England in Australia

tsyrmas said:
Did flintoff say anything to the media after the match??

Also, i went to every day of this match, and i tell you PC members, the Barmy Army was, like the english side on teh field, completely out sung today... the Australians beet them twith volume, variety and wit, and it went hand in hand with how england played.

i was disgusted with Englands attitude this morning, as every englishman should be, and i got attacked by a Pom in the crowd. the police took good care of him though. (i did call him a * lol)

ayways, i am SO happy with todays play. every other state should be jealous, that is going to be the best test match in a long long time in australia, nothing is going to beat that, and it was at adelaide. it was GREAT fun!

the whole West End Hill was going bunta! singing and chanting the whole time after lunch, and when that winning single was hit... it was the loudest thing i have ever heard. i was hugging blokes iv never seen before...

what a day!

Aussies should've outsung the Barmy Army you probably outnumbered us what 9 or 10 to 1?

Wouldn't it be nice for Fred of Fletch to just hold up their hands and say we were crap today instead of the excuses?

Today was trully shocking possible the worst display by England I've seen in the last 3 years, people should be held responsible, again Fletch made it quite clear why Giles will play the whole series and why Monty probably won't play.

I don't want this man coaching England anymore, although I'm surprised we didn't try his normally fallible method of sweeping ourselves out of trouble.

Well done Australia for fighting to the death, I wish the same could be said for England.

What happened with Freds field placings also?

Scmods said:
Duncan Fletcher: 0

I think I stand proven correct.

About the only post you've made I've agreed with ;)

Edit: Go to page 146 and read what he quoted in that post for this to make any sense.

s2sschan said:
When you expect No.8 to score runs, it tells me you have no confidence in your batsmen.
If you expect No.8 to bail you out, you have no fight or spirit.

The Fletcher-Giles-Monty equation isn't the only thing that caused this loss.
The truth is that England played way above themselves in the 2005 Ashes.
Since then it's been the "Same Old Same Old" thing.

Played above ourselves?

How so? Jones, Bell and Giles had miserable series.

I thought we didn't play that well in the Ashes last year, we outplayed Aus but we were better in 2004 I think.
I wasn't happy with Pietersen's attitude in this Test match. When he came on to bowl the arrogance he betrayed was nothing short of disgraceful. I'm all for a bit of sledging, but the way Kevin sledged you'd think he's taken 700 wickets when he only has 1. It also got way out of hand as well.

The way he got out today infuriated me; He rarely - if ever - played a sweep in the first innings and what happened? He played one of the best innings of his life. Why then, did he choose to play an awful sweep shot to Warne in the second innings? That's the infuriating part of the poisened chalice which I like to call the 'Pietersen Package'.
irottev said:
In my opinion the umpiring has been of a high standard, in this ashes and the last one.

I don't think any team could have any complaints.

It's too late now, but Flintoff was a bad move for captaincy. Strauss was much better. He seems a lot smarter.

The umpires have made mistakes but then they're bound to as they're only human, it's a shame Taufel can't umpire in this series. What about Dar? I think he's pretty good.

The umpires have done well on the hole, despite Strauss and Harmy being unlucky today, but then again there are some decisions they made really well.

evertonfan said:
I wasn't happy with Pietersen's attitude in this Test match. When he came on to bowl the arrogance he betrayed was nothing short of disgraceful. I'm all for a bit of sledging, but the way Kevin sledged you'd think he's taken 700 wickets when he only has 1. It also got way out of hand as well.

The way he got out today infuriated me; He rarely - if ever - played a sweep in the first innings and what happened? He played one of the best innings of his life. Why then, did he choose to play an awful sweep shot to Warne in the second innings? That's the infuriating part of the poisened chalice which I like to call the 'Pietersen Package'.

Rather have the 'Pietersen Package' than any other England batsman, he's our best, yes he's infuriating but he can also be like god at times.
Don't get me wrong, Pietersen is one of the best English batsmen i've seen for a while, but he needs to improve his attitude a lot.

If Monty doesn't play at Perth then I don't know if i'll be able to summon the tolerance of the idiot Fletcher anymore.

And regarding Sureshot's post, we were at out absolute peak in South Africa 04/05 in my opinion.
I went to the exam in the morning when England were 82/5 .
And when I came back I see that Australia have pulled this one off.
Absolutely Amazing

Warnie magic worked again .

I remember England managing to lose the test match at Mohali under similar situation with 2 days washed out by rain.
At Mohali, only the first innings of both side had got over at tea on Day 4 and still England managed to mss it up like they did today.
That is 2 defeats pulled out of the jaws of safety in a single year.
Add to that the Multan test defeat earlier in the year chasing 195 and we know why England have`nt been in the best of form this year.

It cannot get more demoralizing than this , losing after scoring 550+
Bet England would be thinking , I wish we had scored more runs before declaring in the first innings !
Australia lost to us in 2003 at Adelaide scoring 550+ in th first innings and having India at 80/4 !
Lots of similarities there

England have no reason to play Giles ahead of Monty.
Had they had an attacking spinner like Monty around with Australia at 100/3 in the first innings, it would have been a different ball game.
And Mr.Fletcher is playing him in the XI for his batting , he hasn`t saved you the test with his batting either.

Giles`s selection must rank among the worst selections ever in test history.
evertonfan said:
Don't get me wrong, Pietersen is one of the best English batsmen i've seen for a while, but he needs to improve his attitude a lot.

If Monty doesn't play at Perth then I don't know if i'll be able to summon the tolerance of the idiot Fletcher anymore.

And regarding Sureshot's post, we were at out absolute peak in South Africa 04/05 in my opinion.

Can we please move on from the Giles/Panesar thing! It has ruined this thread since it was made clear Giles would be playing.

It's just as well I had things to do today, I was so angry at that pitiful excuse for a batting display.

I'd also argue that we were actually at our best during the 2004 summer. In South Africa, Harmison, Giles, Vaughan, Key/Butcher, Flintoff and Jones weren't exactly on top of their games. Flintoff did atleast bowl well.
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I disagree Stevie; Flintoff bowled some of the best spells i've seen from him on that tour, and Trescothick and Strauss were in electric form too. That's all kibbles and bits though and bears no resemblamce to the Ashes.

I don't know why Hoggard wasn't used more today as well; Underbowled if you asked me. Damn we need Vaughan back.
oh well looks like we thrown the ashes away today, i personally can't see us fighting back to win let alone a draw
evertonfan said:
I disagree Stevie; Flintoff bowled some of the best spells i've seen from him on that tour, and Trescothick and Strauss were in electric form too. That's all kibbles and bits though and bears no resemblamce to the Ashes.

I don't know why Hoggard wasn't used more today as well; Underbowled if you asked me. Damn we need Vaughan back.

Not much Hoggard could have done, you guys said it yourself hes not a ODI bowler and it showed as the Aussies had no problem with him today.
England batting was at fault today; if you cannot defend for a day you have problems. They did not lose today because of any Giles/Panesar issue, they lost simply because they cannot play final day spinners or play under pressure. Training and increased concentration is the way to overcome that.
evertonfan said:
Your team outplayed us, your fans were as pathetically outsung as ever.

Quite right. But I did like the Aussie fans singing "2 nil, 2 nil, 2nil etc" when we still had about 20-30 runs to get. Aussie fans don't really sing much as a general rule, but when they do its a pleasure to hear.

Oh and just back to Giles v Monty. Giles batting has only been mentioned by Fletcher because Monty has not been able to prove (prove to Fletcher at least) that he is a much better bowler. If 2 bowlers are ROUGHLY the same, then you will go with the better batter & fielder everytime right? And one duck does not make Giles' batting crap. He has scored 20s in all his other knocks.
Absolutely disgraceful batting performance today. Strauss was unlucky to be given out, but it was a tough decision for Bucknor who with Koertzen had umpired extremely well. The shots KP, Freddie and Jones played can be summed up in one word, wreckless. To try and sweep Warne when it is the first ball you face against him is idiotic, even if he did control him in the 1st innings. Freddie flashed at one when it was in no way neccesary and how far did Jones have to go to even reach the ball he got out to!

They didn't manage to rotate the strike, and the fact they got something like 70 runs off 50 overs was horrendous. An embarrasing day to be an Englishman, at least the Barmy Army can hold their heads up high having won the battle in the stands. However at the end of the day, that is not the battle that mattered. I'm afraid Monty will be probably not be considered for Perth, with stubborn Fletcher and perhaps Flintoff convinced that Giles will soon get more than 2 wickets in a match :rolleyes: . Its tough to see England recovering from here, yes they may win one test, but I expect Australia to win one of the 3 games.

I am beginning to doubt Freddie's captaincy, yes he got a draw in India, but to be honest India didn't play particularly well in that series and he only managed a draw as captain against Sri Lanka in a series we expected to win.

Suddenly McGrath's prediction seems very possible. I made a post at the start of this test saying how I thought Fletcher was wrong to say about England batsmen being comfortable against Warne. I said it could return to haunt us and I sincerley wish I was sat here eating humble pie with gravy. But unfortunately, my thought was right and he's left to stew over his comments and selection. Not that he will, just thats what he should be doing.

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