Financial Update

Current Balance: £4,240,425
Projected balance at next Update: £4,084,466

Home cup and OD league matches this week should see me turn a roughly 200k profit.

Got a fc match coming up I'll be looking to blitz in one day to avoid PF hits, that will cost me 140k or so. but should make that back in the long run.
Current Balance: £3,025,473
Projected balance at next Update: £3,023,598

In desperate need of two pace bowlers but... one backup and one starter
In desperate need of two pace bowlers but... one backup and one starter
You're doing fine, you can always find things to improve, so don't rush into it like it's the last hope for your team. Let the right solution present itself.
Well I sold my 4th and 5th best bowlers, my next match of any importance is in 6 weeks so i will have my starter by then, then my trainee will be capable of being the 5th bowler also

How much is a Prof or Strong bowler nowadays?
Current Balance: £2,467,925
Projected balance at next Update: £2,261,406
This Week:
Income: Expenditure:
Gate Receipts: 0 Ground Maintenance: 69,417
Sponsors: 60,441 Salaries: 227,516
Interest: 78,973 Interest: 0
Miscellaneous: 0 Miscellaneous: 0
Staff Costs: 49,000
Youth Academy: 0

Total Income: 139,414 Total Expenditure: 345,933
Projected Profit/Loss: -206,519

with no new members signing up im gonna suffer at the gates esp with morale low so im gonna haemorage money this season.
How much is a Prof or Strong bowler nowadays?

Well a decent strong should be more than 2mil judging how much I bought my batsman for and that bowlers are generally more expensive. I reckon a prof will be over a mil too.
Current Balance: £2,220,914
Projected balance at next Update: £2,082,410

Gone for a small stadium upgrade, don't see the point in expanding too large as I probably will bearly regain the cost to upgrade + maintenance cost this season.
Current Balance: £2,389,097
Projected balance at next Update: £2,816,926

If it keeps going like this I could well see myself at around 4 - 5 million at the end of the season, then with the sale of a bowler that gives another 3-4 million and then a healthy sum to buy the perfect partner for Samuel!
If it keeps going like this I could well see myself at around 4 - 5 million at the end of the season, then with the sale of a bowler that gives another 3-4 million and then a healthy sum to buy the perfect partner for Samuel!

Thats my plan too :p

Current Balance: ?2,508,078
Projected balance at next Update: ?2,697,092
4.6 Million in the bank now. Made an astonishing 700k from the FC and OD match this week. Highest earning in a week from games.
Current Balance: £1,901,703
Projected balance at next Update: £1,898,137

In the rebuilding phase, fixing my back up players as well as a stadium upgrade and other investments
Current Balance: £2,054,509
Projected balance at next Update: £2,050,993

Should be 2.5 mill in 2 weeks but my staff changes have helped bring in a little more income each update

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