Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

I'll say I liked how AC09 handled commentary with each commentator having a few stories to tell about cricket oddities, or concepts or a particular type of bowling, batting and so on. It's a bit dated now but it was a really clever way of handling the repetitive "Great Shot" stuff with genuinely interesting anecdotes...

My copy of IC10 always had Shane Warne repeat this one line over and over again; but since I haven't touched it since the release of DBC, I couldn't for the life of my tell you which one it was. You'd need to double the number of anecdotes before it gets very dull.

You can do good sports commentary: it just needs tonnes of money and lots of game iterations. Look at NBA 2k or MLB the Show...
My copy of IC10 always had Shane Warne repeat this one line over and over again; but since I haven't touched it since the release of DBC, I couldn't for the life of my tell you which one it was. You'd need to double the number of anecdotes before it gets very dull.

You can do good sports commentary: it just needs tonnes of money and lots of game iterations. Look at NBA 2k or MLB the Show...

Must be the one where him and sachin met the Don on his 90th birthday :D
1. There should be an option for few people to join and watch the online game that is being played with 2 other people.
2. Add celebration moves by pressing the key combinations when taking wickets or when reaching landmarks while batting
3. Professional commentators
Well if the game makes it to PS4/XBONE then that first one will be covered.
I agree with the commentary. I am sort of getting sick and tired of hearing the same voices and lines of the commentators. Real commentators should solve the problem and also the timing of when commentators say names needs to be improved for example, "Clarke, (2 seconds later) won't be happy with himself here."

Although I do understand the lack of variety of lines by the commentators, as this is a brand new franchise and hopefully that they can vary the commentary, for example, they say "Nice off-break delivery" three times in a row.

Hands done the simplest way to improve commentary on a cricket game is this: don't speak every ball. I smack a boundary, play and miss, get an edge etc. sure, talk away. Forward defensive collected by short leg? Say nothing, like in real life.
It may be too early to be doing this, but I believe I have a creative mind for thinking of wicked new features for my favorite video games.

DBC 14 is a fantastic game and was a great addition to what was a very poor and limited market (Cricket Video Games). It may have been a bit buggy but the features were amazing and at least it arrived. I have to say a HUGE thanks to the whole of the Big Ant Studios team and Tru Blu entertainment for making a great cricket game that was wanted by so many people.

I'm hoping the game was successful enough to bring ideas to Big Ant to consider a second addition to the game.

These are my ideas and suggestions for improvements and additions to new features. Many of them are about career mode as I am a big fan of the feature as I have played similar modes in other sports games. I haven't mentioned any online improvements as I haven't played online modes due to the outrageous cost of Xbox Live.

* A clearer overall rating for all players. This could be an average rating based on the skills in their position. (E.g a wicketkeeper wouldn't have a lower rating because he is terrible at bowling)
* Cut scene of players and coaches watching the game from the pavilion.
* Quick highlights of a batsmen?s time in the crease when he reaches a fifty/century.
* More celebrations and reactions as the current ones are very repetitive.
* More focus on the fans and their reactions to wickets/boundaries.
* There should be an option as to whether a user wants a small radar added to gameplay screen to show the positions of the fielders as dots.
* More grounds. A ground creator would be cool.
* Two commentary teams to choice from: Two Australians, Two British maybe.
* Match highlights after games: Wickets and Boundaries. (No highlights if player has simulated the whole game).
* A clearer action when a player knocks of the bails in a run-out. At the moment, it is a bit of a mix between a direct hit and a stumping. Maybe the player could catch it before knocking off the bails.
* Cheerleaders to IPL to add to the tradition and atmosphere.
* Better attacking ground shots (these are played by pressing LT + RT on Xbox). My batsmen have been caught in the field many times when playing these shots, which seems unrealistic.

* Manager mode added to career mode with transfer activity available in certain periods of the mode.
* Match practice should be added in manager career mode and should be the training mode.
* Different and clearer interface in the manager career mode. (The player career we have at the moment has a very basic interface).
* Ability to manage international teams in manager mode.
* Ability to watch or play games in manager mode.
* Player growth in player and manager career modes.
* A manager should have the choice to invest in youth recruitment. Maybe one player a month could be promoted to the first team which would have lower random stats and random personal details. Perhaps they could have regenerated stats from a player that had recently retired.
* A league/tournament with custom teams in Career Mode.
* When you are simulating a match in career mode, it would be great if the game stopped whenever your player (only when fielding/keeping) (in player career mode) had a runout chance or catch possibility. I doubt people are going to field/keep for a whole test match.

I hope this doesn't sound like to much criticism. I have been thinking of these ideas for a week now. Add your own ideas in the comments below. Would be nice to hear other people's suggestions. Hopefully one or two of the smaller ideas can be included in a future patch to DBC 14.

Career mode is one thing I've wanted in a cricket game so this would be good in a patch or DLC
A pretty minor thing, but I'd love for there to be some way of having batsmen play better/worse depending on their preferred slot in the order. Perhaps you could nominate a position for which they get a slight skill boost?
Two things I'd like to see, in keeping with the "TV" style presentation:

When a bowler comes back into the attack, instead of the cutscene showing career stats, show his inns figures (so career stats for his first bowl, then inns stats whenever he is brought back on)

During other mid-over cut scenes, sometimes show up the scorecard, bowling figures, partnership stats etc.

Small details, but would really make the whole presentation more slick
Another way of being "slicker" with the TV coverage would be for a players career debut at test level; show career First Class stats or similar. Its the little things that add up in this area. That's the one thing that American sports games do really well: especially the non-EA ones. MLB the Show have all of the situational stats that they show: pointing out record stats, even things like pointing out hot/cold streaks for particular players. It took them a fair few years to nail down, though...

I'd just like some graphs.

Here you go!
I think some people round here are more into THIS sort of extrapolation.

Spurious Correlations

I was very interested to see the graph showing the relationship between; the brain cells active during a typical England world cup match and the amount of sausages you actually find in a tin of Heinz Sausage and Beans..........
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I would love to see an online kind of career. Something like an MMORPG but not completely online as it would be impossible for everyone to be online at right time to have matches. It might be something like creating a player, then having your stats and XP updated online, and only players who perform the best all over the world, get promoted to international team. And then to stay there, you have to attend matches and perform regularly or someone else will take your place. So by doing that only 11 players from a country will make the team and it would make doing so more challenging and fun.

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