Facts concerning BLIC

durrani1 said:
mates wht happened I think my naughty cousin had posted that comment not me fellows.you people know its singed up automatically on my pc.I am taking his words back..
AND admins please reduce the red block.infact give me atleast 1 green for my comments posted yet.

oH really!!!! wat a joke
btw durrani how old are you
just three red blocks,and u r moaning.....look at me and learn.
the third red block should be cut off from my profile.As I told that was'nt my fault.Admins STE atleast u do something.U know wht sort of person I am.
this is not fair.
:hpraise :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :crying :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :upray :upray :upray :upray :onpc
wats the point in posting once in bluemoon incidents.shoaib has always said lara is the best batsman he has bowled against.
man wats wrong with u man shoaibe respects lara alot more then tendulkar i quese mn that post should be deleted
squiz said:
You're joking right? If someone has green blocks it means they've earnt it, whether posting good consistent posts, or winning on vBookie. Guys with Red Blocks means they post "crap" as Andrew said. Lift your quality of posts, and you'll get better rep, simple.
Hey squizy where have your green blocks gon?
With Hawk-Eye in the game, does that mean no more incorrect LBWs? if thats the case, then Im sad. Because there should be some incorrect decissions in the game but only SOME coz that keeps the realism still alive in the game. Hope you get my point.
Anil Dharani said:
With Hawk-Eye in the game, does that mean no more incorrect LBWs? if thats the case, then Im sad. Because there should be some incorrect decissions in the game but only SOME coz that keeps the realism still alive in the game. Hope you get my point.
I don't think it'd have any bearing on the decisions themselves, it's just a display gimmick

@sachin: He bet them all on the SA vs WI Test, same as I did
If you didnt know, Brad's my Financial Panther. He tells me what to do wit my reps :)

@Anil Dharani: Like Brad said whether Hawk-Eye is included I doubt it would have any impact on the decisions of LBW's
If it is included, it would tell if the ball will hit the wicket or not in an LBW situation or atleast thats what its meant for. Now it is to do the thing as I mention, then I can't understand any reason as to how it wouldn't have any impact on dicission. That is because at some pointHawk-Eye would have been scripted with Respect to the dicission, if it suggests the umpire would give it out, you may see that ball is going to hit the stumps. I dont think you'll find that the umpire gave out and hawk-eye showed it wasn't going to hit the stumps. What Im saying is that, like cricket 2002 where the umpire judged the LBWs wrong so many times.I would say there, the hawk-eye should be usefull as to tell if that was an LBW or not, and if it was, the umpire got it wrong. This whole thing can also be refeered as a new feature. Like whenyou are given out LBW and the Hawk-Eye showed it wasn't out and then you get some interesting comments from the commentary team. This DOES happen in real cricket so why not in game.
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