Early sales trends

Project Morpheus maybe? ;)

Oculus Rift will be a very small userbase for us I think. I'd be doing it because it is cool and for no other reason as it will likely cost quite a bit more money to develop than we would see in increased sales.
also I was watching some Indian Gamer video of db
Yes the game is present on the various torrents but i m enjoying original copy. Its a very sad feeling. Agree with u patch the players with goats and make pirators donkey.


you guys are rokin keep going
There's no way i'd go out and buy a sports game i'd never heard of (no matter how much I love the sport) if it would set me back ?50

I'd disagree with you there. If you love/have interest in the sport, you'd get it. You might think a moment or two before buying it, but the temptation will eventually be too much to handle and that will make you buy the game. That is of course if you truly are in love with the sport.
I don't ever think I could justify ?50 on something I know nothing about. I'd go away and find out more about the game first before deciding what to do. ?50 on something that could be pure tripe is a lot of money

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