England's (Jarryd) tour of the West Indies (madmattg)

Sweet how did you slow down the outfield?

Havent done any editing myself, if you have the file you can send or a hitchhikers giude to changing the outfield I will do the same.

Sounds good to slow it down.

A point to note I dont know if you do the same. I never run on a leg bye. No cheap runs from this black duck.

I also limit my power hitting to once and over. Although the power is very rarely needed anyway.

I love to smash those fast bowling yorkers over the fence, I love it even more when I go to do this and I get clean bowled.

I laugh and go sooooo impatient serves me bloody right.

Good luck in the chase.
Oh and yes no tons and still 490. All those starts and no luck in going on with it.

Thats the reason I slowed the scoring and picked the balls I could knock off with out getting nabbed.

Dillon 86* my good luck tail helps out again.
Jarrad if you can post intermitant results. Interested in whats happening in the test.
Originally posted by Jarryd
Hey we're gonna use Radagas new patch for the rest of the series and my new outfield setting ok?
he will have to get it from me or you by email though because i cannot upload it.
if he wants to get it fromt he site he will prob ahve to wait til tomorrow, hopefully by then i can upload it
Nice start as well.

Looks lkike 490 is going to be an easy target.

I think I might even have the new patch will check when I get home.

See ya tomorrow.
Slow going Im at work anyway, Im looking forward to bringing up a huge second innings to CRUSH you.

Ok dreaming maybe, I need hope as I have to chase 515 against Squiz. ODI................man huge chase or what.

Of the form in our last one day have scored faster in the first 20 and had the last 5 overs to produce more run. I know it can be done.

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