England in Australia

evertonfan said:
It's wrong for me to have a vein and obnoxious sense of smugness about this, but I can't say I never saw this defeat coming. The quoted post is one of a number that ridiculed me for suggesting that Aus would be the likely victors. The fact is, I knew we would have a distinct possibility of losing because us including a left-arm pie-thrower as opposed to a spinner would come back to haunt us.

Who got man of the match by the way? Colly surely?

Pains me to say it but I guess well done :rolleyes: However it is your attitude that is one of the reasons we ended up in so much trouble. By that I don't mean that you are responsible Matt :p I mean that very typically English way of somehow always expecting defeat in pressure situations, and unsurprisingly delivering. The Aussie mentality is to win, and they said all along they would win, and they did.

Ponting got man of the match for his big hundred, second innings 49 and excellent captaincy throughout. He was also on the winning team which helps :p
If anyone is keeping track, i now support USA :p They should replace England as a test playing nation :)

Losing on the Day 5 is just to bad!
Ashley Giles, Anderson and Jones shouldnt be allowed to play they should find some other job Im sure Giles could enter pie throwing comps :P
evertonfan said:
It's wrong for me to have a vein and obnoxious sense of smugness about this, but I can't say I never saw this defeat coming

:boxing ;)

That has to be the most disgraceful batting performance in recent times. How the hell can we bat for 54 overs and only score 70 odd runs is beyond me. Even if they has just randomally slogged they would have done better, the bowlers had all the control, and you have to give credit to Pointing if he can restrict the scoring and take wickets like that.
Id be inclined to blame the pitch before the Australian innings. It was more like a sticky wicket than a test playing one. The ball just completely stopped on the pitch. Lee bowled at 90MPH, id be interested to see how fast it was travelling when it met the bat, im guessing 70MPH or somthing near that.

Australia proved that if you hit it hard enough and place it, scoring on a slow wicket is possible, and possible with ease :(
Scmods said:
Now to put a positive spin on the last 2 days...

We'll get away with a draw at least, this pitiful English bowling attack won't be able to bowl us out once in 3 days on this pitch, let alone twice. Could they have batted any slower? Geez it's no wonder it took the Poms so long to win the Ashes, they're happy to accept a draw. A hint Mr Fletcher: THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! You won the Ashes last year because you ATTACKED, your players backed themselves. Now you've gone back to this piss poor, pathetic game plan where you play weak excuses for players (Giles, Jones) in place of players who while being slightly riskier (Panesar, Read) can WIN you games. The only way to beat Australia is to take the game up to us. It's no good "strengthening" your batting line up in hope we'll make a mistake, that won't happen, and if it does we can cover it. You have to attack and FORCE us to make a mistake. I hope England sack him after this series, he has NFI about One Day cricket and this series has shown he has absolutely no idea how to take it up to the big teams. For crying out loud Fletcher get your god damn act together.
Duncan Fletcher: 0

I think I stand proven correct.
Personally I blame Darryl Hair.

After all;
1. He's Australian (lived in Eurpope for almost 10 years)
2. He's getting old
3. He's an Aussie
4. He 's overweight
5. He's an Aussie
6. He's going bald
7. He's an Aussie
8. He's honest and unbiased
9. He's an Aussie.
10 It's cheaper to sack him than Malcolm Speed (another bloody Aussie!)
lol nice sig Mods ;)

one other thing I think Ponting should be banned for scoring too many runs.....not funny?

so sad to see England lose the Ashes this early!
themuel1 said:
"As we've said on numerous occasions, we want to bat to eight and we think Ashley can do a better job with that," - Fletcher

Batting to eight hasn't helped us. The fact that he said that shows the faith he has in the top 7 - not much.

When you expect No.8 to score runs, it tells me you have no confidence in your batsmen.
If you expect No.8 to bail you out, you have no fight or spirit.

The Fletcher-Giles-Monty equation isn't the only thing that caused this loss.
The truth is that England played way above themselves in the 2005 Ashes.
Since then it's been the "Same Old Same Old" thing.
wolf said:
Personally I blame Darryl Hair.

After all;
1. He's Australian (lived in Eurpope for almost 10 years)
2. He's getting old
3. He's an Aussie
4. He 's overweight
5. He's an Aussie
6. He's going bald
7. He's an Aussie
8. He's honest and unbiased
9. He's an Aussie.
10 It's cheaper to sack him than Malcolm Speed (another bloody Aussie!)

wtf where did you get Hair from lol?

If i were to blame anyone it would be Mike Hussey and Clark reason being they should have gotten out so it would be exciting and should have let us win...their against the spirit of the game lol in reality from now on I'm going to blame Giles for most things....such as squad selections, bowling changes, feild changes, batting order, how many runs a batsman makes and why England dont take wickets and I think its Giles fault that Flintoff is Capitan!
wolf said:
:boxing ;)

That has to be the most disgraceful batting performance in recent times. How the hell can we bat for 54 overs and only score 70 odd runs is beyond me.

Only stayed up an hour as new we wouldn't score many, as Pietersen said before they were aiming to bat out 90 overs, should have seen it coming. If we had blitzed it for 30-60 mins then if wickets started to fall then shut up shop but not be negative all the way down the innings, i'm so angry :mad

Punk Sk8r said:
so sad to see England lose the Ashes this early!

Who said they are lost punk sk8r ? there are still 3 tests left, i no it will be difficult but it can still be done.
Blip. Did you hear that? Oh, that was just 2005. That was the series where England won because McGrath was injured wasn't it?

Did you guys see how much GD McGrath was getting it to reverse swing?? Halleluiah!! In Troy WE TRUST!!!
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valvolux said:
Blip. Did you hear that? Oh, that was just 2005. That was the series where England won because McGrath was injured wasn't it?

Did you guys see how much GD McGrath was getting it to reverse swing?? Halleluiah!! In Troy WE TRUST!!!

No I reckon England won the Ashes because of a extremly thick decesion by Ponting on the toss...once againt I blame Giles for that to lol

Englishandproud said:
Who said they are lost punk sk8r ? there are still 3 tests left, i no it will be difficult but it can still be done.

Doubt it mate as much as I would like to see England retain them i doubt it they look a beaten side hopefully Vaughn can come back as capitan?

lol I was supporting Aussies now i guess the Pommy side of me is out!
Did flintoff say anything to the media after the match??

Also, i went to every day of this match, and i tell you PC members, the Barmy Army was, like the english side on teh field, completely out sung today... the Australians beet them twith volume, variety and wit, and it went hand in hand with how england played.

i was disgusted with Englands attitude this morning, as every englishman should be, and i got attacked by a Pom in the crowd. the police took good care of him though. (i did call him a * lol)

ayways, i am SO happy with todays play. every other state should be jealous, that is going to be the best test match in a long long time in australia, nothing is going to beat that, and it was at adelaide. it was GREAT fun!

the whole West End Hill was going bunta! singing and chanting the whole time after lunch, and when that winning single was hit... it was the loudest thing i have ever heard. i was hugging blokes iv never seen before...

what a day!

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