English Premier League vs Australian Football League

So is 75,000 the best you can get?
On ANZAC day in Australia, an AFL game between Essendon and Collingwood is annually played and it often draws 90,000 fans to the game.

The Grand Final this year featured over 100,000 in attendance and Hawthorn and Geelong aren't exactly the two most popular teams in the AFL.

The difference is, Manchester United and Aresenal etc would get 50k-70k+ on a regular game to game basis.

I'm sure if EPL had Grand Finals they would pack out Wembley as much as the capacity can hold, considering Portsmouth and Cardiff city got 89k in there FA cup final.

.::Stevo::. said:
I do watch Premier League matches from time to time, but find most dead boring as its a much slower/ less physical game than AFL (plus i dont have that emotional attachment to any team)

It does depend on the teams. Some games are end to end exciting stuff with 20-30 attempts on goal during the game. I've watched boring, slow paced AFL games before and I've watched slow, boring EPL games but I've also watched exciting fast paced games in both sports.
Well the Grand Final was 100,013.

But you cant compare the AFL to the EPL. Its David and Goliath. I'm sure if i was attached to a team in the EPL i'd probaly think its the best thing since sliced bread. Heck, i can't even get into the 'A-league'. You watch a game of A-league, then an EPL game and you just go... "wow..." The difference its massive!!
A sport, for me, has to have one clear goal, and from what I've seen Australian Rules "Football" has more than one, it makes it an over-complicated mess. If I was playing I would just be thinking "Why on earth am I doing this?".

I don't support a team in the Premier League, yet I find it very exciting. Every single game means something, the quality is so high and if you are a real football fan no game will be boring.
A sport, for me, has to have one clear goal, and from what I've seen Australian Rules "Football" has more than one, it makes it an over-complicated mess. If I was playing I would just be thinking "Why on earth am I doing this?".

I don't support a team in the Premier League, yet I find it very exciting. Every single game means something, the quality is so high and if you are a real football fan no game will be boring.

Last time i checked there was only one goal in AFL... Don't know what you've been watching?
Soccer (or football) will always be dominate over AFL as it's a world game and everybody can play it as it does not need much skills (i mean a local comp, not EPL).
Well the Grand Final was 100,013.

But you cant compare the AFL to the EPL. Its David and Goliath. I'm sure if i was attached to a team in the EPL i'd probaly think its the best thing since sliced bread. Heck, i can't even get into the 'A-league'. You watch a game of A-league, then an EPL game and you just go... "wow..." The difference its massive!!

I'll give you that. I wouldn't reccemond the Aleague for someone who doesn't like soccer!

But there are a lot of 3-2, 3-0, 2-0 games etc.
Why would you compare Beckham with Franklin? Franklin has had one great season but he's not a legend of the game. He's not even the best in the league currently.

Which is better is not proved by which is more popular worldwide. AFL has been professional since 1897 now, which is only 111 years. Sports that spread worldwide were the ones that were spread through British colonisation years ago. AFL never had a chance because by the time it had built up as Australia's most popular sport (it wasn't always massive here, used to just be the winter sport as opposed to cricket, the national sport), it was too late to really spread overseas, entire nations don't just say 'wow, that's a great game you've got there, let's start playing it properly.' For a sport to go pro, it has to have a massive following, and in the current world's state, that would take a very long time, with lots of development and expansion.

As it stands, the AFL is still focusing on taking over New South Wales and Queensland from rugby, and has more important things to worry about than trying to go overseas. As powerful as it is on an Australian scale, it has nowhere near enough resources to really push the game abroad. Especially when you look at cricket, which has been pushed into markets such as the US for years but has gotten nowhere.

Complexity is neither good nor bad, it depends on whether the complexity actually leads somewhere positive. Sometimes it just confuses people and doesn't improve the sport. In the case of AFL, its extra dimensions all add to the excitement of the game.

And skater, what does more than one goal mean? The aim of every sport I know of is to win the game, to score the most points. In AFL it's quite the same. You want to kick goals, and win the game.
A sport, for me, has to have one clear goal, and from what I've seen Australian Rules "Football" has more than one, it makes it an over-complicated mess. If I was playing I would just be thinking "Why on earth am I doing this?".

I don't support a team in the Premier League, yet I find it very exciting. Every single game means something, the quality is so high and if you are a real football fan no game will be boring.

There are a considerable amount of boring games even in the EPL. But yes the quality has improved in recent times with the increase in the number of foreigners.
should the AFL, for their next expansions (after G.C) go overseas? This might be a long time until it happens but I reckon a N.Z team could be in the question
Nah, Gold Coast first and then West Sydney second. And the AFL hasn't said anything about a Tassie team yet, which is disappointing.
very disappointing. AFL can't have two teams in Sydney as there just isn't enough support (eg. Sydney final game which only had 19,000). One downside of a Tassie team is that our population is scattered everywhere so the games must be played in Hobart to get at least 10,000 fans there. If it's in Launceston you'll quickly find out that crowds will drop for an average game.
Am I the only Non-Aussie who likes Football and AFL. I prefer Football by far but I also like AFL though.

Ya We are the only in fact.
Anyway What happened to PC these days?
Every part of PC is badly influenced by Comparisons? :p

Anyway I like AFL as much as NBA.But still Football is something different.

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