Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

We don't know much about the stadium creator yet or what that budget part means. More will be revealed over the coming weeks I guess :).

This article has most of the info we know about confirmed features;

About licenses, it'll be similar to DBC14, so there will be few licenses (only Russia were licensed last time I think?) but with tools to edit everything and share it amongst ourselves, which is now expanded with the logo creator so that kits/bats/adboards and much more can be created and downloaded as well as the players and teams like in 14.

Okay cool, has there been any word on if they are tweaking the options in create a cup to allow us to choose the venues each match and the final is played at?

thanks for response!
No - I think this is actually a relevant topic, as I'm about to bring it back around to Big Ant's handling of the community here, and the fact that their refusal to over-promise has been very effective in realising customer expectation.

As far as NMS goes, they actually said very little about the game: I think people created a lot of the expectation themselves because of what they wanted the game to be rather than what it is. Also, let's not forget that pretty much all games these days are starting points, with lots of features and fixes added at a later date. As usual the internet is blowing things way out of proportion there. The Hello Games guys are lovely and to think that Sean's expectations of what the game was going to be were "lies" is ridiculous to me: at worst they were things that didn't pan out (or have yet to be added).

This is just incredibly wrong and I'll direct you to the reddit post which includes sources for everything that was said would be in the game but wouldn't. There reason for the hype did not come out of thin air, people didn't just make up these things, the hype was born out of the developers own words.

Where's the No Man's Sky we were sold on? A BIG list of things that are missing with sources, links and quotes. Also, dubious advertisement (x-post from r/nomansskythegame) : Games

The second bolded part is exactly why nobody should preorder a game. You are telling me that are you comfortable with paying full price for a brand new game and getting the full game added in patches or dare I say, DLC, further down the line? I can't fathom that.

I'm not saying Big Ant is going to rip us off either, I know they won't, I've played all of their Rugby League games as well as DBC 14 and I've seen the improvement in every title that followed the previous one and their communication and desire to improve is first class.
@Bluebagger I wasn't one to preorder games either but now see the direct benefit to developers, pressure from pre-order numbers mean more orders in general from the retailers which means greater prominence which means more sales (it's a feedback loop).

Essentially the retailers directly proportion the preorders into sales forecasts and so they have become more important for devs/publishers - high preorders should result in a better product because the expected revenue can be relied upon which in turn allows greater investment.
To be honest, I think anyone who got caught up in the No Man's Sky hype, pre-ordered and got buyer's remorse only has themselves to blame.

Pre-orders, especially for console games on disc, give you almost no benefit at best as a consumer - maybe you'll get to play a day or two early, or get some bonus content like a skin or vehicle... But it leaves you open to feeling shortchanged if the developer fails to deliver what they promised, releases the game unfinished or broken... And typically with new releases, multi-player servers fail at launch anyway.

For me it's just not worth the risk if you know so little about what the finished product will be like, plus it promotes the practice of exclusive pre-order content and over promising. I'd rather just let the dust settle and wait for the facts to come out before dropping my money.

I've pre-ordered only one game in years, GTA V for PC. This was because I'd already played it on 360 and all reports said the PC port was well optimised which was all I needed to know, and pre-ordering meant I could preload the game a week before release (and it took a week to download on my connection!).

All that said, if DBC17 went live on the Steam store to pre purchase tomorrow, I'd probably just do it because that transaction is happening at some point anyway; I can't fathom any possible scenario where I would want to change my mind on that. That's because I trust Ross and Big Ant, the communication has always been clear and the product has always exceeded expectations.

If other developers could build up that rapport, I'd happily pre-order their games too if it helps them out at all, but I feel like until that point I'm justified in being on the cautious/cynical side.
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This is just incredibly wrong and I'll direct you to the reddit post which includes sources for everything that was said would be in the game but wouldn't. There reason for the hype did not come out of thin air, people didn't just make up these things, the hype was born out of the developers own words.

Where's the No Man's Sky we were sold on? A BIG list of things that are missing with sources, links and quotes. Also, dubious advertisement (x-post from r/nomansskythegame) : Games

The second bolded part is exactly why nobody should preorder a game. You are telling me that are you comfortable with paying full price for a brand new game and getting the full game added in patches or dare I say, DLC, further down the line? I can't fathom that.

I'm not saying Big Ant is going to rip us off either, I know they won't, I've played all of their Rugby League games as well as DBC 14 and I've seen the improvement in every title that followed the previous one and their communication and desire to improve is first class.
Excellent post. Popped a few clouds I would say. At the end of the day people want money and will get it somehow even by reworking reality. Thats why it really is refreshing to have had this ongoing relationship with BA and being allowed to walk around their kitchen and being invited to help with the cooking...
@Bluebagger I wasn't one to preorder games either but now see the direct benefit to developers, pressure from pre-order numbers mean more orders in general from the retailers which means greater prominence which means more sales (it's a feedback loop).

Essentially the retailers directly proportion the preorders into sales forecasts and so they have become more important for devs/publishers - high preorders should result in a better product because the expected revenue can be relied upon which in turn allows greater investment.
I do appreciate that you are on the other side of the fence and it's good to hear feed back from an honest developer. Sadly I think there are some out there who see the pre-orders as a cash grab and leave content out or just not put as much effort if pre-sales are soaring. I am against pre-orders but in all honesty I will most likely pre-order DBC 17 when it's available on steam as I feel that BigAnt has earned my trust significantly a long time ago. So @funnyadit is correct that sometimes exceptions can be made.

@Madman you are correct that people who get caught up in the hype for anything are to blame if things turn out bad but I think in this case there is a difference between falling for hype and just not getting what was promised.

Excellent post. Popped a few clouds I would say. At the end of the day people want money and will get it somehow even by reworking reality. Thats why it really is refreshing to have had this ongoing relationship with BA and being allowed to walk around their kitchen and being invited to help with the cooking...

It's invaluable to have this kind of direct communication and relationship with the developer.
I would have pre-ordered DBC17 the day DBC14 was released, I'm that confident in BA and what they will produce. I've spent approaching 900 hours on DBC14 (I know that is a paltry effort compared to others) and enjoyed every minute of it.

I think the challenge with pre-orders, on Steam at least, is that publishers bundle in pre-order bonuses to entice people to pre-order...either a discount or some pre-order-only items. So people feel inclined to pre-order to get these benefits that are not available to those who wait it out. It is a tactic to make the decision to wait have some purchasing risk attached to it to offset the pre-order purchasing risk of the game being a dud. So if the game is good and you pre-order, you are better off than those who waited. If the game is bad and you pre-order, then you are worse off than those who waited. Of course it is wrapped up in a marketing message about customers who purchase before release getting some bonuses for their support of the game...but it's actually a lever to entice people to make a risky purchasing decision.

I would rather there was no content or pricing differentiation between a pre-order and a post-release purchase. That way you can make your own decision based on your confidence in the developers. If the game turns out to be a dud, then you could have the fault is yours. The next best alternative, if publishers want to continue with pre-orders, is to have any pre-order bonuses available for a short period after release (it becomes more of a early-purchase bonus). I think Total War Warhammer did this (can't quite was definitely some recent release) with pre-order bonuses remaining in place for a week after release...but this is very rare.

As I say, I would be delighted to pre-purchase DBC17 without discount or bonuses...because I trust BA and they have proved themsleves to have integrity and produce games of high quality. I suspect that if DBC17 did get offered for pre-order...the forum would fill up with demands for pre-order bonuses...because customers have been conditioned to think that they are entitled to them...but I would hope that anyone who has played DBC14 would know that a DBC17 pre-order has zero risk associated with it. It's going to be great.
In a perfect world; pre-ordering would be a perfectly fine thing to do. The problem that you have is that a small number of developers have over-promised for games; advertised their games baed on false screenshots and trailers that contain things that aren't actually in the game to the point where they have ruined it for everyone. I would pre-order DBC if I wasn't spending the entire winter working in Brussels without a PC that could run the thing since I trust Big Ant and they seem to have the ability to tell people no (I'm not going to now, since it makes very little sense to pre-order a game that I literally can't play for three months after release); but with most other developers I'd wait until I actually saw gameplay videos from someone independent from the developer and the thoughts of people that I trust. The only games that I can recall pre-ordering recently were Age of Empires 2 HD (a remake of an almost twenty year old game) and the most recent OOTP Baseball game (which isn't that similar to the older ones so I knew what I was getting; plus I got the game early!) and I suppose technically Automobilista since I contributed to the Indiegogo campaign, all of which aren't like your typical AAA game.
Often this pre-order content they try to entice you with ends up included in a 'game of the year' edition or similarly named release a bit further down the line, with all of the DLC bundled in too for the same price or less than the original game alone cost at release.

This makes it far, far cheaper than pre-ordering and buying each DLC as it arrives. It actually puts me off when I see pre-order content and knowing other DLC is planned.
Buyer beware is a great principle. I am not fully aware of the NMS background but i would say people need to be more educated.

Devs aren't waiting till the game is finished and shipped before they discuss it. Of course there may be things they've talked about that for reasons of time, budget, or acheivement could not make it in the final release. It doesn't make the devs liars.
Buyer beware is a great principle. I am not fully aware of the NMS background but i would say people need to be more educated.

Devs aren't waiting till the game is finished and shipped before they discuss it. Of course there may be things they've talked about that for reasons of time, budget, or acheivement could not make it in the final release. It doesn't make the devs liars.

Every time I post anything a shiver goes through the dev team as they wonder "what has he promised this time...."
Every time I post anything a shiver goes through the dev team as they wonder "what has he promised this time...."

Your team appear great at delivering your promises, so the lesson learned is clearly......

"Keep promising away and as much as possible on public forums and social media"

Often this pre-order content they try to entice you with ends up included in a 'game of the year' edition or similarly named release a bit further down the line, with all of the DLC bundled in too for the same price or less than the original game alone cost at release.

This makes it far, far cheaper than pre-ordering and buying each DLC as it arrives. It actually puts me off when I see pre-order content and knowing other DLC is planned.

Whilst this is not unheard of, the question is not simply one of price. If it was, for most games, you could wait 5 to 10 years and pick them up for small change. Waiting for a possible GOTY edition might work in some cases but it comes with the fact that you have to wait whilst everyone else is enjoying the game (or cursing the developers...there doesn't seem to be any middleground on Steam forums). Witcher 3 just went GOTY which is fine if you were mildly interested in it and were waiting it out. But for the fans of the Witcher series, the wait is not worth the discounted bunding...I doubt any fans will be buying GOTY. I, for one, will want to play DBC17 the moment it is released...I still remember when DBC14 was released on console first, not enjoying the wait until the PC version appeared...perhaps I'm just too impatient. The point is that pre-orders are really focused on increasing the numbers of people who want to be playing on day one...rather than those who will be prepared to wait it out for a cheaper price. If pre-orders help BA in any way, I'm up for pre-ordering DBC17...I agree, however, with the sentiment that pre-ordering, for many other games, has not worked out too well for those who took the plunge. I tend to wait until release unless my confidence in the product is very high.

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