
Can you druve?

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What?! Aren't you like 14 or something? How old do you have to be to get one in America? Something really low or somethin?
Yeah, I thought so too.

Anyway, my 4th lesson tomorrow. Done 6 hours and it's going well. I've got the starting of the car, clutch, steering nailed. Stopping the car needs work though. I mean stopping without it jerking slightly. I'm already used to the main roads since he got me driving on them since the first lesson but it's never really been busy since people are at work.
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I remember those days, I hate them days. Driving is like effort, its annoying because you suck and every knows you do...

I totally changed when I got my Ps, suprised i'm not dead by now.
I'm currently on my L's. I'm sorta getting there with the hours but I've still got plenty to go before I can go for my P's.
Yeah, I thought so too.

Anyway, my 4th lesson tomorrow. Done 6 hours and it's going well. I've got the starting of the car, clutch, steering nailed. Stopping the car needs work though. I mean stopping without it jerking slightly. I'm already used to the main roads since he got me driving on them since the first lesson but it's never really been busy since people are at work.

Gradually release the pressure on the brake pedal as you come to a stop.
Gradually release the pressure on the brake pedal as you come to a stop.

Yeah, that's improved a lot. Now, it's roundabouts.

Btw, I stalled for the second time at the lights.
Go around them. Think ahead, many roundabouts can be different, think about your position on the road: prior to, during and exiting the roundabout.

Stalling, you'll get used to clutch pressures eventually. What will get you is when you go from a car with an old clutch to one with a new one. Then you'll go mental.

As ever. Replace clutch with accelerator (though not like old people, who need to hit 3,000rpm to move)
Test at the end of August. I just need to remember to use them damn mirrors and stop coasting.
When I turn 16 I will be going for my L's A.S.A.P. Turning 14 in September, so still I while to go yet.

That's the same spirit I had when I was 14. Boy was I wrong when I thought driving was as easy as getting licenses in Gran Turismo or winning a race in Need for Speed. Didn't even study for the first exam, had to retake it.

The actual practical side of driving I faired pretty well and passed with flying colours.
My main problem so far seems to be that I can't make a smooth take off after stopping, I always either stall or the car jerks when I start moving off. I do get the idea with how to work the clutch, but I can't get it right.
I'm ready to take a test now and I will certainly book in for one soon. The problem is not really my driving as such but I can't seem to perform under test conditions. I've had about 8-9 mock tests (practice tests you do in your driving lessons) have I've failed them all!
10 months till i'm off my p's haha, woooo!
should help to make the trip home after a big sat night a bit more legal haha

nothing compares to driving on the road by yourself. learners only teaches you so much.

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