All these u_hard, l_hard,...... etc thats all ok
How do u edit field_physics? :help
please got to edit outfield pacing :onpc
I hope its not a silly question.
All these AI patchers like boss... etc create seprate files (2....big) for test, odi 50 ovrs, 20 overs etc. Why?

When i did extract the .cfg files i found that every thing ( odi 50 ovrs, test, 20 ovrs etc) has a seprate .cfg file so why dont they put everything into one so that we dont get the headache of changing the file while playing test then change again while playin ODI. :onpc
(If i hav said anytin wrong i am sorry)
[ The thing is that i like boss AI patch but hate to again n agian change the files for test n ODI ]