Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
Can any next gen users confirm whether my age old gripe of AI batsmen not being different enough has been sorted? What sort of build is running? Or is it just a translation from the PC version underneath?

It is graphically sharper but that is all......same issues that need adressing with the PC version: but now next generation is out I sense we will be moving soon on patch 3
It is graphically sharper but that is all......same issues that need adressing with the PC version: but now next generation is out I sense we will be moving soon on patch 3

Not knowing what's going with the latest PC version (I have the PS3 version which I stopped playing a while back), have there been any improvements to the AI batting? Specifically, do they bat 'smarter' take into account the match situation in T20 or ODIs. While Patch 2 improved the AI batting a bit, it was still fairly easy to defeat the AI in T20s on Legend difficulty.
@subtekjr there is definitely an issue our end that is not allowing individual teams to be downloaded, "get best" does work. We are working on it.

@Dutch - yes, now that the X1, PS4 versions are out we will wait to see if there are any issues (like the one above :( ) and then get cracking on a "patch#3" that will bring all consoles into alignment.

@MattW The game is not as accessible as I would like but we erred on that side rather than the other. The goal of our next Cricket game will be to build on what we have but make it as accessible as possible to the wider audience. When the time comes, post patch#3, everyone will be invited to give their 2 cents along the development journey.

@DoN'twhatever.... you don't have to purchase it at all. I would encourage everyone to try and price match as best they can, certainly happens a lot in Australia and I can only imagine the UK is the same.

This came to me earlier today:
"Just to let you that GAME are putting Don Bradman onto gondolier ends in all 350 stores…. Both for XBoxONE & PS4 skus…."
Got home form work pretty late last night so only had time to play a couple of T10's (PS4 version) but noticed that the shot input seems a little berked...

Found my batsmen just leaving/padding up to the ball instead of playing a shot... this seemed particularly true against spinners where the only shots I could play successfully were the unorthodox shots (scoop, sweep, reverse sweep)... must have lost 6 wickets over the two games with batsmen just letting the ball go.

I logged plenty of hours on the PS3 version without the same issue so I don't think it's just me unless they've changed the timing window?

PS - I thought maybe I was just swinging too late against the spinners so I tried playing the shot earlier but no dice. I seemed to alternate between swinging early and getting bowled or leaving the ball and getting bowled...
Got home form work pretty late last night so only had time to play a couple of T10's (PS4 version) but noticed that the shot input seems a little berked...

Found my batsmen just leaving/padding up to the ball instead of playing a shot... this seemed particularly true against spinners where the only shots I could play successfully were the unorthodox shots (scoop, sweep, reverse sweep)... must have lost 6 wickets over the two games with batsmen just letting the ball go.

I logged plenty of hours on the PS3 version without the same issue so I don't think it's just me unless they've changed the timing window?

PS - I thought maybe I was just swinging too late against the spinners so I tried playing the shot earlier but no dice. I seemed to alternate between swinging early and getting bowled or leaving the ball and getting bowled...

Out of interest, difficulty level? Also, could it be anything to do with the sometimes touchy 'leave' controls?
Out of interest, difficulty level? Also, could it be anything to do with the sometimes touchy 'leave' controls?

First game was on Pro, second on amateur (because I forgot to change it in settings). Didn't notice a difference in number of incidences (sp?) in either difficulty...

Possibly but my finger is well clear of X. Unless I'm accidentally depressing both joysticks... but it was something I was looking for and I didn't notice myself doing it.
Does anyone know the cheapest place to get this in the UK, Amazon is showing £55!
Just picked this up for $89 at ebgames.

Installing now, cant wait to play it!
So I just changed the field and now I am unable to bowl, guess I found a glitch.
So I just changed the field and now I am unable to bowl, guess I found a glitch.
Can you please provide some more information? Like what platform are you on, what game format were you playing and what field did you change it to.
When the time comes, post patch#3, everyone will be invited to give their 2 cents along the development journey.

Give you an honest opinion? Why that doesn’t work you take it too personally. I don’t give opinions for them to be thrown back at me and for them to be taken out of context.

Personally I don’t care how much the game sells for but for some people it matters. @dontboycottme, He was brave to stand up and say something about the price and was jumped on for it. I don’t think he was looking for any trouble but he had a point and it was seen as a negative and cast out. It was disgraceful how you replied to him on page 26, had it been anyone else it would have been classed as bullying.
Out of interest, how are the online prices chosen? It appears to be £60 in the UK and $60 in the USA xbox stores, which is a huge difference in relative cost. Is the game distributed by a different company in these regions?

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