Mourinho is arrogant, and I like that about him, its what makes him, him. What I dont like is that baldy Kenyon coming out and saying that they will win everything. He's the little glory hunter who sussed that when Abramovich came to Chelsea and had all this money he could go there on the back of his rep from Man Utd and be successful there because they would win more that his old club. He should keep his nose out of it as it doesnt have much to do with him.
If Owen goes to Man Utd, they will win the title this season, even if he doesnt I still think they are the dark horses, everyone seems to have written them off, I say do it at your peril. Watch out for Tottenham too, they have a very strong looking team, and probably some of the best strikers in the Premiership (Defoe, Keane, Kanoute, Mido)