England in Australia

The immigrant thing is just a fun jibe really (or it is when I bring it up). Just like the gag that we are Dad's army. I mean, you can talk passports all you like, but having players of international decent is just an easy target for those intellectually challenged Aussie fans who need to make the odd excuse, but usually a "look at the scoreboard" is a good enough comeback.

Whether we like it or not, race/appearance/decent makes a difference, at least in Monty's case. It's Monty's Indian/Sikh appearance that make him "such a great character" (Bill Lawry says this 1000 times a day). If he looked like me or any other Caucasian Joe Average, then the media and crowd would treat him a lot differently I'd wager - he just wouldn't have that instant profile and popularity (and the odd race based taunt too).

Touching on the TV commentary for a sec, I'd love a dollar for how many times Bill Lawry said "the crowd are loving this partnership" during the Harmy/Monty stand yesterday, seemed like it was after even scoring shot. I'm gonna be watching TV muted with the radio commentary for the rest of the summer - I can't stand Bill already and most of the other commentators aren't really worth listening to either. Bill just repeats cliches constantly and tries to stuff 7 different points into every sentence - a total gibberer. But he is good value for the 2 seconds after a dismissal - "Gotthim, yes" - that's still gold.

Back to the game, even if England bowled Aussies out for an extra 100 today, would England be a shoe in to get 248? I think it'd be 50-50. On the other hand they could be batted out of the game today with 1 or 2 decent innings by our batters. Say Aussies score at 3.5 for the rest of today - that's 315 more by stumps and a lead of 463. More than enough I'd say, but they are ideally looking at a declaration before lunch on day 4 leaving England chasing around 550 in about 160 overs.
sifter132 said:
Back to the game, even if England bowled Aussies out for an extra 100 today, would England be a shoe in to get 248? I think it'd be 50-50. On the other hand they could be batted out of the game today with 1 or 2 decent innings by our batters. Say Aussies score at 3.5 for the rest of today - that's 315 more by stumps and a lead of 463. More than enough I'd say, but they are ideally looking at a declaration before lunch on day 4 leaving England chasing around 550 in about 160 overs.

Definitely not 50/50, England would have the advantages as if we only get that much of a lead then they would have 2 whole days to get it and this pitch is getting better just like last year. I wouldn't feel safe until we have a lead of 550+ just to make sure the English don't produce any heroics.
Awww come on, where's that dominating Aussie spirit? If we get skittled today, our bowlers would come out this afternoon really keen for a big effort and with a great wickettaking attitude (see 1st innings of this match).
Also there would be some doubt in the English minds about the pitch after seeing a big Aussie collapse, especially if the ball did a bit.

Personally, I'm not buying the pitch thing - just cause a couple of guys defied Australia last year in the 2nd innings was the pitch really a lot better as the match went on? Yesterday the pitch looked flat late in the arvo, but the Poms had nothing. They weren't trying anything and had defensive fields - so of course the pitch will look flat with 2 settled batters.

Still, I agree with ya - a 550 lead would be much nicer, rather than taking the chance with a 250-300 lead.
valvolux said:
You daft sod - the reason why we're the most hated team on the planet is we're the best team in the world - you're just full of jealous hatred. I suggest that you and your team of illegal substitue fielders (of whom half are also illegal immigrants) go and suck on your mints, "scuff" up one side of the ball so that it reverses in 15 overs, then go and have a good rub down, then get your coach to invite the match referee out for a few beers so you can concoct a way out of this mess. Then when you've done that, come back and tell me more about the spirit of the game.

The old illegal immigrants argument, flawless argument.


Poor day by England, Australia did well but this pitch is an odd one, remember kids Monty can't bat...

We can chase 300 at the most any more and it'll be Australias.
sifter132 said:
Touching on the TV commentary for a sec, I'd love a dollar for how many times Bill Lawry said "the crowd are loving this partnership" during the Harmy/Monty stand yesterday, seemed like it was after even scoring shot. I'm gonna be watching TV muted with the radio commentary for the rest of the summer - I can't stand Bill already and most of the other commentators aren't really worth listening to either. Bill just repeats cliches constantly and tries to stuff 7 different points into every sentence - a total gibberer. But he is good value for the 2 seconds after a dismissal - "Gotthim, yes" - that's still gold.
I'm glad Sky Sports are using their own equipment then! My favourite commentator is probably David Gower at the moment.
Botham's opinion is always funny as well. He is so biased towards England when they are winning and totally dejected 99/100 times when they are not. He always jumps on the bandwagen of the latest popular star whether it be KP, Freddie or Monty and I find that amusing also.

Bob Willis is also comedy in the studios with his usual sledging of those who play bad.

Frankly, I think the discussion in the studio and commentary box (in Sky Sports) in the Ashes has been top notch. Not brilliant from a speaking point of view, but geniune people (like Stuart Law, Butcher) express the common people's view in front of the scary front of Willis with Charles Coville to act as a presentor with a few interesting questions to ask.
sifter132 said:
Awww come on, where's that dominating Aussie spirit? If we get skittled today, our bowlers would come out this afternoon really keen for a big effort and with a great wickettaking attitude (see 1st innings of this match).
Also there would be some doubt in the English minds about the pitch after seeing a big Aussie collapse, especially if the ball did a bit.

Personally, I'm not buying the pitch thing - just cause a couple of guys defied Australia last year in the 2nd innings was the pitch really a lot better as the match went on? Yesterday the pitch looked flat late in the arvo, but the Poms had nothing. They weren't trying anything and had defensive fields - so of course the pitch will look flat with 2 settled batters.

Still, I agree with ya - a 550 lead would be much nicer, rather than taking the chance with a 250-300 lead.

I'd rather not jinx us by saying we've going to dominate :)
We might be able to defend 250 but it would take another piece of Shane Warne magic, can it happen two games in a row? Well I'd rather not find out.
I think a lead of 250 will be ample. Warne in the 4th innings has a psycological hold over England that makes we wonder if we could chase down 50.
I fear that today will be the day that winning the Ashes finally became a mathematical as well as a figurative impossibility.
Left_Hander said:
I didn't think Monty was to bad at batting. Same with Harmison. His footwork was fairly good I didn't see any stupid stuff out there. Admittedly this is the first time I have seen him bat, so this could be a one off but Monty doesn't look that bad as I thought he would after every man and his dog was saying how bad his batting is.

Harmison and Panesar in IMO should be above Hoggard.
He doesn't score runs and has worst techiques than Harmison and Panesar.
Harmison should be put at 8. His technique is quite handy and he actually bats in confidence. Hoggard shells himself up in hope that he gets some lucky runs.

With 3 days left, I think it is required that Australia at least bat most of today. They seem to be getting use to the bounce and know when to play their shots. 450-500 would be around enough IMO.
IloveGilly said:
Harmison should be put at 8. His technique is quite handy and he actually bats in confidence. Hoggard shells himself up in hope that he gets some lucky runs.

With 3 days left, I think it is required that Australia at least bat most of today. They seem to be getting use to the bounce and know when to play their shots. 450-500 would be around enough IMO.

Who says Australia will get to 450-500? It isn't the greatest batting pitch at the moment from what we've seen.
Drewska said:
Who says Australia will get to 450-500? It isn't the greatest batting pitch at the moment from what we've seen.

I predict that's what they'll get. :upray

Australia seemed to play with confidence yesterday afternoon. Hayden is actually finding some rhythm out there too!
MUFC1987 said:
First Australian Captain to lose the Ashes for 20 years is an achievement is it? Against most teams you could stick Rolf Harris in charge and they'd still win the games. All Ponting does is tell people when he wants them to bowl. Warne, McGrath etc decide if they want to bowl and where the fields should be. Ponting has no control over them.

Losing the ashes doesn't make him the worst captain ever you fool.

Look at the series now, hes captaining quite well and Australia should win the series. Ponting is a good captain, so who cares if hes the first captain to lose the ashes in 20 years, thats in the past. You just wait to the end of the sydney test when he's the captain up on the stage holding the ashes.

Now if you want to see an average captain, look at Flintoff.
When England lose this Ashes series it'll be the shortest reign in history- the previous record was after the Bodyline series at 1 year 187 days (16/2/1933 - 22/8/1934). Day 5 of this Test would make it 1 year 97 days, day 5 in Melbourne 1 year 109 days and day 5 in Sydney, 1 year 116 days.

Good effort
brad352 said:
When England lose this Ashes series it'll be the shortest reign in history- the previous record was after the Bodyline series at 1 year 187 days (16/2/1933 - 22/8/1934). Day 5 of this Test would make it 1 year 97 days, day 5 in Melbourne 1 year 109 days and day 5 in Sydney, 1 year 116 days.

Good effort

You learn something new everyday :D

Edit: Ponting Gone :(
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