Football Thread

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Lol, I meant that Russian who could buy Arsenal might turn out to be a nutcase like Malcolm Glazer!
Yeah.....i hate that Russian C***!Bloody Chelsea!But Sol looks like he'll be returning for the match against Everton./Hopefully we can crush them 7-0 like we did late laast year.
It's great to see Sol Back. Even from a Manchester United supporters point of view!
Latest news: Uefa hands Rooney two-match ban

Rooney, 19, was dismissed against Villarreal last week for clapping in referee Kim Milton Nielsen's face after receiving a booking.

But he has been given an extra game after Nielsen also reported that Rooney swore at him as he left the field.

Keep applauding Rooney.
ZexyZahid said:
Latest news: Uefa hands Rooney two-match ban

Rooney, 19, was dismissed against Villarreal last week for clapping in referee Kim Milton Nielsen's face after receiving a booking.

But he has been given an extra game after Nielsen also reported that Rooney swore at him as he left the field.

Keep applauding Rooney.

Jesus , what has this Neilsen guy got against the english?
Loads of players swear at him!!!!! What a gay turd! he's in the same category as Urs Meir the "swiss banker" :mad
ManUnited 1 - 2 Rovers.

Disgusting. If they can't score, its better they dont have any expectations for the EPL title. The way the forwards are playing, i think ManUtd seriously needs to look to convert the chances or it will be too late. Frankly, i am very disappointed to see ManUtd playing like this. They dont deserve to win, if they continue like this. Its a Shame for all ManUtd fans.

Chelsea 2-1 Aston Villa :D

Good work Villa on scoring a goal, but you can't beat us so easy :p

I hope Erikkson keeps his bloody mouth shut now after Lampard scored both goals :mad:
gold639 said:
Chelsea 2-1 Aston Villa :D

Good work Villa on scoring a goal, but you can't beat us so easy :p

I hope Erikkson keeps his bloody mouth shut now after Lampard scored both goals :mad:

Bloody lucky chelski!!! :p

if angle wudnt of wussed out, it wud of been a draw! :mad
Come on United, lets get the season back on track against Benfica at home!
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