England in Australia

This should be dozing off into a draw now but it's a 5 day pitch so I wouldn't rule out a positive result just yet. My money remains on the draw though beacue this pitch still looks like a batting paradise. Well done Hoggard as well, absolutley brilliant bowling from him again and he was a only a dropped-catch (Giles :mad:) away from his Test best figures.
It will be miracle if it is not a draw now. I would like to see Strauss and Bell have big knocks though.
Hoggard at times made the pitch look like a good one to bowl on, surely we have to drop Jimmy for the next test? I know the WACA has a history of benefiting the pacers more than the spinners but we really need Monty if we are to have any hope of getting 20 Aussies wickets in any of the remaining 5 tests.

andrew_nixon said:
I'm used to waking up and finding dozens of posts in this thread overnight. What happened?

I take it your series average is up to date on Giles now?

2 wickets, he didn't really get either out himself did he? 2 and a half years since a 5 for. :help

sifter132 said:
I'm going to stick up for Giles a little bit here.

Firstly, he bowled well to Hussey yesterday and I was watching thinking, geez he could get Hussey here - the first time I've thought Giles was threatening for a while now. But really, I don't give him much chance of getting Ponting or Clarke out ever. Maybe Gilchrist...

Second, Giles seems to fly under the Aussies radar a bit. He can go for around 3 an over (admittedly without creating chances) and restrict their scoring without them even noticing really. But I think the Aussies would go after Monty if he were playing. Often they will go after the weakest bowler, or just a new bowler who they don't want to get settled. Couple that with the fact that English fans fap over Monty and he doesn't have much experience - that is plenty of motivation to go after him and dent his confidence. That could be a big reason why Fletcher isn't playing him which would go along with his defensive thinking.

Pakistan and Sri Lanka couldn't really get a hold of Monty why would Australia be any different?
andrew_nixon said:
Yep, it's up to date. Great bowler isn't he?

No wait, bowling average is supposed to be low.....
It could be worse, he could have 1 wicket at 273 or 2 at 140 like a couple of his mates
Drewska said:
Or 3 for 280 like brett lee...
Just ticked over 300 actually, he's a proud member of the hundred club as well
Sureshot said:
Hoggard at times made the pitch look like a good one to bowl on, surely we have to drop Jimmy for the next test? I know the WACA has a history of benefiting the pacers more than the spinners but we really need Monty if we are to have any hope of getting 20 Aussies wickets in any of the remaining 5 tests.

I take it your series average is up to date on Giles now?

2 wickets, he didn't really get either out himself did he? 2 and a half years since a 5 for. :help

Pakistan and Sri Lanka couldn't really get a hold of Monty why would Australia be any different?
i think that was cos he was knew and they didnt know what to expect,

now though both those teams would play him like any other spinner
Dont put any money on Monty playing at the WACA let alone this series at all.

If fletcher had wanted to play him, he would have.
Monty will play at Sydney when it's a dead rubber and if he has a bad game he probably won't play again for another year, despite Giles not performing since the home Tests against Windies in 2004.
andrew_nixon said:
I'm used to waking up and finding dozens of posts in this thread overnight. What happened?

They're all at school ;)

Gotta love it, Hoggard has bowled as many overs as our supposed frontline spinner, been just as tight, and taken 6 more wickets on a pitch favouring the spinner more than the seamer :p

Oh and for Christ sake lads but can you please get it into your heads that IF FREDDIE had wanted Panesar playing he would have done. This is not all Fletchers decision. I realise that Freddie is seemingly untouchable in the press and in terms of critiscm, but he does deserve some.

Why bring on KP when Warne came to the crease? They were going on about how good a move that was. What are they on, this isn't a series about two players having a battle of one-up-manship. This is a test match, so bring back a seamer and try to finish him off quick. Fair enough if he was still there after a burst, get him off, but I can assure you Warne would rather have been facing Giles and KP on arriving at the crease than say Harmison and Hoggard/Anderson.

At the same time Freddie will have a massive say in who starts the test matches, I believe he is massively behind Giles and Jones as he is the sort of chap who will stick by players, especially players that he is good mates with.

Freddie to be fair to him captained fairly well yesterday, he was inventive and moved his fields about, but on a couple of occassions he completely mispositioned his fielder. He is limited at best when it comes to captaincy, and it is as captain that he had to make the big choice between Giles and Panesar, and I don't think it's much of a surprise to see the same captain that massively underbowled Panesar in his last series failing to pick him.

He hid him in India when they started to take us on, so his confidence in Panesar is low, and I really feel that he has had far more say over who plays in this first and second test.
yeah but most people on here beleive that panesar is the better bowler than giles
plympilgrim said:
yeah but most people on here beleive that panesar is the better bowler than giles

Exactly what relevance to anything does that have on anything :p

I am fully aware of that, I tried to start a debate some pages back, stating clearly that we all know that everyone on this forum feels Panesar is the better option, so with that in mind why have Fletcher and Freddie taken this route? What mindset have they used. Unfortunately I came back some hours later and everyone had decided to just post the same things again... "Fletcher is some kind of muppet, Panesar is the leet spinner, he'll headshot you all mofos... " etc... etc... *

Anyway, my post just above wasn't asking who everyone thinks is the better option, but why everyone has decided that this is all Fletchers fault, and that Freddie escapes with no blame?

*maybe not using leet talk, but it wasn't much more inciseful or interesting :rolleyes:
i think that giles is a more defensive option, he bowls economically but doesn't take that many wickets. on the other hand panesar goes for more runs but i think he gives the ball more spin and takes more wickets
But, this is a Test match, and Monty doesn't go for many runs. Monty is a very attacking option. Whilst Giles, is just shocking.

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