Gaelic football

There's a difference between knowing the rules and just knowing what it is and seeing as you didn't explain the rules, I fail to see how your above comment is relevant...

We're not talking about rules. We're talking about the series between Australia and Ireland every season.

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I have mixed feelings about the series, I mean we all like a bit of biff, but I think some of the tackles and fights were outrageous, the scenes two years ago were appalling, the Auzzies went out and kicked lumps out of the Irish, the other thing is that all the crap going on off the ball, players bouncing off each other and shouldering each other for no reason has only come in because the Auzzie guys do it, it's macho and retarded, if it's played in the right spirit it can be a flowing and entertaining game, but it's developed to K1 on grass, and that isn't acceptable.

aus5892: You cannot under any circumstances throw the ball in Gaelic, you must either punch it or kick it, that's one of the main rules of GF
Oh OK, I didn't know that.

It's pretty difficult asking people who play a fairly non-contact sport to come and play a contact sport with people who do it every week. It's not 'macho and retarded,' it's part of our game (except for actual fights), and obviously it's difficult when we're used to more physical contact than we're actually dishing out, not to mention the fact that AFL is professional and AFAIK Gaelic isn't. The Irish seem pretty impressionable though, and it must be said that in that most recent series they came out all guns blazing trying to match us in terms of physicality and when they couldn't hack it they started complaining.
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How can you possibly not like a bit of biff if your either gay, or a soccer fan? Being rough within the rules is a competitive edge against your opponent which can put them on the back foot. Thats why they do it.

But i do agree the fights in the international rules are way over board. Especially that year when Johnson absolutely decked that Irish guy:p

Right, because someone doesn't like biff means they're gay, real mature comment there.

Anyway, I don't mind a bit of biff, but the way Gaelic Football is progressing it's taking the piss, the All-Ireland final is Sunday

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