Download the Cricket Revolution Demo!

If I was allowed to post my review your guys doubts will be cleared. :laugh
People don't get angry for not including a match scenario in the demo.They initially don't planned about a demo.The controls in this game takes some time to master,so I think the main purpose of this "nets demo" is for allowing users to get used to control by the time game releases.
The normal shots like cover drive, cut shot looks awesome. But I hate the 'Afridi slog' shots. They could've based it on someone who's shots look better.
People don't get angry for not including a match scenario in the demo.They initially don't planned about a demo.The controls in this game takes some time to master,so I think the main purpose of this "nets demo" is for allowing users to get used to control by the time game releases.

You will be needing much more time to used to it :p
People don't get angry for not including a match scenario in the demo.They initially don't planned about a demo.The controls in this game takes some time to master,so I think the main purpose of this "nets demo" is for allowing users to get used to control by the time game releases.
That's right. I was really surprised to see they released a demo, even if it is just in the nets. You will need the practice, though. You won't be walking all over the AI like in other games.
The game just stops here for me...

You know whats amazing about this game. It freaking worked on my Office PC. Now I hope my Office Internet is good enough for some online play :upray
@Fatal Shot- Try reinstalling it. BTW your system specs matches with the game's min requirement right?
Its not the pace of it that bothers me. I can't seem to be able work out the angle required for the cover drive that is asked of me in training?
The placement meter is very confusing :noway Has anyone got around it yet?

With out placement meter ball always goes to same place for a particular shot.Placement meter is another version of 360 batting, I think.If you press down key the ball placement changes slightly to left than current direction and if you press up key the ball placement changes slightly to right than current direction.If you press the up key frequently and arrow reaches bottom then you can play the same cut shot near through the cover area.I hope u get it

deepuparayil added 3 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

Its not the pace of it that bothers me. I can't seem to be able work out the angle required for the cover drive that is asked of me in training?

First play the cover drive with out adjusting the placement meter and see it's natural direction. Then the next press down key three times to adjust placement meter for the required angle.
One thing I loved about this game is that the player style of hitting the ball is is real.

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