Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
When the time comes, post patch#3, everyone will be invited to give their 2 cents along the development journey.

Give you an honest opinion? Why that doesn’t work you take it too personally. I don’t give opinions for them to be thrown back at me and for them to be taken out of context.

Personally I don’t care how much the game sells for but for some people it matters. @dontboycottme, He was brave to stand up and say something about the price and was jumped on for it. I don’t think he was looking for any trouble but he had a point and it was seen as a negative and cast out. It was disgraceful how you replied to him on page 26, had it been anyone else it would have been classed as bullying.

Plenty of people here have been listened to and had elements of the game changed and additional functions added.

You use emotive words like "honestly" and "shocked", I gave nothing more than an equal and opposite response to your honestly shocking opinion given in a knee-jerk post that had no substance.

I give only as good as I get, after the nth post about the price he what Trolls get, Trolls are not brave.[DOUBLEPOST=1423657856][/DOUBLEPOST]
well i hope BIGANT look into the low fps for xbox1 coz if they dont i will be demanding a refund after all it cost me £59,99 and at that price i expect performance to be spot on.

I'll get the QA guys to PM you and we'll see what's going on.
I cancelled my pre-order copy as i can not wait. Just bought Digital DBC from Indian PSN store. :cheers

Replace all teams was the first option..will it replace the team members with the correct names etc...right?
Still not available from US PSN Store... This is disappointing...
I just received the game on ps4 and I am noticing some low fps also its not running as smoothly as it should. Can anyone from BA help?
Apparently they're going to give it a good review.

Plenty of people here have been listened to and had elements of the game changed and additional functions added.

You use emotive words like "honestly" and "shocked", I gave nothing more than an equal and opposite response to your honestly shocking opinion given in a knee-jerk post that had no substance.

I give only as good as I get, after the nth post about the price he what Trolls get, Trolls are not brave.[DOUBLEPOST=1423657856][/DOUBLEPOST]

I'll get the QA guys to PM you and we'll see what's going on.

An internet troll would attack on more subjects than a price issue, so that term is not true and wrongly applied here and a little extreme.

So your again taking it out of context and saying I label trolls as brave. (no I don’t)

People repeat themselves on here it could be a question or request or other users will ask along similar lines.

Back to my comment and it wasn’t meant as insulting it was how I viewed that particular video in question. Now there was another video link posted which did offer a better insight into seeing what the game could do on a PS4 console.
Still not available from US PSN Store... This is disappointing...

The US PSN Store updates on a Tuesday, UK on a Wednesday. It might be that because the original release date was Friday it missed the cut-off maybe?
I just received the game on ps4 and I am noticing some low fps also its not running as smoothly as it should. Can anyone from BA help?
If only the PS4 had some sort of recording function in which you could upload gameplay by the press of a button...
If only the PS4 had some sort of recording function in which you could upload gameplay by the press of a button...
I am uploading some footage of it now so will post the link in 5 mins
Got to say it looks great seeing DBC on xbox ones new releases tab! :)
I ordered mine from Funbox but it didn't come today :( hopefully it'll be here tomorrow
My copy arrived from the funbox chappies and the game is rather good. Graphics are a big step up from the 360. It is best to wait until the game installs before you judge the graphics as they do improve as it loads the textures. Thankfully is the same gameplay as 360 so i am straight into the game. I havent played since I upgraded to the ps4 from 360 in October. I always said this was a great game. I have a new tv that is really high quality so it is great to play the game on this tv.
I haven't had any probs with low frame rates or stutters. It runs very smoothly.
Folk sorry for a really stupid question but will Don Bradman for the PS4/Xbone have Online Multiplayer? I didn't see a thread where we
can put our names up for match making and if so any more details on this?

Apologies again for the ignorance!

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