Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Well, my second lot of exams for the year (out of three) start next Wednesday.
I got eight ****en exams, while some people I know only have four, bloody scholarship.
I'm totally unprepared, and have only really started studying for Physics.
Calc and Stats scholarship are going to be bitches, and I'll probably struggle to get any marks in either paper.
Calc scholarship is extremely difficult. I have some friends who scored 0 in it. At least you have mocks for it though. The first time I had sat one of those exams was in the exam room. Stats isn't actually too bad.
Yeah, I might have a chance in Stats and Geo, but Calc is ****en hard.
Holy ████, I just got so owned up in my Chem exam.
I hardly even knew what a buffer solution is, and half of one of the three papers was on them. :mad:
I was pretty confident going into it, but now I'm just tweaked off at how bad it went.
Left so many questions blank, I just had no idea on some of the ████.

Three exams down this week, but still five more exams (15 hours) over a period of just 51 hours next week. :facepalm
Have fun :p

I hate it when the question that comes up in the exam is the one thing you hardly know anything on. Happens to me in history and eco
I though there would only be one question on them, so I didn't bother studying it, but it turns out 1/3 - 1/2 the paper were on them...
****en exams finally over!
Too bad it's only another two months before the real ones. :facepalm
Mine start tomorrow :(

Might go buy a graphics calculator, atleast then I might be able to pass one paper (slight possibility)
I should have Biology sussed though, just talk a whole lot of crap and you get Merit :laugh
flingen exams finally over!
Too bad it's only another two months before the real ones. :facepalm

haha partying this weekend? :D
I've just had two test today, got another one tomorrow, then a month and a bit and I have my exams :/

Mine start tomorrow :(

Might go buy a graphics calculator, atleast then I might be able to pass one paper (slight possibility)
I should have Biology sussed though, just talk a whole lot of crap and you get Merit :laugh

Why would a graphics calc help you? For maths? In Cambridge we weren't allowed to use a graphics calc (well at least until you took further maths).

They just confuse me with all their functions.
Why would a graphics calc help you? For maths? In Cambridge we weren't allowed to use a graphics calc (well at least until you took further maths).

They just confuse me with all their functions.
For graphing... You basically write the equation of the graph into the calculator and it tells you the answer. You're supposed to have a graphics calculator for year 12 maths and yeah it makes graphing bloody simple at least.

-D-S-B- added 1 Minutes and 17 Seconds later...

I'm hopeless at graphing without one, well really I'm just hopeless at maths full stop.
Lol, with a graphics calculator and the formula sheet you can't fail conics/graphs.

CG123 added 3 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

haha partying this weekend? :D

Indoor cricket semi tomorrow night, versing top of the table. :p
Ah well I suppose you can't party properly until you're 18 :p

Maths was one of my best subjects :p Just post any questions in the forum and I'll see if I can help :p Graphics calculators take all the thinking away from the subject :p My teacher used to tell me stories about how some of the NCEA people couldn't even draw graphs on their calculators lol. Let alone without one.
Don't worry, Maths is my strongest subject as well.
I took level one in year nine, and now are doing both calc and stats schol.
I know how to draw graphs etc, and I just use it to check my graphs.
And vice versa with my equations, I'll find the equation, the put it in the calc and see if it matches the original graph.
Well if Dan needs help then he's got two people to help him :p

My test tomorrow is for Information Systems (which is a stupid subject btw), but the stupid/cool thing is that we're allowed to bring in a sheet of paper with notes on it :D I'm basically relying on this sheet of paper to get me through the test cos I haven't studied the content much.
Good to know you guys don't mind helping, but I think I'm a bit far past that stage now, it may be a little difficult for yous to teach an idiot a whole year worth of work.

It sucks that maths is my weak point because it's probably the most important one.

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