Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure of the logic in that. It definitely is a reasonable discussion to have. £55 is really at the top end of the gaming market. As much as I like this game and want it to succeed, it's not really the 'premium' quality and authenticity you expect when you pay £55. I just can't see it having much of a future unless the price drops.

Absolutely! I am in no way saying the discussion cannot happen......opinions on it will vary. I bought Flightsim: 80 quid out of the box.....before I really felt I could enjoy it I spent an additional hundreds of pounds on comparison DBC is dead cheap....the editor alone is guarenteed longevity.
You're quoting the highest price, you don't have to get it from game... there's other retailers who are selling it cheaper.. Not forcing you to buy it from game. Why do you keep comparing other games to this ? This game is unique on the market at the moment. already has good reviews so you're kind of repeating the same rubbish of the last release...

Maybe we all should chip in a $1 to help the old guy out.:aus::clap
Good job Bigant, after watching about 25 min of PS4 gameplay it does look the best version, Can't wait for the next game guys as I would skip the PS3/Xbox360 version if it's like 2 years away. PS I would love to know how many improvements there is in the PS4 version with the light being the most easy to spot.

I'd like to see some marketing which extols the various upgrades. It's been oddly quiet on that, preferring instead to just re-run the previous feature set. Side by side comparison would be the best way to sell this.
The hours you'll get out of this game will make it good value for money with the replayability it has.
I'd like to see some marketing which extols the various upgrades. It's been oddly quiet on that, preferring instead to just re-run the previous feature set. Side by side comparison would be the best way to sell this.

Great Idea Chef, ICC world cup would have seen perfect but people have to see this is a far better version than the PS3 version. I will get it next week.

Edit: Rescued your quotes.....blimey 79C is still his dear old self.....dutch
Do other people on here thing that £55+ is a fair price for this game? It is not an unreasonable question.

For the best cricket game we've had to date with no exceptions.
For the career mode that gives huge longevity to the game - the only one in a cricket game
For the after sales support and patching that has seen significant free updates made to the game long after the initial launch.
For not being Ashes Cricket 2013- which is what you get when you want a cut price cricket game
For the fact the developers are here reading feedback daily for over two years now
For the over 300 hours of gameplay I've got out of it on PC alone, with more on 360
For supporting independent games developers taking a risk on niche sports
For the fact they support the game despite being our only option for a cricket game

That's worth the price premium.
Obviously £55 is a figure thats come about as the result of some planning and wasn't just plucked out of thin air, but it seems hugely excessive given the amount of people that i've seen dismiss it because of the price in the UK. Let's face it, cricket isn't exactly a big sport in the UK thanks to it being priced out of the reach of most people, and with a lot of casual fans who can take the game or leave it, wouldn't far more copies be sold at 29.99? Take a look at Euro Truck Sim 2 or This War of Mine if you want an example of a quality game on a niche subject that has seen massive success because of good pricing, good support and good execution..

For not being Ashes Cricket 2013- which is what you get when you want a cut price cricket game

I have seen footage of Ashes 13 gameplay and it’s horrible. The only one thing it out did Bradman on was the commentary. It did have Lords but still the gameplay wow for the era it was made poor to say the least.
I'm getting massive problems with the game's Academy. I'm trying to download the BBL04 squads from rockin97 and when I press to Save Copy or even Save Copy Ignoring Links, it says it's downloading team and then just loses the HUD and only shows the captain w/ background. Music disappears and the only thing that does anything is the back button, which cancels it or something. What is going on? I came home after a long day to play this at last, and the game isn't working as it should bloody be.

For the best cricket game we've had to date with no exceptions.
For the career mode that gives huge longevity to the game - the only one in a cricket game
For the after sales support and patching that has seen significant free updates made to the game long after the initial launch.
For not being Ashes Cricket 2013- which is what you get when you want a cut price cricket game
For the fact the developers are here reading feedback daily for over two years now
For the over 300 hours of gameplay I've got out of it on PC alone, with more on 360
For supporting independent games developers taking a risk on niche sports
For the fact they support the game despite being our only option for a cricket game

That's worth the price premium.

Nailed. But the toughest part is getting this across to the wider world, both through marketing and through PR. Not sending out review code cuts a lot of that in half, the industry as a whole not being particularly interested in Cricket doesn't help, and the lack of a big name license is a hindrance also (admittedly this last one only really applies outside of Australia).

If you can work out how to get this information out there effectively then you've got lightning in a bottle.
I think @dontboycottme is the only person initiating pricing debate again and again. He likes the game, but he doesn't want to pay that price. So he is in dilemma :D

And developers are actually reading and replying it. I think he feels its possible to get the price reduced by reasoning with Devs. Even though @BigAntStudios clearly explained the reasons behind the price and their vision, he is not ready to accept. Just accept or reject the pricing. Do not dish devs / distributor. It is a gaming title, not a necessary commodity required in day-today life and as if they are trying to extort the money.
I'm getting massive problems with the game's Academy. I'm trying to download the BBL04 squads from rockin97 and when I press to Save Copy or even Save Copy Ignoring Links, it says it's downloading team and then just loses the HUD and only shows the captain w/ background. Music disappears and the only thing that does anything is the back button, which cancels it or something. What is going on? I came home after a long day to play this at last, and the game isn't working as it should bloody be.

Xbox One is now connecting properly to the Academy.

It was a problem caused by the break in street date.

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