Double Standards once more

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Interesting interview with Roger Knight, MCC Chief Executive, on the graphite bats. Just confirming that it was only a voluntary withdrawal that only applied to test level and players are well within their rights to keep using the graphite bats if they want to.
andrew_nixon said:
The following is a list of known facts that can be gleaned from the various links given in this thread.

1. Kookaburra replaced all illegal bats for all sponsered players.
2. Graphite re-inforced bats are illegal.
3. The umpires and the match referee checked Shah's bat to see if it was legal or not.
4. Shah was allowed to continue using the bat.

What is your conclusion, given those facts, and how have you arrived at that conclusion?

Seems that a few people have a problem with reality!

I know you've already been found out, but there's other evidence you could've look at. The bats that both Ricky Ponting and the beast boys (Lee and Huss) were provided with were updated models, not just the same bats with the graphite removed - they looked very different to the old graphite ones (look for some photos of the first test vs SA). The sticker is a smaller, or atleast has a large clear portion that makes them look smaller. So either this fella got a different update from Kookaburra that still looks like the old bat, or is still using the old bat. Having said that, my memory of the old bats is pretty poor so it may have been an optical illusion.

You can buy budget Kahunas and Beasts at the cricket shop - they have the same looking sticker but not the graphite - these are meant for junior cricket, would never be used in competition.

It obviously didn't affect Ponting - he still swivelled around to pull a trademark six early in his innings with extreme ease. But the graphite does infact add power as a gimmick to what it is intended for, strengthening the bat - if I could use paint i'd draw you a basic structural force and reaction force diagram.
This is beside the point, but Hussey now uses the Genesis. Ponting and Martyn uses different models of the Kahuna and Lee uses a Beast.
This could be made so much simpler:

Interviewer: Are you using a graphite backed bat?
Owais Shah: Yes/No.

Instead, we run around in circles of speculation.
If that is a graphite bat he would not be allowed to bat with it
ahhhh it is the graphite bat.
he was allowed to use it coz he didnt have time to get a replacement.
Match referees saw nothing wrong with it as they dont see how a tiny graphite sticker is against any cricket laws.

The bat was designed for use with the graphite sticker,they cant just take the sticker off.
They had to make a whole new batch of bats.
The only people Kookaburra are going to do that for is there sponsored players, everyone else who uses it because they like them need to get their own replacements.
Interesting comment by one of the south african commentators during the first session this morning - apparently Ponting was outraged to find out Shah had used the bat and wanted to bring back the graphite bat for the second test...but Kookaburra had to talk him out of it because they didn't want to create a storm. Maybe it was just a gentleman's agreement that they wouldn't use the bats - so I think it's pretty dam low for Shah to pull it out regardless of sponsorship. The guy is a pro cricketer, i'm sure he could've got his hands on another bat in time for the match (considering the ICC made the ruling months ago). And by the way - Shah is another foreigner! I think people should quit pointing out that half of their team was missing and have a look at the fact that half of their team aint full blown english!
You Australian, valvolux?

The umpires have allowed him to use it, and no-one knows whether it is the graphite sticker bat or not.

This debate should really be stopped, going in the same direction.
It could be that the ban was for series starting on a particular date. The India v England series started prior to that date, and the South Africa v Australia series started after that date.

Also, it has been reported that the sticker was just advertising the graphite bat. This has been ignored by the Australian media. I wonder why?
Sureshot said:

Um I think you'll find that you are incorrect. He was using the graphite bat - do you think the umpires could actually tell between the graphite sticker and a non graphite sticker? I have a full blown kahuna for club cricket and a budget non graphite one for the backyard - look identical, except my full blown one has a lot better wood and more meat. Funny, it's been reported in every other media that he was confirmed as using the bat. Once again confirmed during today's match in south would seem that you are the only one getting that information...perhaps slightly bias media you have over there? I mean, heroes in a drawn series?

I still can't see why none of the media have picked up the fact that half the side have non english blood. You bet that'll be picked up on when they arrive down under - i'll have my "spot the pom" banner in full flight - showing half their team (and Tony Greig to get it on the tele).
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