Fielding Radar

Should the fielding radar be added?

  • Yes it should be added.

    Votes: 105 42.7%
  • No!! It should never be added

    Votes: 52 21.1%
  • Maybe, or should be added and optional

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
For someone who said that it just takes 5 seconds...5 seconds is actually a huge amount of time for a single delivery. The bowlers run up and delivery is less than 5 seconds. Multiple that by 300 in a 50 over game, and that's 25 minutes that you've spent pressing an unnecessary button to look around the field.

Double that for multiplayer. 50 minutes per 50 over game. Completely avoidable.
For someone who said that it just takes 5 seconds...5 seconds is actually a huge amount of time for a single delivery. The bowlers run up and delivery is less than 5 seconds. Multiple that by 300 in a 50 over game, and that's 25 minutes that you've spent pressing an unnecessary button to look around the field.

Double that for multiplayer. 50 minutes per 50 over game. Completely avoidable.

Why are you make a calculation based on checking before every delivery? It is very obvious when the field changes, and checking every delivery is not a realistic representation of what players should be doing.
There seems to be a perception that people wanting a radar are wanting a "point at the gap and play your shot" style of action to become the norm. This is obviously not the case.

Most people I've seen talking about the radar are wanting it to:

1) Appear for a short of amount of time, perhaps only until the delivery is commenced.

2) They don't appear to want any kind of aiming mechanism included.

3) They just want to see more or less where the fielders are for what might be 2-3 seconds. This is just a different version of whats already happening.

Generally this would still preserve the integrity of the game fine.

It would be ideally there for those who want it. Not at all for those who don't. You wouldn't be able to exploit that any more than the current system at all.

If anyone says that it being implemented in the manner above gives an unfair advantage or makes it like the stupidly over visible radars of the past, they are more or less saying that it's part of the game to not know where all the fielders are and that you're supposed to be completely unaware of 2-3 fielders.

On top of all that, as the game stands you can't always tell what has happened to the field. A new bowler comes on and it completely changes. This doesn't necessarily happen in real life at all, but here it is in the game! Sometimes your bowler switches sides for no reason, this also doesn't help you feel sure of where anyone is.

As it stands and along with super fielders (yes, it'll be changed very soon), there's a whole heap of reasons to be unsure of hitting out into ANY field.
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If anyone says that it being implemented in the manner above gives an unfair advantage or makes it like the stupidly over visible radars of the past, they are more or less saying that it's part of the game to not know where all the fielders are and that you're supposed to be completely unaware of 2-3 fielders.

Given the update is going to include labels above each fielder, there is no reason you shouldn't know where all 9 fielders are after the patch.
Given the update is going to include labels above each fielder, there is no reason you shouldn't know where all 9 fielders are after the patch.

I guess that must be the only point you disagree with. :)

There are also other issues at play, people who play multi-player locally, can tend to play via a broadcast view (batting) to accomodate the bowling player. Cutting from 3rd person to 1st person view and then back again is a little jarring especially with how often it's required in shorter games with bowlers changing more often (even for some playing in default view).

For those in a broadcast view there's the mental side of what you see in 1st person on the right will then be on the left (and vice versa). Not altogether hard to comprehend, but with such intent focus on batting, it can be easy to lose that, lose a wicket and your temper all because of perspective shifts.

Really this all amounts to what could or perhaps should be a personal choice. Design choices are to be respected and I myself think this one works in single player, I love it in fact. With time to play the game naturally it's perfectly immersive to look around the field in this manner, when viewing the game in default batting views.

At the end of that day, you can't solely base design choices on people who think exactly like you do. People need to embrace options, because they keep more people playing, for longer. The main obstacle here should be advantage and with my points above, it's obviously easy to negate that. Simply put, it just feels jarring at times and difficult at others in multi-player for myself and many others.

There are people who aren't like the hard core players who may just "get used to it". There are people who'll get sold on this game by their friends who'll only play this for a couple of games in the weekend with other friends, who'll be frustrated by the time it takes and the perspective shifts involved.

Really there should be a simple way to "implement traditional multi-player". After all some people will lose interest having to:

Change batting to broadcast cam for multi-player (after searching out which cam they like).
Change bowling cam to the distance they like (a lot of people have changed away from running cam, sure some have kept it).
Invert batting in the options, so they can bat properly to a mate they're playing.
Go through Fielding cam to find the right one (Fielding 1 seems to help get a lot more perspective in multi-player)
Find the right running cam (so it goes on).
Then learn an all new method to look around the field which does not feel easy when you're learning the game, especially in multi-player.

(Let's face it, the IGN guys basically did this right away to play each other).

Finally, go out a lot with batting already being quite hard or too easy on the bottom levels.

Accesibility in multi-player is obviously an issue (albeit minor to people who know what they are doing) and the 1st person view is a small part of that. Right through the development we were told that we are somewhat less than 1% (and more hardcore) fanbase.

The casual (and supposedly massively larger) fanbase aren't all likely to sit down and love the options at default including this one and the game needs to sell well. I think this could all be sorted out, give everyone want they want and no-one an advantage.

What's wrong with that?
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C A has raised very good points. It really doesnt affect the gameplay experience. The radar for 3 seconds before or during run up will quickly tell us where the fielders are without wasting our time looking closely if a fielder is at the boundry or not. There is no point of discussing in this thread (Even though I made it) if BigAnt just confirm that they will include a radar in one of the future updates.
Pressing the view button and it giving you a view of the whole field from a birds eye view would be good enough. As it would take 2 seconds to see the fielders instead of having to pan the entire field.
Perhaps just have the AI (when on strike) call for the run as well.
That should help
Perhaps just have the AI (when on strike) call for the run as well.
That should help

What! Worst idea ever.

That can only help if by help you mean completely suck.

Have you seen the runs the AI calls for? Its pretty close to the worst aspect of the game
What! Worst idea ever.

That can only help if by help you mean completely suck.

Have you seen the runs the AI calls for? Its pretty close to the worst aspect of the game

And it cant be tweaked, Why
Ok I've been play DBC and I have had a great time with it, many tense moments in game like no other has given me, I love the bowling it feels very real, batting is easy until career mode ( which I believe there a fix coming ).

As for this radar debate, I have been run out so my times and it gets frustrating when you know you have done so well in the rest of the innings, it really sucks to be court out so quickly after having a great bowling session.

I do not see the problem incorporating radar as an option at all, if people don't like/or want it, then turn it off. but there are a lot here who do want the option.
Try using fielding 1 for running camera. Makes it so much easier to judge. I almost never get run out now apart from glitches
Try using fielding 1 for running camera. Makes it so much easier to judge. I almost never get run out now apart from glitches

OK thanks for that, I'll give it a go.. I think mine was set to fielding 2

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