English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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There was a higher bid for kieswetter iirc though...
I've gone for some well known names, I won't be pretty active for a day or two, Riz please manage.
I don't like being a moderator sometimes, I still have to go into the next pages to find out what the bids were since the deleted messages still show up.

I have to say that both base prices are too high (some should be 50K or if not 100K) and the amount that teams are bidding is too high. I think that most teams would use up about 4.5M of their 7M budget in this domestic section. Before, we had only had 2 bids that weren't at base price, those were Trott at 950K and Bresnan at 750K and had used 4M of our budget and we chose cheap players that we were likely to get at base price.
Like hedger said the bases were way too high.
At one stage we had only bidded on two out of nine of our players higher than there base, so we had seven at base price, and we had exceeded 4 million...
It is very very hard to get any decent players and keep our budget under 4 million, I think partly because we're paying 300k for duds, and if we but six of them that pretty much 2 mill out of our 7 mill on a third of our squad which is duds.

Also a lot of people are just random bidding, e.g. I just bid on a random player to get them at base price and someone comes along and beats me when there are players with a greater base price not even bidded on. Like wtf?
I've been economical with my bidding so far :)

Chewie added 0 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

Over a sixth of your budget on one player :facepalm
Out of your nine players, none of them are ENG INT players...
So of course you aren't going to of spend very much.
They're pretty much all 200k randoms.
I'm guessing you're going to spend most of your budget on the INT draft.
^ yea probably. Or if I get outbid, then I'll chase some of the expensive guys. I have 9 bids atm. (You could argue that Rikki Clarke, Steve Davies and Samit Patel were England internationals). Only one of them is really random though.

Been looking at some of the bids though. 3 teams have spend over 4mil so far on domestic players - Aussie Team, Riz/Akshay, and Callum/Brendon. The Riz/Akshay team though has spend way more than the other two though - 5.8million at the moment. And they have only bid on 8 england players so that's bound to increase unless they get outbid somewhere else.

Also, the total base price for all domesic players was 32.175 million. Considering there are 10 teams that is pretty high. The international base prices need to be under 30 million in total so that everyone is able to complete their squad.
Yeah. It was shocking. I say just decrease the final bid by 100,000 or just give us another million free of charge for the international auction.

Atm the MCC have 825k to buy 8 international players...
WestIndian currently leads Bresnan, I've given up on him.
Remember WestIndian, the guy who spend 90% of his WPL season five budget on his first four or five players in the auction. :facepalm

Morgan is currently at 1.35 million...
Broad is at 925k... :help
I think the more stupid ones are Shah and Bopara at 775k -_-
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