Financial Update

My financial situation isn't too bad considering im a student. I like to do normal student things like go out and get pissed, buy shed loads of takeaways, and gamble, but apart from that I try to limit my spending. I have a job though, so I try to lessen the damage!
umm..we are talkin abt battrick financial situation....
Last financial update while in Div 4.
Current Balance: ?200,663
Projected balance at next Update: ?201,430

Hopefully the 20/20 games bring in a bit more money so that I can upgrade to Superb YA and still be above 200k.
Home game means gate receipts :)
Current Balance: ?651,244
Projected balance at next Update: ?837,904

Just have 1 20/20 home game soo i guess if the attendance will be the same then i will get 200000 more. saving up till 2million will take a long time:(
As BC put in, Home game means gate receipts :)

Current Balance: ?748,593
Projected balance at next Update: ?908,448
Lost a bit in transfers, but looking nice. Should hit 1.2+ mill by the end of the season. Then will sell Abdeen for 1.5 mill, and have near 3 mill to buy some decent West Indian batsmen :
I guess every team had only one 20/20 home match

Current Balance: ?528,612
Projected balance at next Update: ?635,168

planning to save up, team looks okay for next season, no trainees to be bought, YPs worth 100 ITs to be sold the 2nd place award in cash, 20/20 gate receipts, all in all, it looks good...
aussie1st said:
I got the 2 :p Just reward for the bad luck I had with my league.

Same here. I verse the guy the manages the Australian national team :eek:
Current Balance: ?459,019
Projected balance at next Update: ?455,919

Buying a player for 2mil hurt me a bit, but two home 20/20 games should bosst me up to near a million, and then all my YP's will be sold next season unless they really are too good to sell.
Current Balance: ?512,837
Projected balance at next Update: ?5,019,751

wondering what to spend it on, going to get a strong F/FM as a temporary measure, might save for a super star, not too sure
Planning to save up,

[B] Balance[/B]

Current Balance: 	?320,220

Projected balance : 	?361,109

Syl said:
Hopefully the 20/20 games bring in a bit more money

I hoped the same, but attendance seems to be too low looking at the today's game. So i guess, not much increase wud happen.

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