This may sound outlandish but i would nt mind having time reversal like GRID or sands of time! Atleast as a choice!
There are two ways the game can spoil the game
1. hard crash, this if happens should and would be fixed by BA through patch if its due to their game and not external patch!
2.soft glitches were the game spoils your 193 ball blockathon by some glitch or the other, this while BA always does an amazing job on this and i expect them to continue, there would still be one or two cases were your glorified innings can be brought to a cruel end that had nothing to do with opposition skill! It could be anything ranging form a runout glitch, to a controller Dc or something as simple as you just pressing the leave button hard!
For those hair pulling moments a quick time reversal feature for one ball would be great! Sure it can be exploited a bit but i believe its still in the realm of fairness and enjoyment!