Facts concerning BLIC

maybe hell manually appeal first and depending on wat the ump does he'll check whether it was right or wrong
but that dosent apply to manual appeals for caught behind the wicket i guess :) ;)
I mean LBW are totally AI based,and u know how :D :D :D :D perfect AI has been produced by EA :) :) :) :) .HAAAAAAAAH.The hawkeye also tells us whether the ball is hitting the stumps or not.For that, they set the values(source code of the game) according to ICC rule.In that sense there is no chance for mistakes from umpire.This deos'nt apply reality.Umpire will always give the accurate decisions.
stop it guys u dont realy know cricket man.U dont understand technicalities of the game.
sunil ojha said:
He is waiting for that (last) time.
i bet he is

as for durrani i wont bother replying you know cricket more than me or everyone else then god bless you please stick to the topic not only because there isnt facts coming out we should start posting bulls**t of the forums including me
durrani1 said:
I mean LBW are totally AI based,and u know how :D :D :D :D perfect AI has been produced by EA :) :) :) :) .HAAAAAAAAH.The hawkeye also tells us whether the ball is hitting the stumps or not.For that, they set the values(source code of the game) according to ICC rule.In that sense there is no chance for mistakes from umpire.This deos'nt apply reality.Umpire will always give the accurate decisions.

From what I tried to understand of this post, I think you're saying that because Hawk-Eye is in the game, it means every LBW decision will be accurate? Just because Hawk-Eye is there doesn't necessarily mean every LBW will be an accurate decision.

I feel it would add something to the game if the umpire doesn't always give an accurate LBW decision. Say if the umpire gives a appeal not out, there could then be a replay using Hawk-Eye, which infact shows the umpire got it wrong. Then whoever happens to be commentating at the time say's 'oh thats a bad mistake' or whatever. With Hawk-Eye there to show maybe the umpire got it wrong, and a couple of lines from the commentators saying it was a mistake, maybe people won't think it's a bug in the game. Which is the danger with incorrect decision's in games.

Ok, it may infuriate a few people when they find out the in-game umpire got the decision wrong, but it would add a more 'real' feeling with the game. Afterall, most of us are after a cricket game that 'feel's' as close to reality as possible.
stevie said:
From what I tried to understand of this post, I think you're saying that because Hawk-Eye is in the game, it means every LBW decision will be accurate? Just because Hawk-Eye is there doesn't necessarily mean every LBW will be an accurate decision.

I feel it would add something to the game if the umpire doesn't always give an accurate LBW decision. Say if the umpire gives a appeal not out, there could then be a replay using Hawk-Eye, which infact shows the umpire got it wrong. Then whoever happens to be commentating at the time say's 'oh thats a bad mistake' or whatever. With Hawk-Eye there to show maybe the umpire got it wrong, and a couple of lines from the commentators saying it was a mistake, maybe people won't think it's a bug in the game. Which is the danger with incorrect decision's in games.

Ok, it may infuriate a few people when they find out the in-game umpire got the decision wrong, but it would add a more 'real' feeling with the game. Afterall, most of us are after a cricket game that 'feel's' as close to reality as possible.

I was trying to say the same exact thing in my last post ... Im glad you posted a more detailed version of it and explained it more properly .... Thanks
stevie :cheers
Hero said:
I think there are 2 videos going to be released.

who told you that there are 2 videos......... once rubbergenius told in the codemasters forum that there will be just 1 video of just 40 sec and that two of the motion captures or the cut scenes and not of the gameplay.

i am sure that EA will release some screenshots a few days after the BLIC 2005 press release .
ea might def release smthin if codies do release their vid soon, hope ea release their demo , avery early build might also do ;)

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