English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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i'm actually interested in manchester too, so since i managed it....

Man I can't let anybody hve Manchester.

AkshayS added 4 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

Man I want Manchester, I have done many efforts for the team.

There should be buying of teams I think.
ANd FCFS system won't work for me.
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Thanks Callum for the support.

Let me clear what I'm thinking ATM, might sound silly for you but not for me.

For what It've been in season 1, I am in love with Manchester. I managed it or long time. It'll be sad if any other guy will come and get manchester and whatever efforts I've made for the team will be wasted at once.

Also, I'll have to make a new website overlay for new team.:p

So, IMO, it should be buying of teams to say the least.

AkshayS added 0 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Or It'd be better if we'll get to retain the teams.;)
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Well I would like to have Swann as my icon, or Manchester franchise. I can own my team but I dont really care but I need more say in the profits I earn :D

Also I reckon you should stick to 8 Teams. It was very good and too many teams will spoil the competition. I enjoyed last season and I think what you need to do is to increase the entrance fee to have selected managers.

I really think we need to have 8 managers, with probably Monzi to leave, he hasnt shown interest in it..
Any players in this list who you feel deserve an EPL contract?


Paul Borrington
Jonathan Clare
Wes Durston
Mark Footitt
Lee Goddard
Tim Groenewald
Matt Higginbottom
Chesney Hughes
Ian Hunter
Ed Jones
Steffan Jones
Tom Lungley
Jake Needham
Tom Poynton
Dan Redfern
John Sadler
Atif Sheikh
Ben Slater


Scott Borthwick
Gareth Breese
Mitchell Claydon
Mark Davies
Luke Evans
Will Gidman
Ben Harmison
Paul Hindmarch
Gordon Muchall
Michael Richardson
Chris Rushworth
Will Smith
Mark Stoneman
Karl Turner


Maurice Chambers
Michael Comber
Billy Godleman
John Maunders
Jaik Mickleburgh
Max Osborne
Tony Palladino
Tim Phillips
Matt Walker
Mervyn Westfield
Tom Westley
Adam Wheater
Chris Wright


Jim Allenby
Chris Ashling
William Bragg
David Brown
Dean Cosker
John Glover
James Harris
David Harrison
Nick James
Alex Jones
Aneurin Norman
Will Owen
Mike Powell
Michael Reed
Gareth Rees
Adam Shantry
Mark Wallace
Huw Waters
Ben Wright


Kadeer Ali
Vikram Banerjee
Jonathan Batty
Ian Butler
Richard Dawson
Chris Dent
Gemaal Hussain
David Payne
Ian Saxelby
Steve Snell
Jack Taylor


David Balcombe
Michael Bates
Chris Benham
Liam Dawson
David Griffiths
Benny Howell
Hamza Riazuddin
James Tomlinson
James Vince


Adam Ball
Alex Blake
Matt Coles
Simon Cook
Paul Dixey
Philip Edwards
Robert Ferley
James Goodman
James Hockley
Robbie Joseph
Warren Lee
Dewald Nel
Sam Northeast
Ashley Shaw
Darren Stevens


Karl Brown
Steven Cheetham
Mark Chilton
Gareth Cross
Kyle Hogg
Paul Horton
Simon Kerrigan
Oliver Newby
Stephen Parry
Luke Procter
Adrian Shankar
Tom Smith


Matthew Boyce
Nathan Buck
Sam Cliff
Joshua Cobb
Jacques Du Toit
Harry Gurney
Andrew Harris
Nadeem Malik
Daniel Masters
Jigar Naik
Tom New
Joel Pope
Greg Smith
James Taylor 

Gareth Berg
Josh Davey	
Danny Evans
Dan Housego
Adam London 	
Scott Newman 	
Toby Roland-Jones
Ben Scott 	
John Simpson 	
Tom Smith
Paul Stirling 	
Kabir Toor 	

Jack Brooks	
Paul Harrison 	
Ben Howgego	
David Lucas	
David Murphy
Stephen Peters 	
Alex Wakely 	
Rob White
David Wigley 	

Andy Carter 	
Neil Edwards
Luke Fletcher 	
Alex Hales 	
Steven Mullaney 	
Bilal Shafayat
Charlie Shreck 	
Graeme White
Matt Wood

James Burke
Adam Dibble
Calum Haggett 	
James Hayman	
Chris Jones
Robin Lett 	
Mike Munday	
David Stiff 	
Arul Suppiah
Mark Turner 	
Max Waller

Usman Afzaal
Michael Brown 	
Rory Burns (wk)
Steven Cheetham 	
Jade Dernbach 	
Laurie Evans	
Chris Jordan
Simon King 	
Tim Linley
Stuart Meaker 		
Jason Roy	
Matthew Spriegel		
Gary Wilson


James Anyon 	
Will Beer
Ben Brown 	
Joe Gatting 	
Andy Hodd 	
Chris Liddle 	
Matt Machan 	
Ollie Rayner 	
Michael Thornely 	
Luke Wells
Matthew Wood 	
Craig Young


Tom Allin	
Keith Barker	
Paul Best
Varun Chopra 	
Richard Johnson 	
Calum MacLeod
Andrew Miller
James Ord 	
Steffan Piolet


Omar Ali 	
Gareth Andrew
Ben Cox 		
Richard Jones
Alan Richardson 	
Ben Scott 	
James Shannon
Jack Shantry 	
Ben Smith 	
David Wheeldon
Chris Whelan


Azeem Rafiq 	
Jonathan Bairstow	
John Blain		
Oliver Hannon-Dalby	
Lee Hodgson
James Lee 	
Adam Lyth
Ben Sanderson
Joe Sayers
Just noticed this ████ all over the vCash Donating/Begging Thread.

And all my vCash has been taken away. :p
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And all my vCash has been taken away.
no worries mate, atleast this league will continue.;)

AkshayS added 4 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

What about leaving all these Vcash controversies and tensions and run this league just like WPL or get back to WPL.
I'm a bit busy with personal life these days.
I'll let you know when i'm ready.
I think we should close this thread until then. :)
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