
Can you druve?

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Yeh, they were mostly really petty things tbh. Stopping in one of those boxes near an entrance, messing up 1 of my maneuveres, just really stupid mistakes that I wouldn't have made at any other time bar the Driving Test. I hate driving Tests, they're not fun at all, not for me anyway.
Don't Drink And Druve. ;)

There's a maths variant that goes 'Don't drink and derive.'

I passed first time, getting on for 2 years ago now. Really enjoy driving. Haven't got a car, but I drive dads 1.6 Focus pretty much whenever I need it. Not that having a car would be much use at Uni in London!
LOL, it just becomes a drain on the finances (especially with how fecking expensive fuel is) Also, cause of other tards my insurance is just under a grand a year, then you put in stuff like MOT, tax and it becomes a right pain, not to mention if anything breaks.

Didn't you have a crash last year?
Test's booked for next month. I can do generally everything right, but they rarely all come good at the same time so it could be a breeze or disastrous.
On my Learner's at the moment, about 25 hours on the book :)
25 hours is the amount you have to do to get your Ps.
Well it's my birthday on July 4th, so a month today. I've been practicing in the fields with an old Corsa which is an absolute shed, and I'm pretty good at starting, gears and stopping and have done some decent enough reversing. Am getting good at these, although I find starting quite hard to begin with. Haven't done any maneuvers yet, I don't want to as I know I'll get in bad habits. I've got my first lesson booked for my birthday which is 1hour, but after that I'm having 90 minute lessons, twice a week. Aiming to be passed by the time I go back to school in September.

Thankfully I'm not going to have to drive that shed of a Corsa when I get on the road - it's getting scrapped when I stop using it. I have had my car for a couple of months, and I'm ready to go. Got an 06 plate, Audi A3 1.6 Sport. Nice car, and I can't wait to drive it on the roads. Have had one little drive on an airfield, but that's about it.
I've known how to drive since last year but its only this year that my dad actually gives me the car to drive on my own on the roads. I'm only just 17 yet (May) so there's no chance of a license, I'll get my learning in 6 months hopefully.

I only drive around my house so to avoid chances of running into those cops :p
I still haven't got my full yet, I don't know about you guys but we have three levels. Learner, Restricted, and Full. I've been on my Restricted for almost three years lol, but thats all you need really. I'm just not suppose to be taking passengers. :p
I got my license last year (got it on my third attempt..pricks), you NEED a license. Simple as that, in life if you no license then your gonna find trouble with the ladies, trouble with work, trouble with family, all sorts. Just get it done, because after all the money wasted on driving lessons, tests and all that it actually is worth it!

So far I've only got one speeding ticket (12km/h over the limit). So pretty happy with that.

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