I've still got 3 weeks till uni
Three week? When the feck do you start? I start the 22nd. So 2 week on Monday. I suppose thats fairly 3 weeks almost.
I'm getting very <insertexpletive> at the moment. The only bit of paperwork for college I can find is the receipt. I know I had to move some stuff around, but I can't think that I've thrown the flipping things. I'm sure I start at 10am on Monday. I really cba with this at the moment.
Had parents evening tonight before I go back on monday for year 13.
It's brilliant hearing teachers being so shocked at my results. All these were compliments, btw "He's a bit of a dark horse" "He does well in exams" "Somehow he pulls them out of the bag"
Basically my work-rate and attitude to study are questionable, but my results aren't.