Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

In career, starting as a 16 year old in the 2nd XI and making your way into the 1st XI. Unrealistic being 16 and playing in big worldwide leagues
Cant it be done just based on bat thickness weight etc. So that way there is no better just like in real life.

Well,can it/will it be done in future patch?


Would love if modded bat's have effect like certain modded bat's power etc...otherwise the modded bat just look's class but that is all it is,so to do justice for the bat's modder's i really hope this is added.



I suppose a good first question would be whether the existing choice of bat models makes any difference in game?

Do they though?
No to everything

And I don't think I'd be the only one to say it would be a ridiculous premise.
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Bats that enable players to fly.

Also being able to booby trap bats in opposing players locker rooms with magical charms with potent effects, such as making then suddenly gain a lot of weight, or making their sexual orientation reverse at the end of every over.
Radical AI engine:

1. One that learns human player tendencies and adapts accordingly -- e.g. AI learns over a series of games against the human opponent that the player favors shots on the leg side, is weak against spin, takes most wickets bowling swing etc, and makes changes accordingly - to fields, bowling changes, batsman selection respectively.

2. Uses the same human player model it has built to create a 'persona' of the player which can then be used to challenge other players in multiplayer matches. This can work in two ways -- if you don't find a player online, you can just play with his/her persona instead, and not have to worry about connection issues or being disconnected in between; or you can play an online match with another player and any player can choose to leave in between and have his/her persona complete the game.

Now this would really take DBC to the next level. Not new uniforms, bats, pads and other such measly stuff.
Goku mode: where you play as Goku from the cartoon "Dragon Ball Z".
Well,can it/will it be done in future patch?
I think this one would be for future iterations mostly, BA would be the best people to implement it than modders, as modifying bat power given to players would always allow cheating in online.

As it wont be a simple case of adjusting variables i think as BA have said they have implemented a realtime physics system, it will involve changing the bat colider as well as 3d mesh too match, anything else would be game-breaking would be my guess.

It would be great to have different bats with different strengths, but i dont think it would be possible in this iteration.Also there is no option to change bats midway through the innings, so it would be of less use here.

Ideally in the next iteration, we should be given a choice to customize bat in the academy within the actual bat specification so we are able to make our own bats. bat power and everything should be determined by the system depending on the option we choose.


Goku mode: where you play as Goku from the cartoon "Dragon Ball Z".
I would pay for that as DLC Super KAMEKAMEHAAAAAAAA.... im coming after you kakarot:p
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I think this one would be for future iterations mostly, BA would be the best people to implement it than modders, as modifying bat power given to players would always allow cheating in online.

As it wont be a simple case of adjusting variables i think as BA have said they have implemented a realtime physics system, it will involve changing the bat colider as well as 3d mesh too match, anything else would be game-breaking would be my guess.

It would be great to have different bats with different strengths, but i don't think it would be possible in this iteration.Also there is no option to change bats midway through the innings, so it would be of less use here.

Ideally in the next iteration, we should be given a choice to customize bat in the academy within the actual bat specification so we are able to make our own bats. bat power and everything should be determined by the system depending on the option we choose.

This can also include that when one aspect of the bat is increased it should include some weakness too, like if a player is looking for a bat suited for test, it should be hard for them to be used in T20 games (doesn't really happen like that, but can limit unfair advantage).
ya some sort limitation based on weight, thickness or something so that they dont do uneven configurations.It should be more about player for example a brute batsman will reap the most advantage of a heavy bat with thick edges , while a precise batsman would get best with a light weight elegant blade.
No to everything

And I don't think I'd be the only one to say it would be a ridiculous premise.

i might add a few swears before reaching ridiculous, but otherwise i'm right there


ya some sort limitation based on weight, thickness or something so that they dont do uneven configurations.It should be more about player for example a brute batsman will reap the most advantage of a heavy bat with thick edges , while a precise batsman would get best with a light weight elegant blade.

bats are on average heavier/thicker now, but does that really equate to more power? the likes of Clive Lloyd, Viv Richards, Ian Botham and Tony Grieg had bats that were big by the standards of the day, but small by the standards of today, but it hardly impacted on their ability to generate power. To get @ethybubs aroused, Gilbert Jessop generated an enormous power with a bat that would be like a toothpick today. Do we have to have an additional modifier to give these players superhuman strength?

the main difference is the size of the "middle" and edges, giving a broader area of the bat that can generate the power of a well-timed shot and even edges that will go for six. also, the players being richer and having sponsored bats mean they don't knock-in the bats so much since they don't care if it breaks they've got 7 others and can get more sent over whenever they like, and they are left with more spring.

bottom line, this would be very difficult to get right, open to exploitation, and have little to no beneficial efforts on gameplay.
How about the quicks not running down the centre of the pitch, so straight shots are more likely to have some value to them?
bats are on average heavier/thicker now, but does that really equate to more power? the likes of Clive Lloyd, Viv Richards, Ian Botham and Tony Grieg had bats that were big by the standards of the day, but small by the standards of today, but it hardly impacted on their ability to generate power. To get @ethybubs aroused, Gilbert Jessop generated an enormous power with a bat that would be like a toothpick today.

yes to all of that, for some like me, ya gayle with a wisden bat or mongoose bat or spartan bat will still keep hitting sixes.
But it isnt a secret that each player has their preference for the bats, ganguly goes for a light bat to get bat speed, thin edges so the edges or soft etc.

the main difference is the size of the "middle" and edges, giving a broader area of the bat that can generate the power of a well-timed shot and even edges that will go for six. also, the players being richer and having sponsored bats mean they don't knock-in the bats so much since they don't care if it breaks they've got 7 others and can get more sent over whenever they like, and they are left with more spring.
yes to all of this too, also my point to have bats with variable edges,swell and sweetspot etc, im not talking of super human bats, this is is a game right, when you can play with an ex player why not try that ex-player with present day bats.

bottom line, this would be very difficult to get right, open to exploitation, and have little to no beneficial efforts on gameplay.

The bat is a vital part of a players arsenal, it has a lot of sentimental value, being able to customize bats to fit players would add a great deal of depth to the game.

It wont be any hard to implement than say CA version of players.If not much easier as the options for bats would be much much lesser.
And no exploitation wont be possible if the value ranges are decided by BA and modification is done only inside CA.
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To get @ethybubs aroused, Gilbert Jessop generated an enormous power with a bat that would be like a toothpick today. Do we have to have an additional modifier to give these players superhuman strength?

This is my porn.
Over stats working towards a hall of fame and season awards etc to be one of the greatest like bradman Warne etc
breaking records cause it would be fun to try and beat fastest hundred highest scores
Off ground things like interviews and talking to coaches and players for advice on improvements,tips about up coming matches
In match goals like get the run rate up or down, bat out the draw, go for win, keep other batsman on strike so he gets his hundred, not get another duck, improve last score by X amount
Allow player how to use skill points instead of the system that already being used as I got a off spinner to level 3 by bowling the same type of ball til the skill points were where I wanted then went to the next type of ball
the fast bowlers reaction time should be longer than the rest of fielders, they can't be set with same reaction times, then we might see some straight drive boundaries.

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