with this game to an extent that I haven't played for 2 days contrasting to DBC 14 where I had unplanned time offs at work to keep playing after release, am still thankful to Ross for keeping the sport(cricket) ALIVE in this gaming market. Even if DBC17 fails the expectation of thousands, it just fails against its own parent(DBC14). Actually BA should be proud that customers are actually wanting them to cross those sky high expectations set because of DBC14 & anything short of those sky high expectations is turning out as agitation/frustrations for not being able to meet the set goal.
Though I am very much disappointed with this game to an extent that I haven't played for 2 days contrasting to DBC 14 where I had unplanned time offs at work to keep playing after release, am still thankful to Ross for keeping the sport(cricket) ALIVE in this gaming market. Even if DBC17 fails the expectation of thousands, it just fails against its own parent(DBC14). Actually BA should be proud that customers are actually wanting them to cross those sky high expectations set because of DBC14 & anything short of those sky high expectations is turning out as agitation/frustrations for not being able to meet the set goal.

Sky high expectations you say? I've said it elsewhere and I'm happy to say it again, they could have re-released DBC 14 with some extra menu functionality and a more in depth career mode and I would have been satisfied...[DOUBLEPOST=1482297095][/DOUBLEPOST]
HAHAHAHAHA My god this guy!

Yep, I'm ridiculous, because companies with unhappy customers make lots of money...
A few matches deep now. I find the AI's lack of leaving quite odd. It seems yet again they absolutely must get bat on ball. The few times they have left they tend to do weird steps one way or the other. My favourite was an opener plonking himself about a yard outside offstump to a ball only a stump width or two wide. Hit in the arse, back onto the stumps. Lovely stuff.

Managed to go two full innings without seeing the opposition spinner as well. Guess they figured that just having him as a mediocre batsmen was good enough.

Yes I echo this. Very strange to have no spinner. It wasnt Mitchell Santner was it? Surprised nobody has picked up on this.
I tried my best not to comment here but its just too much now:

Firstly review after playing the game for 25+ hrs.

Skip feature during AI batting
AutoSave between overs
Female teams

Pretty much everything mentioned by those giving their "opinion"

The biggest bad is the way the so called "Developers" from BigAnts and CEO reply back to any criticism. Instead of acknowledging there are frequent crashes etc which they can see for themselves on Youtube or heaven forbid maybe play DBC17 themselves.
You guys @ BigAnts are soo childish and defensive, any criticsm ends in trantrum and then you have you usual ass lickers who say "return the game" or "Even FIFA needed 2 months for a patch" well let me tell you EA never replied back to someone by swearing at them. You guys are the most un-professional piece of work i've seen. Am glad to say I've returned this piece of shit of a game and got my money back.

As usual you have released a beta game on console and then will do the fix for PC. You do this purposely and you did the same with DBC14 - I presume you do it so people buy DBC in console and then buy in PC too.
Last time around Ross acted like piece of turd too when people mentioned glitches, which magically started to get fixed with the PC version release.... hmmmm

Instead of being a defensive idiot listen to what the so called customers are saying to you. Trust me half these ass lickers are the types who if they were slaves will be happy with being shown sunlight once a month... they are the same people who will say "other slaves see the sunlight once every 2 month".

Grow up BigAnt team.

Lol I'm sorry I don't have anything else to add other than to say thank you for such a good laugh. I especially love your slave analogy - that was pure gold.
Honestly biggest load of crap for $99.95
Gameplay: Slow
Graphics: Didn't know I was playing a 2008 PC game. I play on PS4 and it's trash.
Don Bradman 14 is honestly way better than this. It reminds me of a poorly made AFL game.
I have now played this game for about three hours and while I appreciate the variety they have been able to add in the bowling department I still find the batting very unappealing on so many levels. I really hoped that the more I played the game the more I would come to terms with the changes in its style and gameplay but sadly despite my attempts it still feels like a poorer cousin of DBC 14. The commentary simply takes the cake in making this game the dullest sports sim you will play as also the sound fx which again are a step down from DBC 14. During the career the commentators keep calling a club team by the wrong name and they use the same name for all the opposition club teams. I simply cannot believe how a game with such loopholes could be released at a price point similar to some of the other sports franchise particularly FIFA and NBA. Those games are miles ahead and while I can understand the difference in marketing dynamics in terms of the size of the customers and their purchasing capacity, the fact is I would have shelled another 10-15 $ if the game was atleast a complete and proper product. But, paying 60-65 $ for a game full of bugs and crashes is just not bearable. I agree with all who are saying that a game that costs as much as this deserves to give its customers a fair deal and in case that doesn't happen the customers atleast deserve an explanation or an apology in the least.
I'm halfway through the second innings (my first innings) of a test, I saw the AI leave a few balls in it's innings and I've had several overs of a spinner bowling at me when I've been batting, so both do happen.

I've seen spinners in other matches. It just seems that the Kiwis lineup has something about it that means they don't use their spinner (Santner). Maybe he's rated too low.
Honestly biggest load of crap for $99.95
Gameplay: Slow
Graphics: Didn't know I was playing a 2008 PC game. I play on PS4 and it's trash.
Don Bradman 14 is honestly way better than this. It reminds me of a poorly made AFL game.

Take it back mate, get a refund.


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